Found out step dad has been fucking my 16 year old sister

>found out step dad has been fucking my 16 year old sister
>approach him about it
>he punches me in the mouth, nearly breaks my jaw
>mom is taking his side
>sister is taking his side too because shes getting fucked by him, naturally
>mom telling me to move out by monday or shes gonna get the cops to evict me

who do you rely on when your family betrays you this much??? i have no one

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Tell the police your stepdad is committing statutory rape with your sister.
They upped the ante, you have to as well.

>>mom telling me to move out by monday or shes gonna get the cops to evict me
call the cops first
show them the cold hard evidence you have that your step dad is committing statutory rape

you do have evidence right?

>i have no one
You have no one because you're a fagtard who makes up stupid stories on Jow Forums.

call the police on that pedo to get back at him post results

film it. send one copy to your mom, send one copy to the cops, and keep a copy for fapping.

16 is legal here


i literally heard them fucking

Don't do these. Wait until you can record this. You need solid evidence, otherwise they won't care.
Try and sneak recording some of it and call right after.
ITT: I want to be a cop.

I know this is hypothetical but at least make something that could be fucking credible or at least with more detail
this is just plain gay

apologize, get evidence, report them, if dumb slut mother protests still at this point then leave and go somewhere else. army/air force/apprenticeships etc

This has to be fucking bait, nobody is THIS retarded.

Go ahead and kill them all for turning third backs on you then off yourself to go out like a hero

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Listen here
>Get a job as a night auditor at a place with breakfast
>rent A ROOM, not hard to find and it will be loads cheaper than renting an apartment

There you go faggot, you're good to go.
In the meanwhile rent at a shitty motel.

t.I got kicked out as well a year ago (im 20)

Where do you live? The age of consent might be 16, but an adult fucking a minor, especially when they are in a position of power over them, is usually a big no-no

You going let a guy hit you and do nothing about it?

You know what you have to do

Attached: Sock_Lock_Knocker.jpg (500x327, 37K)

to clarify
>get a job at a hotel with breakfast so that you can eat there
>rent a ROOM (obviously not at the hotel) I mean look for a family that is looking to put their room/basement up for rent.

yikes if true


This. Unless you live in Pakistan or something sex with your underage daughter is illegal irregardless of consent age.

>swing sock around to gain momentum
>fabric stretches to its limit
>lock breaks free
>flies into your forehead
>bad guy is a laffin

i live in georgia theres still laws that say its ok to fuck animals here

This, don't let him get away with assaulting you. You'll be able to rat out him and your whore sister too.

If that's actually true, then publicly ostracize them.
Facebook. Send it to your local news agency. Tell family friends. Anything. Make sure you have proof.

>step dad.
The odds were against you from the beggining.
Honestly , i'd cut them off my life.

this. but cut off stepdad's penis also

You're obviously a sheltered pussy or never stood up for yourself

They hold up fine and you stand in front of the target swinging your arms around like a tard the goal is to incapacitate the guy with the first hit to the side of the head and then beat him till he can't cause you problems in the future

who's the real pussycat that has to use a sock lock to fight a guy

Just punch him, at least have some dignity

They are both sexually attracted to your stepdad.

You are the fool here.

buy a handgun and the next time he touches you blow his fucking balls off

I take it you haven't swallowed the blackpill yet, OP? Human nature is fundamentally bestial. Your family has settled into humanity's natural, preferred mating structure: a higher-value male with a harem of females unrelated to him. The disgusting truth here is that your family aren't the aberrations here. You are. This is all natural. It's the kind of degenerate behaviour civilisation was meant to suppress.

>a woman letting her husband cheat on her with their 16-year-old step daughter

You can keep your dignity in your grave, i rather be alive than honorable.

punch him? why not challenge him to a fencing duel tomorrow at noontime? tis the honorable thing to do

>who do you rely on when your family betrays you this much??? i have no one
god damn that shit is hell,
go to the cops, tell them the story, see if you can crash at someones place, move out and never in your life speak to them again.

It's not about who has the biggest dick it's about handling your business and fixing a problem or the people who cause them

But I guess a basement dweller with the mind of a 13 year old only cares about acting like a macho clown meanwhile his mummy buys him tendies

sneak up on him in his sleep
you have little to lose, and if you're an autistic fuck who can't last on his own a little prison time will do you good.

I'd probably kill my family big I were you, but I'm a loser with a massive ego

Charge him with assault. Move out cut off all contact with mom and sis

you don't seem to realize that your sister is a slut and your mom is a whore, they probably having a 3 some right now

unfortunately this is not a rare scenario, this is probably real

If you can't do nothing legally, tell EVERYONE one every social media, tell your frens, tell your sisters frens, your grandfathers, etc ruin their lifes. That kind of people arent your family.

Kill them, they are literally ruining your name and you family name, it is your duty to preserve your honor.

t. Arab poster.

yes and if this user assaults him with an improvised weapon how do you think that will look to the police?

the best course of action is to put CP on this guys phone /computer. heck if user finds nudes of sister he can fuck his step dad with it

The wife gets beaten up probably.

Fuck man. Best go to the DA and file assault charges. May as well say he's been sharing pictures and videos of them fucking.

you know it's possible to make choices that allow you to avoid being in a situation where you need to fight a guy with a lock in a sock in the first place.

wait until you have moved out then call them out and shame them publicly on all social media, make sure your entire extended family knows, make sure stepdads family knows.

And if you feel really edgy get a ski mask and put it on and wait in the parking of his workplace and beat the shit out of him with a bat. After you have moved out of course, and wait a bit of time too, really plan it out.

put a hidden camera in the room where they fuck and then leak it online next time they bang. Make sure your whole family sees it.

I would probably just take a knife and kill them all in their sleep, not like I'd have much to lose.

>move out
>get buff
>get comfortable(wealth wise)
>every time you visit call him a faggot and pussy
>he hits you
>beat his ass and call the cops
>press charges and get that pussy sent to prison
Fucker likes to act tough, im sure hes actaully just another major power hungry pussy who punches down instead of up.
Honestly just take a few hits and call the cops but make sure you're going there for a reason
>build a good relationship with your mom
>barrow stuff with a legitament reason and return it.
Any exuse to visit so you can piss him off and you'll be scott free when you press charges for him assaulting you.

Thats cp user. He'll get in the most trouble

This is pretty good really

No, user said legal age is 16 where he is.

Even if they're legal to fuck porn of them is still ilegal.

He said he lives in georgia, no matter what his states laws on consent are, filming any sexual act of someone under the age of 18 is cp in the united states.

And how the fuck are the police going to find out?
Stop watching csi only retards who act in the moment get caught most people who plan ahead get away just compare the number of murder charges to the number of missing persons cases


wow really? Man America is weird, its okay to fuck 16 year olds but you better not film it? What is the logic here?

To be clear I'm not saying kill all three of them I'm saying beat his ass while no one else is around

If you come up behind him and KO him first hit even he won't know for sure

I think the same rules apply to europe aswell.

when a man punches you in the jaw the correct response is always to punch him back

what did it sound like. this IS important

I'm jelly of OP's stepdad.
But aren't guys who enter relationships with women who birthed other men's offspring supposed to be betas?

People are so mindboggling. I can't date women who would be socially acceptable, how can other men fuck their wives' daughter with them knowing everything and still be defended? At what point does this guy even go for a kiss without the girl screaming "rape!" on him?

based and redpilled sandnigger

white knight destroyed, nice

Don't take shit from anyone, OP. Any time you do, you let yourself be kicked down into a lesser position of self-respect.

If I were you, I would calmly inform (or re-inform) your mother of what is going on, and then tell her she has the option to have some respect for herself and separate from her husband, or never hear from me again. I would mean every word; some afterthought marriage means that much to your mother than her own children? Perish the thought.

Upon any refusal, I would then state that I no longer consider her or any of her associated family a part of mine, and remove myself from the premises, never to speak to them again. I would have bags ready for this, and probably some time after this in case a 160 occurs.

People like that are a cancer on this society. Everyone knows cravings and inclinations exist, but it's the people who master (not 'deny') them that are worth including in your life. Ultimately, know that your family is brainwashed by this cur. They can't be trusted to be objective, so to avoid your life being impacted, either they must make adjustments, or you must.

Who would win, a big burly man getting underage pussy or one knight's honor

>cucked out of his mother
>cucked out of his sister
>cucked out of his home

You can't just kick your 16 year old child out of the house.

Call the police and report that your step father hit you, done. Report anything he does to child protective services and you and your sister get put in a foster care while he goes to jail

>mom lets husband fuck her daughter and assault her son
Stupid b8. But if it were true, board up the doors and light the house on fire.

Holy shit the amount of autistic thoughts in this thread is amazing. Thanks Americans for proving your mental level once again. save your family's reputation by telling everyone there is incest going on and then lurk your stepdad and give him concussions with a lock. Jesus fuck you guys are irredeemable it's obvious that he would be the bad guy in this Story.

also did noone consider that op is a retard because he only thinks he "heard" them fuck. stupid sperg

wow an actual good answer, this user wins this thread.

If you were gonna do this, make it look like a robbery or something. It can't look like assault because otherwise they would immediately suspect OP.

If your jaw is damaged you can eventually start saying he beated you.

>Tags: milf, oyakodon, netorare, mindbreak

incest is still illegal in most states so yeah, i guess you win in that department.

>Step dad
not incest

same thing happened to me minus being stupid enough to confront them about it and thus all the shit you have to deal with
what the fuck did you think was going to happen?

Not technically, but it could still be illegal.

Take pictures of your jaw user. Then show that he assaulted you and press charges, then tell fuck you to your mom and sister and leave to go find a job. They'll be completely devastated especially your roastie whore sister.

oh yeah fuck

I suppose that's true

i doubt it started with a kiss user

shall we, fuckin', dox the shit out of his parents? lel

But that's wrong beastiality is a misdemeanor in Georgia. The only reason it isn't higher is because it's too hard to actually pin somebody with it unless you catch em in the act

Isn't incest illegal in the US? IIRC some guy got arrested in Virginia for fucking his daughter and then they both killed themselves. Or something like that.

Nevermind, I misread at "stepdad"

was the daughter hot

She was hapa, her dad was white. Apparently they had a baby together

Kill them.
Light the house on fire and escape before commiting suicide by cop since they will track you down.


Move out and disown them.

he still mc.fucking nearly broke ur jaw.
And his prints would be on your jaw as evidence

this is not all that uncommon individually (letting daughter get fucked/letting children get assaulted) so its not impossible to think they can happen together

>knuckle prints

That can't be true

is copypasta
older than the dinosaurs

If you record it you'll be arrested for possession of child porn user, you retard.

What the actual fuck dude
You tried to save your sister from that cunt

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Age of consent is raised to 18 if the older individual is in a position of power over the victim like, say, their parent.
Incest is also a crime, regardless of whether you're related by blood or marriage.
Assault, you know, punching your stepson in the jaw, is also a crime.

If you've got any evidence in the slightest he's completely fucked. If you don't then I'd suggest going to talk to your sis all in tears about how your don't want to leave with a phone recording from your pocket and try to trick her into admitting it. That'd be enough to get the police interested.

So he hit you. And you haven't killed him in his sleep yet? what do you mean by this ,user?

I was in similar position. Slept in some nasty bars and night cafes. You can only rely on yourself. That's actually a great life lesson, the bad thing is that you had to learn it in such a cruel way. Anyway, don't give up buddy, and you'll be fine.

>I take it you haven't swallowed the blackpill yet, OP? Human nature is fundamentally bestial. Your family has settled into humanity's natural, preferred mating structure: a higher-value male with a harem of females unrelated to him. The disgusting truth here is that your family aren't the aberrations here. You are. This is all natural. It's the kind of degenerate behaviour civilisation was meant to suppress.
user's only option is to flee the pride before the new male rips his throat out to induce ovulation in the harem, or murder the invading alpha and take his place within the females' vagine.