
confess ur sin fren

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i rejected Jesus

how so my child

i was too young to understand father

all shall be forgiven if thou drinks the holy water

but father what if i also did the unforgivable sin

i adopted my friends pet hedgehoggy when she moved but i tied it in a plastic bag and let it suffocate in my closet when i realized they are nocturnal by it keeping me awake at night for a month straight

im sorry Snax

your god is a lie.

prove it faget lmao

It is way better to believe that everything just generated randomly from a random explosion in the sky amirite?

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pray to jesus every 5 hours and thou might find forgivness

helo fren
i hav sin
i drop tendis
pls forgiev

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have and drink thou holy water my son

What sin would that be user?

i got money from exploiting ppl's goodness and spent it way 2 much on games
i hav a big sin plz forgve

helo fren
i hav sin
i am confes
i black

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helo Fren

I am actually mooslim, can I be firgived?

Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin"

>fap to hors again
>could have gone to church insted

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i hav comited sin but am buddism wat do?

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you shall perish

jus thikn about it a long tiem fren
its not big deal
u see later

I say special prayer for you fren. You good person to me cuz you repent

is ok fren you are forgiven

thx but i doubt Jesus will change his mind t.b.h.

I fap to giantess porn. I don't want to, but I do.

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sorry "fren" but i'm too based and redpilled for your tricks.

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i'm an athiest (i did once thing about going to confessional when i was 12 because I punchedand 8 year old kid, after he hit a 6 year old, girl, it was justified but i still felt guilty

This just proves Catholicism is based and cool. Protestantism is a boring, cultureless, Americanized and wholly Jewish religion.

masturbated to gay hentai
please help before it's too late

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wtf you SHOULD want to, they cute :)

I stalked another autistic person and thought it was a unique situation since we were both dxed with autism, she considers my abuser, I regret it since she trusted me knowing her IRL friend, and that irl friend went out of their way to make sure I wasn't creeped out

I deeply regret it, it means I'm not a wholesome person and I'm faking my empathy for people

And my other sin is being interested in people's lives, not like in a malicious way, or to laugh at them, but because I honestly am curious about what other people do, I guess its creepier than following someone intentionally to make fun of them though, since those kind of people just want to bully and find things to laugh at and move on, while I keep looking for them since I want to know everything about them

>Satan worship is cool bro.

It fucking is cool. A lot cooler than being a Protestant faggot.

sure thing my fellow youth!

I stole tendies from the store

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Literally nothing wrong with giant stuff. Normie-tier fetish
t. Vore fag

It's really more the fapping than the fetish I'm ashamed of. It's not like I'm gay or anything, so I see no reason to be ashamed of my fetish, but because it's so impossible for me to attain I know I have no hope of ever marrying a qt3.14 giantess wife so I resort to fapping to my fantasies instead.

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henlo i been faild normi for 6 yrs now. I good at tlking bt prefr to be alone.

I also fappd fr the 1300th tim todai!!

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'elo fren
Born in shit'ole asean countri
'm brown
cant date whit and black 'omen

When I was younger I told my father that my mom molested me. I had no idea that it was bad because a kid did it to me at my uncle's. This resulted in her getting out in jail for years and me being raised to hate her. When I finally was able to see her again I was afraid of her. She recently told me how all she could think of while being in jail and trying to find a place for me and her, was if I was safe. I heard her say this and it almost made me kill myself. All she ever cared about was me, and during all of that I hated her. She doesn't know what I did, and I don't want to let her know because I feel it will break her.
I don't want her to feel like me

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God almighty

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>tfw no blackbot fren

iktf 2 fren

Yeah it's great

i'm half asian.
my psychological composition is similar to Saint Elliot.
i don't have a soul. oh and i lust over whores.
and i won't drink the holy water you probably juzzed in it you fag.

shit dude..........
if go you on a rampage can you use a car or a knife or a bomb, so i get to still mess around with guns?

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I stand up to poop
I is sory fren

We will survive somehow, fren

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I'm confused, did she actually?

you don't drink holy water you tard. you dip your finger in the recepticle and draw a cross on your head with the water, i was a catholic

y'all mind if I

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You are beyond redemption and for sure going to hell. Enjoy the flames.

I sit down to pee fren.

My initial reaction is "what the fuck dude, that's fucked up" but... I think there's hope for all of us. Do you feel remorse about it?

nofap for fiv dais an eight hous an u migh purify urself

Fucking cunt I have a hedgehog and it's based and redpilled

I actually have sex on the regular,
with girls I don't know the last name of

i jack off in front of pictures of jesus to spite him

henlo father
i make sins
i fuck man ass

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But does he roll around at the speed of sound? Has he evwr escaped from this city?

hot we should do it together, son

I hate myself for having dirty thoughts - about women - which I can't control. I have no idea what I should do to stop thinking of them as sexual objects.

I have fantasies of making love to a male, but I will never go through with it, priest fren.

father i called someone a nigger..and it felt good. i am a bad person :(((

i pee pee in mommys car

You're the one who should provide the proof retard

I'm not an incel, I lurk here because I'm very much into incels and I have no idea why.

I add chicks on facebook because i want a gf but i never talk with them because i dont know what to say. My profile doesnt even have my photo on it so only actually thirsty chicks willing to talk with atrangers accept.
Yet i never even bother ti say "Hi" because i cant take a conversation further than that.

I fapped to one of my best friends last night

I guess my sin is being born with autism I guess

And I cheated on my autistic partner and they told all their friends and I was called out deeply

That situation was really weird since I doubt two autistic people can cheat on each other, who knows if I was avoiding the hurt I did, it was years ago

as I said, I'm autistic so I /can't/ actually cheat on someone for real, since I can't get social cues and all that, and I feel too neutral about things to emotionally cheat.

So I don't feel all that bad about it, it was a never met LDR too, but I don't remember why we never met up IRL, I'm guessing I was too autistic, and this was like... four years ago

I guess I do feel bad, since they reacted so badly on social media, as I already said, I'm autistic and they're autistic too, so this was a unique situation [dxed]

Barring some things I am pretty content in life and dont get what is there to get so unironically depressed about.

mai i hav one fren

Bro did she actually grape you

I dress like a girl a lot

I fucked myself in the ass with a carrot then ate it without washing it.

user she's known since she went to trial. You can't possibly go to jail without knowing exactly why. Your testimony was part of evidence so she's already seen the transcripts.
I guarantee you she was frantically trying to figure out who actually molested you and how she could get you to safety.
Don't feel bad, user. You were just a confused kid.
(for the anons unclear about the mother's innocence he clearly states he got diddled and repeated what happened but with his mother instead of his abuser because he didn't know what had happened was wrong and then things got out of hand. This is a textbook thing that diddled kids do along with shit like not drawing mouths on things.)