/r9gay/ - #422

going for walks hand in hand edition


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I hope you replied with "hopefully, you"

we're on page 10? i'm sure someone else will make a new thread.

>tfw see a cute couple
>tfw they hold hands
>tfw feel sad as I am heading to work

For the first time ever I'm happy with my relationship status.

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>go to hold bfs hand
>he doesn't exist
>drink the day away instead

>tfw i can't picture the idea of handholding without it turning into arm wrestling

I can't sleep and i hav class at 8:30 (it is 12:04)
how do i get to sleep now

I was the champion of arm wrestling in my group of friends.
Feels good.

any texas robots? i cant stand this crushing loneliness

>friends are all athletes
>i just lift weights casually and work
>can't make them budge
>start crushing their hand instead with my grip
>they tighten theirs which makes it even easier to hurt them
>they always give up and let me win so i will let go

I'm from texas user

>tfw no apathetic depressed suicidal bf

i would ask you out but i really don't care

i don't even care enough to give a (You)

Thanks, One day I'll think of liking you too.

>tfw no bf to hang from the ceiling with rope until he turns purple

You cared enough to reply and took time to specifically not give a you, sorry you care too much for me.

Kill fags put them in bags

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Please kill me, user.
I'll never be in a happy relationships and have a bf, so why even bother living.

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Quit complaining faggot

Are you guys tops or bottoms? I kinda get the impression most of you are bottoms.

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neither cuz no bf

tfw no depressed goth femboy bf

I don't have a bf, but I would be the bottom, although I would like to try topping at least once.
From what I've tried with fingers anal feels pretty good, but the clean up is too much and I'm too lazy to do it.

I am top but unlucky with finding bf

5/10, you made me google the source

that rating's way too high but it's hard for me to be critical of others

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thoughts on this tummy?

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>ordered girl pills and will begin HRT this next month
>mfw I will have have to leave all you kind robots

Feels bad man

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Oh no

Why will you have to leave? Or are you just referring to robots natural inclination to hate trannies?

Disgusting, I hope you eventually regret it and kil yourself.

I wouldn't HAVE to leave but it'd be weird being a tranny freak in a general discussion for gay men.

I guess if I'm still in boy mode I'm still a man r- right anons?

looking past the fact that my dick won't work

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>tfw no robotbf
I am also in Texas.

As long as you stick to tfw no bf and not talk about trans issues you're good by me personally

Kinda in the same boat been on hrt 3 months

Just leave the tranny stuff out of convo and bag a prison gay. Or just call yourself a boy still like I do

>tfw no vidya-playing bf

What if your bf likes vidya but sucks at it, like he takes hours to beat even the first boss in dark souls.
Basically what if he has DSP-tier skills?

I might be okay with it, depending on if there are any games at all that he's good at that I'm also good at. That way we can at least compete against each other if it's single player games. It would be more ideal if there were some games that he's good at AND that we can play together and that I'm still better at.

>tfw bad at vidya
>tfw too depressed to play vidya
>tfw want a vidya bf
I just bought Tekken 7 too.

Is that your house user? It looks super big and fancy

Where's my rich but not old bf to take me away from all this nonsense? I don't cost a lot of money, I promise. I just want the internet, electricity, water, gas, and at least one meal a day. I have my own computer and my own vidya and my own books. I'm willing to do chores and stuff. I'd like it if you'd watch shows on Netflix with me.

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What made you so depressed, fren? If you don't mind me asking, I mean.



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alright so here's a dumb/embarrassing question, but...

how do I know if I'm really gay? I can't tell if my desire to be with a boy is just a combination of my loneliness and some weird childhood experiences, or if I'm just romanticising the whole thing in my head.

I would never claim credit for the work of others; even if they are family. But yes, I do live here.

You'll never know if you don't give it a shot, user
There's no real tragedy on trying and deciding it's not for you

Mom dying, being lonely for many years, being trapped in this house with my step-dad because I have nowhere else to go, my step-dad being a horrible person, having to have a job. I can't stress that last one enough. Having a job is like I'm permanently homesick. When I'm out of the house I'm sad and wishing I was home. When I'm home I'm sad because I know that soon I'll have to lave it again.

Unfortunately the only way to solve this is for me to get a moderately large amount of money to live off of for a while, but I don't see any way of getting that.

Tell me your original secrets, originally

I am so sorry for your loss, robot. That situation sounds unbearably awful.

I guess so...but then I'm also worried most guys would find me unattractive, and I'm not even sure what it is I'd be looking for in a relationship. idk, how do I even approach this?

What makes you think you'd be found unattractive?
If I knew how to get a relationship with a guy I'd already have one, so I can't help too much here, but if you aren't sure what you want then just explore and avoid commitment until you understand yourself better

ask and you shall receive my anonymous friend

rich cute boy owo

Thanks. I forgot to mention I have pretty crippling anxiety about nearly everything. I really don't want to go today. But I haven't any choice in the matter.

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I'm just fat and have low self-esteem. don't like what I see in the mirror. I can't imagine anyone else liking it.
and I'm not even sure if I'd actually like having sex with a guy, or just make out, or...idk.

What is your job, fren?

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The inventory one from the previous thread. I heard all the advice but it's still hard. I just want to stay home and read user.

If you're fat that's easy enough to work on, and low self esteem is a bitch that again I can't offer helpful advice on
I don't blame you if sex and making out are too much to think about since it seems that you're pretty new to grappling with these feelings, so think smaller for a second
How about just normally kissing a guy, or cuddling with one, how do you think that would be?

Is talking to a fellow bot helping you out at all? I don't want to continue to ask questions if it's bothering you. I can leave you alone if you wanted, or we can keep talking.

You're okay, we can keep talking. I'm just on google maps trying to figure out how to get to work today. The job site always changes and I haven't been to this part of town in a very long time and I'm freaking out trying to figure out how to get there on time.

I am asking! Come on, pretty please?

hm, I think cuddling and hugging could be nice, if I could do it without necessarily having to go further. and I think I'd maybe like kissing his cheek a bit? just, like, to see if I want more?
but would any guy even want that? I wouldn't really be offering much in return, just explore myself mostly...

Best of luck to you in being able to find a proper route for work. How long until work actually starts?

I have to be there at 7 AM so about 3.5 hours. I was meant to sleep a couple more hours but I woke up at 1:45 and couldn't fall back sleep.

The unfortunate reality is that mainstream gay culture is still pretty sexual and there are people out there that fetishise confused "straight" guys like yourself, so you do have to be wary to not get exploited and do something you aren't comfortable with.
I don't think it's impossible to find what you're looking for, and the ideal situation would be to find someone going through the same thing as you, but you have to be prepared to say no and be resolute on the pace you want to take things.
How old are you, if you don't mind me asking, and do you live in somewhere particularly accepting of homosexuality?

I can't brazenly broadcast my secrets!
Unless you want to be my secret

Well fug. Have you been able to get any quality sleep as of late?

still so upset, why could he not love me when i would have done anything for him, then he turns around and meets some other guy and has no problem telling me about how in love he is with him.
as if there was something wrong with me that made me unlovable.
why bother all i ever do is try my best and get my heart torn out every fucking time.

I'm 20, and I live in a city that's fairly accepting.
thanks for the warning, I'll keep that in mind. I've thought that it would be nice to find someone in a similar situation who can relate to my isuues, but I wouldn't know where to look. do guys who are curious/unsure go to, like, gay bars or events? cause I've been avoiding that sort of thing under the assumption that "real" gay guys wouldn't be interested or disappointed by me.

Not really, it's always too hot in the summer to sleep and I don't have air conditioning. It's 3 AM and it's 90 degrees right now. Plus I don't sleep well under stress coupled with my anxiety.

I wish there was a rich robot who'd buy one of my doodles for $10k so I could quit my job for a while.

>I wish there was a rich robot who'd buy one of my doodles for $10k so I could quit my job for a while.
Me too, user, for your sake.

That's pretty much the best possible answer, being in a city gives you so many more options and still being young you can enter the scene as someone exploring themselves without the disadvantages that would bring to someone well into adulthood.
I wouldn't recommend going to a gay bar on your own at this point, because you will probably get hit on by someone who you have zero interest in and frankly you aren't equipped to handle that yet.
Events aren't a bad place to start, you can make friends in the community and get yourself involved without any of the implications that come with going to a bar or club.

okay, that's a good point, I'll look into it and hopefully find something where I can show up without any pressure to do things that I don't want (yet?).
thanks for the advice and for talking to me user, I feel a bit less lonely now

Give me a vidya bf

Always remember the difference between pushing yourself to do something and being pushed by someone else and you should be totally fine.
Good luck out there, user, and I hope you have fun!


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I can't cook to save my life but apart from that sign me up

I am all of that, but I'm more like a 3/10.

drop contact user

ya but I want you here not on the other side of the continent

>Unless you want to be my secret
Are we going to have a forbidden romance? That sounds like fun

Where are you, m8? I am in Texas.

>that pic
oh my fucking hell imagine just being THAT conceited.

Alberta. It's like the Texas of Canada but still half a continent away. v_v

Well crap. I swear, if I don't get a bf soon...

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Rev#5546 is my discord
we might, who knows. You should tell me a story first though.

I wish there's more cute beardy cowboy bf out there.

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>tfw no ram ranch bf harem

Did you come here from Reddit? Honest question.

No, but I look forward to hearing an actual argument

>an actual argument
At no point did I express disagreement you fucking imbecile.

Then what was the fucking point of your post?

>tfw no ram ranch bf to ram us

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Your writing style is very reminiscent of Reddit. The points you made are for the most part acceptable, but the way in which you framed them is horrible.

>reddit is bad
>implying it worse than Jow Forums
You dumb faggots never cease to amaze me, most of you came here from reddit and now you act like you have any say in anything.

Why are almost all gays disgusting degenerates? There is a reason why most people dislike our kind. This place is just extra foul and filled with retarded disgusting sex craving fags. Fucking disgusting.

While I do not necessarily disagree with most of your statements, I just know for a fact that you are someone I'd absolutely despise if I got the chance to know you. Your posts just REEK of Reddit sensitivities and cliches.

You came from Reddit didn't you?