Why do a gallon a milk a day when you can do a gallon of ice cream mix a day instead?

Why do a gallon a milk a day when you can do a gallon of ice cream mix a day instead?

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>p-post nutritional info

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This, do it.

Not OP but I looked it up. It's mostly sugar.

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Not OP, but I went and found the nutrition facts for this exact bottle.

In one gallon, there are 5,760 calories, 128 grams of protein.

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Sounds pretty healthy


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Rich Piana said I should be eating 8k-9k calories a day, so looks like I'm adding this to the menu. GOICMAD.

>19g sugar in 91g
>'''mostly''' sugar

>768 grams of sugar a day

>1 serving

When will you unitlets learn?

typical yank


whole milk is 5g sugar per 100g

WTF is ice cream mix? Are you supposed to freeze it?

I imagine you put it into an ice cream maker, although I've never heard of this stuff before

I saw $500 ice cream makers being sold on one of those home shopping channels the other day. Imagine the kind of lardass that eats so much ice cream that that would be a good investment.

The fuck? When I was smol we made ice cream makers from some cans and shit for free, of course it had no power and we used to toss it around like a footbal and play with it until the ice cream was ready but a motor can't be 500$

>not drinking custard

those are the high end models that don't require you to freeze the bowl before hand and allow you to make multiple batches in a row. a regular ice cream machine is like 50 bucks

>Imagine the kind of lardass that eats so much ice cream that that would be a good investment.
aka the average amerifat