Damn... this is powerful

Damn... this is powerful.

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People that think using their keys like they're wolverine are retarded.

Bitch, stop me


*proceeds to ride dick until hits wall*

cucked shit.

Gunnerkrig Court?

>afraid of being out at night
>probably supports political movements that are for more lenience for criminals (even violent), probably sympathetic to cities which harbor illegals (even those who have commited crime besides illegal immigrating) and is probably openly supportive of mass immigration of men who would spit on/attack her in the street for being dressed like a whore


>It's not your to take

Yeah, that's why rape exists

Get a gun bitch., better yet say home till your daddy gives you away.


Oh no, an angry woman!

Attached: woman in miltary.jpg (1860x1880, 1.37M)

Attached: woman in miltary 2.jpg (3056x3483, 3.27M)

I know this post is bait, but yikes. Whoever made this comic seriously needs to neck her/xirself.

Conservatives teach their kids not to rape, and arm their daughters. Libs teach their kids sex with strangers is ok, and that women can't have guns.

Attached: blaha snap.jpg (569x687, 198K)

Women are retarded

sure is fitness in here

Shit that sounds like a good platoon commander. Mad props.

>bunch of open seats
>Sit right next to the guy then complain he is taking too much space
At least the comic is accurate

cringy as fuck
she right though, she does hold the universe, in her pusseyy

>Get a gun bitch.

Gunowner here.

You still need to hit the gym to handle a handgun. That is why most girls won't go higher than a .38spl. A 22lr is more effective for thinkers and it is know to actually kill people.

Lmao those digits
Key hiz bawls ms wolverine clawz

I legit audibly laughed when i got to that part

Noticed the same thing.


True studies say 22lr is fine because around 80% of the time once you start shooting the criminal will run

and the 1/5 times that they don't......

Getting in a confrontation where you have to draw a gun is already so rare, in comparison 1 in 5 doesn't seem so unlikely. Unless you can rely on delivering a few to the dome in a tense situation possibly while being under fire yourself, you aren't safe. There is no reason to not go with something more powerful and just training to be proficient with it.

>250lbs dindu only wants to friendly-rape you
>hit him with keys or kick his balls
>dindu is now very mad

this is your brain on feminism, you either incapacitate the target entirely with a taser/knife/gun, or you don't

It’s her choice!

Personally I stick with a 9mm hollow point rounds. Less likely to go through a wall, more likely to bleed out an attacker in seconds, and the Shield 9mm is thin enough that even a woman could CC without feeling encumbered sitting down.

Please tell me this is an ironic cringe meme

Go to the tumblr cited in the image maybe you can find out

When will this stupid key meme stop? All she's going to achieve with that is cutting the shit out of her palm.

Oh yeah, I'm not saying 9mm isn't sufficient, I'm just saying there is no real reason to go with 22lr. Better than nothing for sure, but if you're carrying I don't see any reason to not be packing more heat than a 22.

having one key poking out with something like a small keychain hidden in your hand and stabilizing it actually works pretty well. What she does in this comic is retarded.

Is this nike's next ad campaign?

Who is she talking to?
Who is teaching women to fend off rapists with anything but a handgun?
Why is she walking home if it's not safe?

>you were never taught not to attack
Where do women get these lies? “Don’t you go attacking the women” is like an omnipresent rule. Does this chick think she lives in Hobbs’s State of Nature?
Of course, the whole strip turns into a threat and a car crash, since nobody taught her not to retaliate either, and I don’t see her actually brutalising any rapists IRL.
In fact, someone saying something to her on the street wouldn’t bother her remotely if she wasn’t a tiny frightened child inside, incapable of actually doing anything about it.
This whole thing is a fanfare for pathetic.

>I hold my keys like a sword.

>I will end up childless and alone

>Why is she walking home if it's not safe
Ugh, victim shaming much? Instead of telling woman not to walk alone in a hoods dark alleys dressed like sluts, how about you tell the upper class white boys who hang around in them not to rape woman?

Single women and lesbian couples can adopt now

Why has the author drawn herself in athletic clothing
Why has the author drawn herself with ideal proportions
Why does the author think that because she has a tumblr following that "violence in her chest" and car key claws make her intimidating

I hope she gets Dnepropetrovsk'd

>upper class white boys

I see what you did there.

Damn... this is a powerful addition to my cringe compilation

So she got raped, right?

No this is in response to manspreading

So how long before this thread gets purged do you guys think?

When did people call themselves towering or infinite?

Manspreading is 2015
I love letting my balls air out, but manlaying is where it's at now


>if an illegal rapes and murders someone she'll be the first to post "stop being bigoted! clearly the problem is MEN not illegals!" and unironically not be able to understand her own hypocrisy

My sister has illegal knuckles like these and she wears them when she's alone and walking. A guy stopped her on the street after catcalling her and she just punched him on the face with them immediately and kept swinging until he ran away.

I don't know, she might have taken an eye or something, lol. Basically don't fuck with random women because they're scared and some of them aren't doing the meme shit with the keys.

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Got to make room for another high test or dicklet thread

Be a feminist it'll get you laid

yeah, but only black kids are put up for adoption so ...

this is too well made to be satire.
good moment to remind everyone that
>self inserting into comics is almost always a sign of mental illnes or extreme cope / escapism

i am a lineman for the countyyyyyyy

and i drive the main rooaaddddd

searchin in the sun for anotherrrr overloaaaaaddddd

ozarks is a great show

>seek and lash out at strangers who have personally done nothing to you, possibly in a violent way maybe even on public transport, for being part of a group you once felt oppressed by because of your own personal problems which you have now overcome and so now hold no relation to you at all
What did she mean by this?

guns should be legal for women only, at least in Europe. That's because
1)women have no other way of defending against men
2)it's VERY rare for women to commit violent crime
3)there's an influx of dindu hordes that think that life in Europe is just like life in Afghanistan

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Tell your sister shes going to get shot for that kind of crap eventually. There are guys packing heat scary enough to fight back through that and they’re definitly the ones catcalling.

Fuck me, I laff'd

I don't think there's a reasonable way to enforce that though. Thots would just become gun-runners for their gangbanger boyfriends.

Something has to be done.
Even if some men have guns, that's still better than being completely defenceless.
It's seriously retarded to import so many male low-lives and do nothing about gun laws

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>Today, on "Things that never happened", user tells us....
I'd love to see stupid hoes really taking that advice to heart and hit someone with those wolverine keys; the sound of delicate feminine broken or dislocated metacarpian bones must be like a symphony

This is why it is so difficult to approach women nowadays. They all have this weird chip on their shoulder for no reason. You would think they would be flattered that guys find them attractive but no.

Dude, if someone shoots even with a bb gun, you at least have to fall back and regroup.

The only males in europe who currently have guns are the criminals though. (most) Women aren't going to want to carry anyway.

I don't think guns are bad necessarily, but if you're living in a society with very low amounts of guns, it's not wise to increase that number, as proliferation of guns mostly just results in a higher amount ending in criminal hands.

You can look to denmark or sweden as examples of countries that used to have almost no gun crime, but is becoming more and more violent as immigrant gangs import firearms

>but is becoming more and more violent as immigrant gangs import firearms
yes, exactly
and lawful citizens can't do shit if they want to defend themselves, especially when it comes to women
Guns should be given to people who need them, and it should also be made legal to stand your ground

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Yeah, it was so subtle I almost missed it

Military bros, it's clear that human standards for combat training have gone to shit even in the hallowed special forces. How feasible is it that we are able to maintain military hegemony through technological superiority alone?