How do I get a nazi gf

how do I get a nazi gf

Attached: Naziqt314.png (960x757, 828K)

turn up at the local church on sunday?

be 6 ft blonde hair blue eyes

>ask for nazi gf
>tells me how to get a religious gf

get a regular girl and introduce her to nazi shit slowly over time

all girls are impressionable and willing to do and think whatever their man wants them to

>how do I get a nazi gf
>tattooed bitch

Attached: 819.jpg (620x400, 29K)

girls don't care about height
I'm not a nazi, I just want a nazi gf.

Why do neo-nazis get tattoos and do crime etc.? Also why are they typically dumb? I have white nationalist sympathies but let's address the elephant in the room here - the actual natsocs of yesteryear would look down heavily on these people as criminals and morons and probably wouldn't accept them in their ranks.

get into alternative music, goth, metal
the girls are either commies or nazis

what kind of answer is this? so if I like the same kind of music as someone magically the nazis who like it will all appear around me and want to be my gf? that's bs

I'm a single Nazi fembot, add me.

I don't want an internet nazi gf I want a nazi gf

No I didn't mean it like that. But those online communities surrounding that kind of music will have those kinds of girls. Or at the very least less autistic guys that could become your friends and introduce you to those girls. Also, going to shows in real life is pretty fun.

I'm 6'2 with blonde hair and blue eyes, where the fuck is my nazi gf?

so you're telling me how to get an internet nazi gf not a nazi gf. not interested in having an internet gf

Well relocate me then. I'm very Nazi.

No Mr. Stubborn. Find those shows and communities through the internet but look for specifically you area. IRL nazi girls very very often go on the internet a lot and that's how you can find someone close by

stop pestering me I already said no to your suggestions

Just talk to her online then meet up IRL you spastic.

Neo-nazis of today are pretty much the same kind of people who would have been in the SA, the "left wing" of the Nazi ideology. Poor, working class street brawler types. Strasserists.

Those guys got purged hard and got replaced by the upper middle class types who bought into the more scientific aspects of racial superiority like Himmler.

was just tryna help. good luck trying to find a qt nazi just by bumping into her on the street.

nazi girls deserve to be ground to dust

Alright coward suit yourself

nazi is so anti - robot though
why support people who won't understand you?

We could use another night of the long knives to purge the criminal thugs as well members of the so called "alt right".

Attached: altkike.png (1155x962, 601K)

>brown haired mongrel
>burger larping as nazi
checks out

Anyone can be a nationalist socialist. Hell, look at Israel. They're a literal socialized ethnostate.

They're all taken
t. Used to be in the NRM
It's a textbook case of supply/demand. Could rant on about this subject for a while.

>Anyone can be a nationalist socialist.
except people who have had sex

Oh no, you're not bamboozling me again, AFA

Start cooking some meth

They don't exist and even if they do they would high in demand and snatched up really fast. What you need to do is get a low IQ ugly white girl with no skills and also no opinions who will just go along with whatever you think. If you can't then buy a fleshlight