i intentionally made myself faint and i hit my drawer and woke up about 5 mins letter my mouth is full of blood please hellllp
That's what you get for being a fucking idiot, faggot.
Don't intentionally make yourself faint next time, so this won't happen.
See a fucking doc.
Why did you make yourself faint though?
i couldnt sleep and its 8 am here
Spit it out, then if it refills, that's when to panic. You probably just hit your mouth.
I heard it makes your orgasm super hard
put a bandage on it
>i couldnt sleep and its 8 am here
I know it's unhealthy for you, but it's better to pop a Xanax rather than fucking make yourself faint.
just jerk off if you have too much energy to sleep you retard. call an ambulance and make sure you dont have a fucking concussion.
how did you make yourself faint?
if you cant sleep maybe look into getting melatonin for sleep, just dont overdose or you'll end up sleeping forever cxx
Pics or fuck off
Who is that
yes i realize that im a fucking idiot thank you and i dont have any xanax
When they push you make sure you push back harder. All or nothing.
sit then hyperventilate for 60 secs and get up really fast and hold your breath for 10-25 secs you should faint
now i wanna make myself faint
>Who is that
Rianne van Rompaey
guys i think im fine i stopped the bleeding no worries.
thank you
fuck you im on nofap and i dont think i have a concussion.