You have 10 seconds to explain why pedo's deserve to have rights or not.
Should pedo's have rights?
Nah, bullet to the head
non-offending pedos deserve counceling and help, but molestors get prison, their choice of solitary or not.
everybody deserves just treatment, even if they did bad things
They should have the right to ask God for forgiveness before being executed
Offending or not, they should be hunted down and executed without mercy
Wow all these moralfags. Get the fuck off my Jow Forums
Mikey Sosa thread? Oh boy
So you're pro pedo?
Michael's a hilarious little pedo, isn't he?
>counceling and help
You can't therapy away pedophilic urges, that's like dealing with an unexploded bomb by hugging it. The best solution for society is the rope
just send all that evidence to his mommy and see what happens
Pedos have the right to marry a 12 year old bride, just as Allah and Mother Nature intended.
If you think that attraction and feelings are deserving of death, you're a psychopath, and an evil person. You might as well just go be a normalfag, if it's so easy for you to put yourself into this shitty mindset where you can justify shitting on innocent but socially acceptable targets only to boost yourself.
theres no point trying to scare him on Jow Forums. if he was scared he never would have done what he did in the first place.
you can send all evidence to his mom and to a rival judge of his mom anonymously i guess.
islam truly is the future
>if he was scared he never would have done what he did in the first place.
retards do dumb shit all the time because they think they won't get caught
essentially its the same thing.
Learn to type, retard.
What's the fucking point of sharing borderline CP and real life pedo stories on fucking Discord
For that sense of community and belonging.
Are we having a thread for sex predators who go after children? We can't leave Old Man Mazzerle out.
There's nothing wrong with that. He's just lonely.
They should be experimented on desu to find out if there is any treatment. Molesters should be executed and dissected and non offenders should be counseled and moved somewhere to work far away like an oil rig or some shit.
Instead of chastising them we should be studying them to figure out how to treat it in the future and non offenders should be treated in a way thay doesn't terrify them, not so much because I have compassion for them, but so they will come forward more often.
t. Michael's mom.
show us your milkers, mommy
Yes, because they are humans. They should not have the right to satisfy their urges with children, as that harms others, but satisfying it with 2D or repressing it is ok. Pedophiles should not be lynched by virtue of their mental illness, that's just cruel.
Urges have a base, something way back in someone's upbringing. Don't believe the homosexual propaganda that sexuality is innate.
First right's aren't real. With that said picking and choosing who has rights and/or which ones and who doesn't is kind of at ends with the concept itself and defeat the purposes of having them in the first place so yes they deserve right's as much as anyone does.
Not a psychopath, just a normalfag.
Look at this normie with his baited question. Get out of here, fucking fag.
>urges have a base
Unlike your opinions
As long pedophilia isn't your primary and only fetish and you're able to control it, it doesn't matter at all.
Of course they have a base. Easy women, for example, have low self-esteem. Women who have been raped need rough sex to get off. It's not difficult to understand unless you've had your brain hasn't been put in a washing-machine.
There's a lot of evidence. Why isn't he in jail now?
Pedophilia is just a fetish. There is nothing morally wrong with it.
Sosa's mommy is a state judge and supports his son with his grooming of children. Both deserve to be in prison.
What rights?
Pedos cannot have consent sexual interaction.
They cannot watch porn.
There is no reason why pedos would not want to be chemically castrated unless they intend to hurt someone.
Why do we always post Michael and not his accomplices? Is it because he was doxed? I got dox info on several of these discord pedos. Some of them even claim to be no longer with Michael only because they were in it and he is the fall guy now. Most of these anons run their own servers now but they were once all in on it together. I know the admin of Chapterhaus is one of them too. He trues to play up he's against Michael, but it's only an attempt to save his own skin. I got his dox months back from Sunny.
Post his doxx on lolcow
That's wrong, this dude got let out of charges the other month in france because the 11yo girl he was fucking testified that she enjoyed it.
Anyone else feel like pedophiles or being accused of being one is the modern day version of being accused of being a witch? I could go out my door right now, point my camera at the nearest person I see and then make a bunch of claims about him looking at children and his life is ruined, regardless of the facts. I find it fucking crazy
>cannot have consent sexual interaction.
They can though, just not with those they find most attractive. But that's true for most people
>They cannot watch porn.
There's plenty of legal ways to get off
There's evidence though. He admitted it
No, they fuck kids
Personally I think non-offenders should have court ordered therapy and such.
Even if they can't, you can learn how to battle/contain these urges so that you don't molest children, learning immense self control basically.
And it's definitely possible to get these urges away through operations, shock treatment perhaps, but there are other ways.
With the current societal system of giving everyone rights, yes. We give everyone equal rights so society can function somewhat fluidly, instead of wasting our time with segregation when we can work towards other things.
Subjectively speaking, I don't have an opinion.
Therapy is going to be useless against anyone who has no interest in it
nobody wants to be seen as a fucking soulless irredeemable demonic hell demon, user. every one of these people used to be a bright eyed little kid themselves full of hopes and dreams. they don't just come out of nowhere raping kids unless we actively push them away from help and deeply stigmatize them even existing :/
I'm not against anyone getting therapy, I just don't think it's always necessary. I like to think most people are able to distinguish fantasy from reality pretty well.
Anyone who is interested in therapy doesn't need to be court-ordered into it. What are they even going to do if you refuse, jail you for thought crimes?
Because it's the natural way.