What would robots do if they had a remote like from the movie Click?

What would robots do if they had a remote like from the movie Click?
One that doesn't malfunction like in the film. It works perfectly fine.

Id move to Japan and use the language change option. Find a qt Japanese girl and make money off being a translator for major companies.

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What does the remote do again?

Universal remote, but for real life. Pause, fastforward, rewind, subtitles, skip, scene select, pretty much you can control life as if it were a movie.

Some say it was Sandler's last good movie. I actually kinda liked it.

Use it to turn life off.

Travel back to the happiest moment of my life and have it on a constant loop

>pause time

When was that, user? Time for some feels.

How did I know this would be one of you sorry fuck's answers? Lmfao

I would fart in David Hasselhoffs face for 2-3 minutes.
>I'm so fucking creative

I'd just press rewind and break the device.

Youd probably give the old fuck a heart attack.

[Spoiler]I get it though. Ha-ha movie scene funny[/spoiler]

Probably the worst way to die user.


Wow. The spoiler didnt work because I capitalized the S. Thanks Jow Forums. Such a high tech website.

just fast forward to my death

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Oi fren, this is what you get, for watching jew produktion and Adam Sandler jokes.

I would go back in time to kill myself in 30.12.1999

It was when I had my first gay sex experience. I was 12 and he was 30... I loved it

The answers easy, travel back in time, buy bitcoin and live a happy neet life with no worrys

>does it wrong
>blames the website
Sorry newfren, lurk moar.

what would robots do if they had a gun?

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Fast forward until the universe ends

Pause and gather an assortment of people
brainwash them to live in a recreation of oakvale from fable live out remainder of days as a blacksmith.

Rewind to the beginning of mankind, find Mitochondrial Eve and make all of you my descendants.

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I would pause and play with boobs and vajay

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I would do some nefarious shit to be honest

Im sorry I asked. Jesus.

Use it to relive the good memories I had before I got stuck in this hell hole called R9K

We already know what would happen. Lelliot spelled it out for us.

I would pause and just explore peoples lives. Go into their homes and see what they are up to. Id try to figure them out from what was around their house.

I would definitely go to restaurants and bakerys and after pausing time eat all the food.

Study and fast forward time so I can do it without feeling as drained.

Run in slow motion to make my technique absolutely perfect.

Go to France and speak their language to the cuties.

Steal shit of course.

You could live a whole life just drifting along. Eating at fancy places and sleeping in cozy beds all while paused. You could take a car and if you ever get pulled over just pause time and get out of there and grab a new one. As long as the cops never saw your face they wouldnt know you were dangerous and should be stopped on sight. I guess they could see the trail of stolen vehicles but it would take a ridiculous amount of information to connect that to my identity. I could always go to some government building and fake a new identity with a new ID card.

What a fucking amazing anwer. Holy shit. Thats cool.

>pause world
Sniff a lot of prime teen, college and milf ass
Jerk off while doing it and jizz in policemans faces just for the chaos of it. I love our boys in blue btw.
And suck on a lot of tittys of all kinds.

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I'd sock sarah silverman in the face like 10 times then pee on her face then pause the world

Youd short circuit it from jizzing on the remote too much.

>Not hate-fucking Sarah Silverman.

Missed opportunity.

Can't happen when im slingin my yogurt loads in the faces of authority

I'll become IRL Stopman. I wont limit myself to raping women though, I'll do other shit as well.

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That's fucking gay! An incredibly powerful device like that and that's seriously the best you could come up with??
I'm extremely disappointed in you OP

Like what? Let your creativity fly, user.

Dude I would'nt fuck something that makes cavemen look feminine

What can I say? I enjoy life. Id do other shit of course. But its situational. Whats wrong with living my dream life?

I wouldlike to rewind and re-enact a day like that movie Groundhog Day for laughs. I could potentially get or do anything I want as long as I dont actually kill myself this way.

Alternatively I could be a shitter like Adam Sandler in that movie 50 first dates, except not as retarded.

this is the saddest dick ive ever seen

Rewind. Fix my mistakes.
Basic stuff.

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>tape fast forward and skip chapter buttons down
>close my eyes and wait for sweet death
I don't even want to go back and fix things or win the lottery or fuck hot bitches with it. I just want it all to be over.

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Thanks. It's mine. It's flaccid