As a fembot, one of the things that offend me the most is when a man says that "women have it easier in life than men"

As a fembot, one of the things that offend me the most is when a man says that "women have it easier in life than men".
Like stop victimizing yourselves. You are the

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Other urls found in this thread:

The what? Finish your fucking sentence you goddamn fool.

Only white 56ers say that they are the only ones that oblivious

No YOU are the !


stfu cunt u have no idea how it is

>you are the
Spit it out you fucking bitch so I can wipe the floor with whatever pathetic remark you make

I sense a shitstorm brewing in.

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>mfw a fembot gets 200 instant tinder matches
>b-but you don't understand, some of them might be rapists so I have to sort them which makes it the same as you getting 0 matches in 5 months

wow tyrone is in another thread turning everything into white people vs black people again who coulda seen that coming

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Beliveing in r9k memes is a sign of autism.

Fembot here. I completely agree with everything you said. The men who say that would never be able to last a single day as a woman in todays society.

cant tell if baiting or braindead. If any of us were a woman in todays society we would have different social expectations placed on us and would more than likely developed alot differently. This theoretical is pointless and also a logical phallacy

Jusft fuck off to the other places you can make your stupid posts online.

at least use the memes right you dumb nigger

Ya this fo sho

>racist nazi shit in every thread is fine but if someone black says something I cry

Who woulda thought white fragility was so real

>dumb monkey neanderthal cant comprehend simple joke

Typical 'white'

No bitch it's a literal fact you can choke on my nuts

i wish i could just get fucked and live without having to work

lol fembot. Yeah sure you exist buddy

You wouldn't get this triggered if it wasnt true.

Fuck off and kys.

>You are the
Damn this is a great strategy to get (you)s. Say something that will offend the target audience and post mid sentence before explaining your reasoning or justification of your baiting ideas.

i genuinely believe women have it easier when it comes to finding relationships

but that's it

>wants people to see past their skin color
>cant shut up about being black

i dunno man

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>doesn't even have to finish their sentence to get this many butthurt (You)'s.

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>thinks anyone cares what racist incel sees

Nope, not even your family cares about that

Oh boy

Guys there are zero women on this board. Literally none. Quit taking the bait for LARPers.

Wrong. i'm married and have black friends.

>nothing gets done and everybody is mugged and murdered within six months

Ur that same fuckin faggot from earlier. I can tell by the way you structure you're posts. Fuck off.

it already exists and its a shithole

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>literally the most stereotypical cac comment


"m-muh black friends that I spoke to at work once 4 months ago"

Any post I made I have my name on it unlike you, you spineless bitch. Go headbutt a semi and save your parent's the embarrassment of your disgusting specter walking around their basement.

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sorry white boys, but i really have a fetish for being sodomized by a pack of rednecks. i can barely contain myself. ignore my shitposts.

>inferior cave chimp admits defeat yet again in the face of the REAL man

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wtf you dumb imposter. i love white bois. i WANT white bois inside of me. no dumb imposter can deny that

>uses term white 56%ers but doesn't actually understand what it means
>j-just understand the joke bro

Why are all Blacks on this website literally the worst of their species, fat and addicted to anime and FGC with sub-90 IQs?

Yo you whitebois better stop tripfaggin me right now before I gotta suck yo dick

> porn spammer I lost so I'll be gay now instead, typical cave chimp activity

>cac brain to slow to realize tone, needed me to put white in parenthesis

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wrong again. you re real bad at this.

The difference between mutts and white people is that they're just white people closer to your skin tone and race.

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>cac denying cachood when called cac



Please caveman, spare me your small brained input, go back to your little girl anime LMAO

>Please caveman, spare me your small brained input, go back to your little girl anime LMAO

Ironic coming from the nigger who calls someone a "white 56er" as if that makes any sense and isn't just trying desperately to string together some memes from a website culture you don't have the IQ to understand. I win.

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mutts dont have a soul. they might look (somewhat) white but white soul cannot live in a mutt body.

Its so easy being a woman in Saudiarabia

This is true though, noone can refute this. Men have it easier by far, look at everyone in postions of power. ALL MEN.


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>doesn't understand irony when used to make fun of someone
>relates to highschool cartoon girls

Why must you live when you KNOW your entire living family tree is ashamed of you? If you had any ounce of integrity you'd Kill yourself and reincarnate as those cartoon bitches you think you are when your wifi connects

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tfw you bullied them from the thread


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>there are only black and white people in this world

whatever bitch


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>its a shithole
imagine my shock

I wonder if OP was abducted by Candlejac

How is that women privilege though? Should there be more women suicides and homelessness for equality? Since women are raped more, is that a case for male privilege then? I'm genuinely curious.