What's something that genuinely unsettles you?

what's something that genuinely unsettles you?

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Playing retro games or flash games late at night. I can't sleep after playing them. Something about the noises I think or just general vibe.

Cave crawling. This shit gives me anxiety.

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Retro games? Bro I'm a /vr/fag and I can't imagine how retro games can possibly scare you. Is this what it's like to be a zoomer.

watching people doing dangerous things, knowing there are evil people lurking all over the place just seeking to cause harm to others, thinking about kids in dangerous situations around predators.

The fact that literally every single friend/family/peripheral bystanders has had at least one relationship with a member of the opposite sex but no matter how hard I try I can't make it happen for me.

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How similar people look.
Every woman looks the same as the others. Every man looks the same as the others. Like they're clones.

>thinking about kids in dangerous situations around predators
I've never really cared about 3D people before. 2D hits me harder when I read or see shit happening to kids or mainly young girls.
For some reason I don't care about boys, but if a girl gets her shit fucked up i'll become depressed and shit.


Just wondering how painful it could get, when you will actually die, what happens next, etc

Yeah I'm 100% not gonna be ready to die

Even the neet that just hangs around the college campus cafe managed to land a gf

holy shit i thought i was alone. isn't it uncanny. makes me sick

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This is why SENS needs more funding.

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>Being alone in a poorly lit/unlit indoor area (far less afraid of outside)
>How two-faced people are, and how they act kindly to your face, only to be wicked underneath
>How fast time moves and how short life seems, especially when relating to youth. I often calculate people's ages in my mind, and it feels like people just rapidly fade in and out of existence, and you are young for barely any time at all
>how, beneath all of society's facades, we are still a very cutthroat, somewhat darwinistic society, and how I often just don't match up
>how there are some fights you just cannot win

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What part of the world do you live in? I have trouble thinking of people who look alike. Are you 'face blind'?

I'm kinda hopping that death just hits me at random. Like in my sleep or something.

Thankfully our bodies are made to force us to pass out from too much pain, so it actually shouldn't be that bad.

The biggest fear in death is not knowing what happens afterwards. Death is complex because we don't fully understand what reality is. What will happen once the universe reaches a point where no new life can be created?

It's horrifying really.
The USA. I don't mean that they look exactly the same, but they are like 75% perfect copies. Mainly the 20 - 35 year olds. Go to a bar, a club, university. Everyone has the same haircut, the same kind of clothing, the same mannerisms, the same phones, the same glasses, the same facial hair styling.

Yeah, I'm not as worried as dying itself but just not knowing what's next. I would like to know so I don't have to be as unsettled and try and ignore it

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I'm 19 yrs old khhv but the fact that the wave of REAL problems is coming (diseases, aging, personal economy, independence etc) and I already feel finished. Fuck the tfw no gf, that is just the tip of the iceberg really.

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Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah it can be a bit odd. Inspires one to be more creative with their wardrobe though. Always a silver lining.

(there's probably some argument about how conformity is ingrained into our psyche by evolution so we better fit in and have a higher chance of reproduction, as opposed to venturing out and looking different or being alone and thus decreasing your chances, but I'm not an evolutionary biologist)

It's best of humanity didn't know. If we found out something really great happens after death then there'd be no incentive for anyone to stay alive now.

The size of the universe... The fact that there are things going on right now outside of our planet that we can't even fathom. Our whole planet is unsafe too as there are chances for asteroids and the sort to hit us at any time and we wouldn't be able to detect it, not to mention the possibility of extraterrestrial life killing us off,etc

Unironically and originally this gif.

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The dark. I hated sleeping in my old room as a kid cause it a huge curtain less window adjacent to my bed that always left me staring into the pitch black darkness of my backyard. I use to be afraid there was something or someone observing me that I couldn't see

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If it was proved without a doubt that this was a simulation and we simply 'woke up' after dieing I would 100% end myself on the spot.

Beef flaps on a woman's reproductive organ.


Large things
>Pictures of the planet Jupiter make me nervous especially as I think of its size
>When I saw this ring of tree trunk from a Californa redwood tree it made me feel anxious and uneasy
>Thinking of large boats/planes makes me feel uneasy

I think I have autism.

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>The fact that there are things going on right now outside of our planet that we can't even fathom
Or the fact there's things going on right now that we'll never even be able to observe or reach even at the speed of light.

Or the light we see from other galaxies is millions of years old, meaning there could actually be absolutely nothing there right now.

It gives me a sense of incredible isolation.

This was kinda scary until I realized it was from Terra Formars, then I laughed

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Oh also the fact that in several billion years any space faring civilization will think the universe is only just our super cluster of galaxies because dark energy will push the galaxies so far apart you wont be able to see them anymore.

We actually live in a very interesting AND EARLY time in our universe's life cycle. I'm not surprised we haven't seen intelligent life yet, the universe is only like what something like 15 billion years old and will go on for a couple hundred/thousand more? We exist near the beginning of the universe so the fermiparadox is kind of unsettling to think about. Especially the fact that we may be one of the first species to achieve a space faring society.

The fact that the universe will one day die, and everything you have ever known will be gone for all eternity

I know it's stupid but:
>Be me
>Be very tall
>Taller than most people
>Get praise from peers and teachers for being tall from kindergarten to high-school
>Never really get much praise for anything I do
>Strangers also point out my height
>Act like it's an accomplishment I did
>Feels like this my only key to validation or people telling me I'm good
>See someone who is actually taller than me
>Feel like my throne has been usurped
>Turn 21
>I'm never going to get any taller
>My cartilage will gradually wither away and I will be a completely different person
>My therapist, who is one of the only people, besides my parents, that I talk to on a regular basis, still makes passing jokes about my height
>Correction: He makes the same joke every session about how I almost (never) hit my head on the door frame
>Shrug it off at first
>Overtime, his repetitive joke gives me this subconscious feeling that this is all I am and nothing else and I will only get worse
I swear to fucking God, I want to just throw a chair at my therapist's stupid fucking face for making me feel this way. I'm so sick of people patronizing for something I clearly had no say in, especially when it's nothing of value and it's going to disappear years from now.

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It's better that the universe dies. Otherwise it would be possible to torture someone forever with the right technology. That's the thing that unsettles me the most.

i fucking hate this picture, cursed af.

The fact that I haven't been able to prove to myself that I'm not a Boltzmann brain. When I get high this thought always enters my mind and I can't ignore it

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Oh god why before bed? Now I'm having anxiety. Whenever I think about this I feel so small and it's almost like I feel all the space around me suffocating me. We're sitting on a tiny rock that's traveling fast as fuck and people say we can't feel it? Thinking about it makes me feel it. I want off!

It's okay user, let the gravity just hold you down and relax you. When you go to bed and feel your blanket on you just know it's the Earth holding you and keeping you safe from the emptiness of space. You're going to be okay user.

Not that user, but that does sound pretty comforting.

I bet you haven't tried at all

It feels like the planets are strange rocks floating around, but really they are more fundamental. You want to be in the vacuum of empty space where you will freeze to death and explode from the internal pressure of your body? That's all that's out there except stars, which will incinerate you in an instant

Planets are nice and comfy, we're objectively in the most hospitable and safe place we've yet discovered in the observable universe, so relax and be happy user that we've lucky enough to have evolved here instead of on a hellhole

>For some reason I don't care about boys, but if a girl gets her shit fucked up i'll become depressed and shit.
I see a lot of people say this, I never understood it. I've always felt worse for guys, to the point I feel bad about how much more I feel bad for them than for females. Something bad happens to a female, in a story or real life, it just feels like when an unimportant NPC in a videogame dies. I couldn't care less. But when a dude gets fucked up, it makes me feel all kinds of bad.

I actually can't tell people apart just from their faces or voice, even in my family. There are like 9-10 "face types" I see, and beyond that the differences are so tiny I can't see them.

They're the biological equivalent of hellspawn wartanks and they're absolutely everywhere. There are supposedly ~10 QUINTILLION insects alive compared to our 7 or whatever it is now billion.

The fact that they're so tiny is relieving, but to me it feels like they're a reminder that absolute madness is always on the periphery. The devil is in the details after all. This is truly a bug's world.

>>Something bad happens to a female, in a story or real life, it just feels like when an unimportant NPC in a videogame dies. I couldn't care less. But when a dude gets fucked up, it makes me feel all kinds of bad.

I wouldn't have guessed other people felt the same way. It's just weird, don't know why I feel that way.
What you said is accurate, it's just like a random npc dying in gta or something. I just don't care. Real life or not.

But the feels hit me hard if something happens to a girl.

>But the feels hit me hard if something happens to a girl.
forgot to add, it only affects me if its like in a manga/doujin or anime, games etc. Don't care about little girls in real life being abused or anything.
it's pretty fucked to think this way desu.

Ants because 1-10 mlion per colony and the idea of viatnamese soldiers burying me in one and leaving me to die is scary.

Wasps/Hornets/Bees because they're larger, angrier, flying ants

Thanks friend. Indeed this is what comforts me. It's come to the point where I believe we really do belong on this planet... there is something metaphysical about it, or perhaps not, though it is still true. I never want to leave this Earth since it is all we know. Scientifically speaking we were evolved for it of course but I still think there's more to it. There is all a harmony-for example the sun provides us energy, our moon and planets like Jupiter provide us security from threatening celestial objects, etc. I only wonder if it's all material or if there is a conscious effort at play. Regardless this is not forever. Eventually something will go wrong as it has in the past. Maybe we anger our system or maybe it's sheer chance but it will all end for us sooner or later, and that's okay right? Because we are all in the end a part of the grand scenario. The atoms which make up our bodies will live on and perhaps they will go on to create more organic matter, maybe something more worthwhile, though it all seems pointless anyhow..

WOW, that is a mindfuck. This is a planet of insects and we are just a sort of strange temporary colonizer who will no doubt go extinct long before the humble beetle

Nah yeah I understood. For example, I could read Shindol: Emergence all the way through without a problem, and it took me a long time to understand why it bothered people so much. Yet another doujin involving a class of girls all NTRing their boyfriends or crushes to sleep with the class chad made me feel like total shit.

talk to your therapist about your napoleon complex

Emergence got me good the first time I read it.
Stopped caring after I realised that she turned into a roastie. Still a fucked up doujin none the less though.

you eventually just get desensitised to the stuff the more you think about it, or view it.

Not a fan of rape either if its a girl in doujin. shota is fine and all.
There were a few that made me rethink the way i view the world too though.

Large groups of white guys. Feels like they are always planning something malicious

Jojo Siwa, it's really weird since my younger cousins seem to understand what she's saying. Is her voice really at a frequency only little kids can hear?

Both the thought of finite life and infinite life terrify me, at least in the sense presented in christian theology. On one hand, living for an infinitesimal fraction of eternity is horrifying and depressing. But on the other hand, the thought of spending an eternity in a world with nothing but other people and a god sounds maddening. When i was about 6-7 I cried myself to sleep one night while scared of such an unimaginable existence. I don't really believe in heaven or hell anymore, but those two simple concepts still scare me. Also, the fact that self-aware, sentient creatures most likely exist on our planet hidden from us makes it hard to sleep at night. To assume that we are the dominant creature on the planet just because we feel like we are is so naive.

Its easy to understand her if you listen to mumble rap alot

when I wake up in the morning and slowly remember who I am and that I haven't died in my sleep

>white noise, pitch black, ringing in complete silence, satanist rituals, gas streetlights, radio/tv static

>Ringing in complete silence?

You got tinnitus?

Maybe you should move out of china

I used to have a similar gif saved that had a hairy grinning demon puppet thing in the center frame, looking downward at the viewer. Does anybody know the one I mean?

Not him, but I have trouble telling the difference between most ethnicities besides really dark brown, Ethiopian niggers, and pure gingers. Seeing a crowd of people looks like someone Ctrl C'd a bunch of mannequins.

I probably do my nigga. This shit has happened since I was little though so idk

The realization you are all in my head. It bothers me how creative I can be without realizing.

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Yea you do. Moms or dad or whoever mightve screamed when your ear at some point. Sorry bro

your mum

nigger robot

We are all in your head and that shouldn't bother you. You need to wake up. It's been 6 years.

Just looking at this damn near gave me an anxiety attack

>Unironically a solipsist
What are you, sixteen with remarried parents?

You should be aware that you can't imagine things above your brain level. If you have learned stuff from others or heard someone smarter than you, he can't be from your imagination.

who the fuck would do that and why

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I know what sleep feels like and you arent apart of that. Maybe im not so creative, kind of assumed you'd meme.
No. Im not that. But you already knew that really, didnt you.
Trying to convince me of things? I have forgotten many things, I have not forgotten that. Feel free to remind me of the things I cannot remember and pass them off as your own thoughts. Its nothing new to me.

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Please don't let's derail this thread with some delusional larper.

Trying to imagine what death it's like and then realizing I'll someday die.

Also, big astronomical-tier objects like those Yeti Productions videos of The moon at ISS distance would kill me of a heart attack.

>you are now as mute as the guy who died in there

Lmaoing at your life. You don't seem High IQ just paranoic.

You couldnt have this conversation without me anyway. Mind as well accept it.
Why would I need to be high IQ? Youre pretty basic arent you?

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Well, death would be painful in most scenarios. It's what happens after that makes us curious. How does it feel to have your body shut down? Do you even feel it at all? After that, well, depends on belief, but provided you don't believe in the afterlife then it's just nothing, or rather, everything ceases.

I don't fear getting shot, stabbed or burned alive. Those are things I can imagine. But what the fuck does being dead feel like, that's what triggers me.

The universe is a big and empty place.

What gets me about death is that hardly anyone gets to prepare for it. Almost everyone is going about their lives normally, probably doing the same boring mundane shit, all the way up until the point where they die. They never get to savor the small things, or know when was truly the last time they did something before their death.
I think about all the people that have been in freak accidents, murdered, etc. and how they all probably had some boring morning routine just like I do, and they went about it thinking days, weeks, months, and years into the future, not knowing that that day would be the last time that they get to experience anything. No parting gifts or last words. Just normal day. Then, boom, nothing. Forever.

Inability to recognize faces is a symptom of autism.

the state of the economy

Ignore the basic manifestations of your manifested subconscious.

Why would you suggest I do that?

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I sometimes have dream about waking up in my room and feeling an urge to turn on lights, but no matter how much I try they never turn on. For some reason a thought of being completely alone in dark without any source of light terrifies me.

>How fast time moves and how short life seems, especially when relating to youth. I often calculate people's ages in my mind, and it feels like people just rapidly fade in and out of existence, and you are young for barely any time at all

This has been haunting me every single day. Ever since I got off of drugs a year ago it has gotten worse.

I'm 28 now and have a gf and it still hasn't gotten any better. I fantasize about killing myself but it seems so pointless because life will be over so quickly anyway.

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finally, someone else who worries about this as much as me.

user, I've had this thought so much, holy shit thank you for saying this and thank you user for replying to it so I could see it:
Sometimes when I get really stuck in a deep hole this thought enters my mind, and the heat death of the universe is actually a really comforting thought, the ONE rope you can hold on to in order to tell yourself that some day the pain will all be over. And you know it will be. It's comforting, oddly, and this thought can ALWAYS get you through any long dark night. Some day it will all be over, in fact the entire universe is experiencing the same existence crisis as we are

We live our lives and worry about death, but why? The universe worries too, through us. It's okay. We're all going through the same thing. It's natural and it's okay

I love you universe, and you're slowly starting to understand yourself as sentient beings evolve to exist within you, and it's going to be okay. Death will reach me before it reaches you, but if it were possible then I would gladly embrace you with open arms as an old friend I once spent time with, if I were anything to you, that is. I'd like to think I am. I love you, universe, and it's going to be okay. I tell myself this.

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my face in the mirror

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I've got tinnitus, if it gets worse I'll an hero.

Very depressing I'll never experience silence again.

Don't give up hope and DON'T kill yourself especially if you're young. There are legitimately promising treatments out that that aim to re-grow the damaged nerves in the ear canal so that they no longer send erroneous sound signals to the brain. This is a purely physical ailment and there's nothing stopping physical cures

Don't worry user, have hope

>I love you universe, and you're slowly starting to understand yourself as sentient beings evolve to exist within you, and it's going to be okay. Death will reach me before it reaches you, but if it were possible then I would gladly embrace you with open arms as an old friend I once spent time with, if I were anything to you, that is. I'd like to think I am. I love you, universe, and it's going to be okay. I tell myself this.

Very cool, user.

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What if it was proved with 99.999999999999% certainty, but not 100%?

Science can never prove something, just demonstrate it to be more lilely.

There will be a giant clock in the mountains that will be able to sustain itself for 10k years so when we eventually anialate our species and kill everything on our planet, this clock will be there ticking away to nothing and for nothing and for no reason but to exist and chime for ten thousand years without any audience and I feel sad for that clock

you might find enjoyment in this

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Unironically a lot of things involving food. Food being wasted, or people fighting over food during some sort of shortage with limited supply, makes me incredibly uncomfortable. There's a scene I vividly remembered as a kid in the Heath Ledger Four Feathers where the main bloke is in a prison, there's food being thrown in and all the prisoners are scrambling for it animalistically. Later on a friend breaks in to free him, offers him some bread and he's on it like a motherfucker - frantically tears it away and bites on it. It's not graphic or anything.

I don't know why this makes me so uncomfortable above all other things. I barely eat as is and I'm a skinny bloke.

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buuuuttt....... he could not know that he knows those things. like you could have a dream you dont know how to ride a bike even tho you do and in ur dream someone teaches you how to ride the bike. he could know everything, yet not know he knows

>Every time a scientist discover something amazing
Damn, I'm so smart.

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Oh fuck, wrong guy.

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