Women are people too. Grow up.
Women are people too. Grow up
But I'm a misanthropist.
All humans are disgusting animals.
Humans are miserable animals unless they use their ability to think and reason setting aside their biological and emotional urges.
This is the exception rather than the rule.
Next you will say blacks are people too.
Women are not people they are pesky cockroaches that need to be eliminated
based & redpiIIed
Women are subhuman soulless primitive insectoids.
They are most certainly not.
Thinking this is why you're here on a Saturday night. The happy people are the ones who let their emotions flow and act upon their animalistic urges without remorse.
>The only way to be happy is to act like a nigger monkey
I want off this ride
Humans are idiots who don't let natural selection run its course among themselves
So you are s as ying true happiness is casting my fear of going to jail aside and slaughtering as many people as I can before the police show up then just blow my brains out in front of the survivors and make sure they are scarred for life
the reddest pill
Yes, and like all other people, they need to have restrictions placed on their behaviour for the benefit of society.
If that's what your instincts tell you to do, then I'm sure such an experience would be the happiest one of your entire life.
I like women.
Literally the gayest thing written on Jow Forums.
See you in court then fucking bitch
Nigga, this is my court. You don't stand a chance.
>There's a blonde girl in my class
I've made a few moves on her, but she rejected me
>no bf and is a virgin
I want to dominate then rape her so bad, but if I did that i'd be nothing more than a nigger
Sad game
women are niggers. Do you consider niggers people? I don't think so
>women are people too
Can you prove that?
We are people too.