Uni student, I have never drank, smoked weed or consumed any sort of illegal substance and I don't plan to

Uni student, I have never drank, smoked weed or consumed any sort of illegal substance and I don't plan to.

Am I making a mistake?

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nah, if you don't want to, you're not missing anything.

Do want you want, but don't judge others for it.

Doing all that shit in college/uni is overrated bullshit. If you wanna fuck up your system, then do it.

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Nah. Even if you have a change of heart after college, there'll still be plenty of opportunities to try

your a good person

Do want you want, but don't judge others for it.

I'd recommend you try it at least once.

>am i making a mistake denying myself pleasures that i will probably only have a few opportunities to do in my lifetime?


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Even republican teetotaler baby boomers did that shit in college. The first few times you drink and smoke weed are the only times they're really truly fun activities, I say try both.

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Me too OP
I don't know why we're so rare, even among robot circles

Nobody ever offered me drugs as a teenager so I never did drugs. Lately my friends have started smoking weed and they do sometimes when we hang out, and they do offer me some but I just say no.
I don't know if I'll ever be drunk or high or anything. I also don't know if I'll ever stop being virg

Its all a waste of money for fun that doesnt last.

Same as you guys and yeah it's a shame people like us seem to be so rare/hard to find. Alcohol, drugs, parties, it all just seems so vapid to me. It seems like 90% of people are in to all three of those things, even among relatively well educated college students. I don't judge people for using as long as they are decent human beings though; I have a good friend who smokes weed, and some of the friends I used to have smoked weed too. I tend to find that people who don't use drugs are more interesting and more fun to be around.

Do whatever you want. Don't start with cigs.

See on a lot of levels I agree but I've always thought this mindset is just too easy to fall into so I tried to keep away from it. It's too easy to just say your life choices are the best ones out of convenience. The reason I don't do drugs is because I was never invited to parties and didn't hang out in empty parking lots smoking and joking as healthy teenagers did. Just stayed inside on the computer all the time. It's just like I'm not virgin because I try to abstain, I'm a virgin because I am a loser who could never get a gf

I could (and do) use the typical anti drug/drink arguments to justify my not doing them, but in reality it's just easier for me to stay away than other people because I never even started. If I ever got into them I'm betting I'm the type of person who would let it become a giant oit of control problem. I don't want to let that happen so I'll stay in my bubble.


Stay sober forever, drugs are exactly what people tell you they are. My dad drove me to school one day and told me if I didn't stop smoking weed me and my friends would all end up dead or in rehab after dealing drugs to support our habits. He was right

Note: good =/= successful

Retarded mindset, ignore

Same. Although I drink a glass of champagne on holidays. Might change this year (second yr in uni) since I just vaped for the first time yesterday. Was just meh.

Vaped... nicotine?

Stop immediately. You are a cuck of reality if you actually spent time and money abusing NICOTINE, known for having the worst pleasure to danger ratio

A guy in my history let me smoke this strawberry thing. I'm not sure what was in it. It felt like nothing and I'm not gonna buy one.

Nah. Do whatever you want to. In fact, you're probably better off than people who are distracted from working on uni shit because they go out partying.

Drunk rn. its alright.

My uncle was an alcoholic who let it ruin his life, so I'm not gonna ever drink.
The smell of weed makes me want to puke, probably because I had an edible once and it made me almost throw up while eating it.

(Guy you responded to)
For what it's worth I didn't really get invited to parties either or hang around in empty parking lots, etc. either. But I admit that I also would have turned down any offers if I did get them. I do have the curious thought every now and then though wondering if I'd be able to quit if I did start or if I'd become completely addicted. Also I never claimed my life choices (to not do drugs) were the best ones, hell I'd probably be a lot better off socially if I did drugs. It could have even potentially set my life on an entirely different and better course instead of the downward spiral of depression, isolation, and abandoning college that the last two years of my life has been. Honestly the main reason I don't do drugs is because I'm afraid that they'd change me somehow either personality wise or mentally, given enough time. It's the same reason why I declined to use antidepressants despite the insistence of basically everyone around me who knew my situation + my doctor and therapist (neither of which I see any more).

Nah drinking and drugs aren't worth it and this is from someone who is a habitual pot smoker and weekend drinker. If you don't already have that "need" in you don't go looking for it because as much as we all say its not addictive or everyone does it, there is the understanding that youre gonna come back for more, there's whole industries built on this shit (Weed, booze, gambling, Cigs, don't matter) now do you want to become a part of that at a time where you could improve your self in other ways and pick up more hobbies (You know... LIVE). Like dude you're a uni student go find a wholseome gf and live out a quirky indie film life instaed of trying to get wasted with strangers. Because pretty soon you'll be getting wasted alone....

>Just go find a gf dude LOOOOOL

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Hmm, did it have a clear tank on top with some golden stuff in it, and was the tank very small? also how much smoke did you exhale



It was a small red tank. I had two small puffs, coughed after each. It tasted faintly like a strawberry candy.

this user is unironically correct
t. oldfag who missed a lot of chances

fuck off you retarded twitch spawn

go lose some weight, troglodyte

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Like if thats all you read than thats you but i feel like that is a totally acheivable goal for anyone who has a rounded out life with a mature personality (I.E people whos hobbies DON't include browisng this board). Like dude I live in the fucking ghetto man and I see intresting/ugly looking couples everyday (Like tattooed fat guys with a bagning wife or fat chicks with chads) like that alone shattered the world view i got from this board because if not youd think you were literally a goblin being treaded on by angels.

I did it once a couple months ago and kinda regret it it didnt even make me feel good Would have prefered to have kept my streak

I drank and smoked like a mad man in the first 2 years of college. Now it makes me puke when i even think about alcohol. I don't regret it though. You can just try it once and see how it is.

I'm going to be honest, I'm almost averse to people who have no interest in recreational drugs.

Just IMAGINE how cucked you are by objectively immoral laws and what society deems as " socially acceptable" that you will never have the perspective shifting, and for some people, life changing experience that is psychedelic drugs.

Like, it legitimately bothers me that people aren't even the slightest curious about the fact that they can perceive life in an entirely different light.


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No, you're doing great. You should think about working for the US government. The Navy and Air Force are hiring a lot of civilians right now. You can expect 40-55k depending on your location right out of uni.

Since you don't do illegal things, you should be able to get a clearance as long as you don't have many foreign connections.

Weed makes you comfy and retarded. I've smoked daily for like a year. Would never give it up!

Nah. You can get by fine.
I was the same at uni for medical reasons and it didnt really impair much of my social life with regards to the substances themselves.

I dont really agree with never planning to though. I think its worth trying (almost) everything once and uni is probably the best place to do that.

There is plenty of space between hard-line no use and out of control addiction. It's perfectly possible to drink /use responsibly. Having a drink with friends on the weekend isn't going to get you addicted, nor is the occasional puff. Most people comfortably exist within this grey area. Honestly, being super hard-line about it is only going to cost you social opportunities.

>19 years old

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It's not an achievement or a mistake to be straight edge.
I personally hate the taste of alcohol while the sensation of getting tipsy/drunk is boring at best and makes me vomit at worst so I just won't drink again. It didn't feel worth drinking at all but I couldn't have known until I tried and it's not really dangerous if you're at home anyway.
Just ended up getting addicted to staring at screens in the end.

Try it a couple times, just don't mess around and get addicted.

Absolutely not. You are actually on a better path than most of your peers. Keep up the good work user.

I go to parties and have a blast! I've never drank, smoked, or done substances and nobody has ever pressured me into them, even when offered. So nope, not much I think

i'm 27 and i've never touched anything either. i sometimes wish i could have experienced it but honestly i would probably be an alcoholic now if i had, so the trade off was probably worth it. don't force yourself to do it if you don't want to though.

those substances are usually mind-altering & effect body feeling.
I'd suggest you try it out once and see if you like that state of your body. If you don't then stay clean.
In my opinion you should try it out though, otherwise you won't have any comparrison to ground your decision on.

If you genuinely hate the idea of doing any of that stuff then there's no reason to give it a try.
Unless your health is a serious concern for you or you just don't want to do them in the slightest then drugs are just a good time in general as long as you make sure to have some self control.

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Yes you are


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Not letting degenerates drag you down to their level is never a mistake.