Kicked out of a gym

Alright fit listen to this shit, I need some advice. Some gym is pulling some bullshit on my dad

>Be my Dad, early 60’s pretty shredded and lifts weights everyday
>pretty fucking eccentric dude, but chill
>he owns his own business and wears really short shorts almost everyday, it’s just HIS thing
>usually they’re bright and he wears nice casual shirts, p fuckin normal
>family lives in Mississippi, we’re all members of a huge franchise gym
>gym closest to his house doesn’t have an issue with this
>all the employees know him as the guy who wears short shorts, but compliment him on being in retardedly good shape for his age

Here’s where shit gets weird:

>Another gym like 30 minutes away from house, same franchise as his usual gym
>he went there this time because it was near where he was doing business that morning
>People start complaining about his shorts


Attached: ____marine in silkies____.jpg (756x1600, 100K)


>Director of the facility told him he couldn’t come to the gym “dressed in such a way”
>Another patron of the gym called my dad a “pervert”
>Dad gets an attorney to draft him a letter about how this is discrimination on the basis of his gender
>Basically calling out women who wear slutty bullshit to gyms, bras, and extremely short shorts (like super tighter and shorter than anything my pops wears, you know, you’ve seen the shit)

Legally does he have a good chance of fighting this shit? I know that private businesses can kick you out for a lot of reasons, but what about this being discrimination because of his gender?

Pic kind of related


shameless self bump

im confused, cant you just go to another gym that wants your business?

His dick or balls had to have slipped out.

>Report gender discrimination being a man
I'm sorry pal but those shitheads are just going to lmao at him.
If you aren't a woman you aren't taken seriously in those kind of claims, just like people can't be taken seriously when they claim being racially discriminated for being white.
Let us know if he wins the legal issue though

they didn't, I legit asked him

He's the type of dude who will call our local news station and push this shit.

your dads short shorts sound gay af but yeah, i mean if your dad wants to sue he would probably win.


Sorry buddy, men and woman are not equal, just tell your dad to stop dressing like a faggot lmao

thats fucking stupid, so bitches can go to the gym wearing a bra (read: undergarments) with their tits literally popping out but a man cant wear shorts four inches shorter than usual? hooolyy shit

>Legally does he have a good chance of fighting this shit?

trying to sue for discrimination as a white male?
fucking lmao, you're lucky if the cops don't consider this a hate crime and lock him up on the spot lol

you could get the ball rolling and get Jow Forums to help shill the story, it would be funny af to see your dads short shorts all over the internet

Is there any way we can help Jow Forums? i want to personal army this shit because fuck that gym

i dont know if having the support of pol would help or hinder the guy in this current cultural climate

fine, take the L then.

im not OP but yeah idk

>we must go shorter

Attached: boomed.png (521x965, 107K)

So the type the local news makes a joke out of without actually making a joke, before forgetting he exists at all.

Attached: boomedshorter.png (521x965, 99K)

Attached: finalform.png (521x965, 104K)

Depends where you live and how big your lawyer's nose is


>>Another patron of the gym called my dad a “pervert”
>>Dad gets an attorney to draft him a letter about how this is discrimination on the basis of his gender


I think it’s bullshit OP and your dad should do what he’s compelled to do. Dudes need to be able to wear shorts shorter than the bullshit were wearing lately, and I agree I hate women also

Attached: FC2CFD2C-7CEA-429C-A691-FC0F68A3997F.jpg (671x800, 92K)

Oh you legit asked. Okay. that makes things true. Its not like things happen by accident and go unnoticed or are covered up later. But even if they did, its not like you regular asked him, you legit asked him. Thats different, so I understand.

This is hilarious. I hope it works.

wrong reply. meant