>the Christian in me says to avoid the temptation of VR
>the impossible fantasies in me say to embrace the escapism that VR offers
Wat do anons? Sure, VR isn't at such a great level yet, but it will develop and become more advanced over time, and as it does the temptation to hop into a world other than our own gets more an more powerful and sinister.
The Christian in me says to avoid the temptation of VR
God and Christianity isnt real. Id say go ahead and approach VR.
>t. original fedorafag
VR is pretty cool right now desu. Got almost 1tb of vr porn and games. I also go on vr chat a lot. It's good stuff, god is probs banging anime girls in vr if heaven exists.
VR is great, I have full body tracking and have given people lapdances while they masturbate, Got to help out a brother in need.
I tried VR and it gave me a headache.
>t. heretic going to hell
I've heard that apparently that's not fixable. Sorry, but you're fucked.
Reminder that CM3D2 is fully playable in VR.
Fairly certain Kekism and VR are simpatico. I mean, isn't Kek the god of the internet? He's probably god of the VR realm too.
got any videos of that user
Fucking degenerates man orinalio
Sadly no, but if you are interested in seeing people give lapdances in full body search it up on YouTube, plenty of videos of it.
>guy doing female lapdance moves
That sounds extremely unattractive
escapism is for faggots. You'll get bored eventually and all the time spent will have amounted to nothing and you'll be back to square one minus however many hours plus self-disgust.
At most, God might be real but Christianity is made up by humans and doesn't have anything to do with God
God doesn't exist, find a better reason to not throw yourself into VR forever
are there any giantess vr games where i get to be the giantess
that might be the push that makes me buy vr
Imo VR right now is way too much effort for the fun you get. The FoV is like looking into a tunnel and the resolution isn't high enough to make out anything past a few metres, just to make something readable you have to put up giant text walls directly in front of the player. It takes some getting used to to seeing each single pixel all the time. You need to move around carefully, else you have to adjust the cable every few minutes. The headset is a sweat magnet if you use it whenever warm. RL porn is seated only, and JAV companies companies usually use trash cameras which only capture from one eye's perspective making the image all fucked up. Niche porn is essentially nonexistent. I often found myself actually disgusted with porn, no one wants to have giant meat flaps, asses full of cellulite or ugly soulless faces only a few centimetres away. Streaming porn is absurdly bad, the only sensible choice is to download videos and if you don't want to pay like 20 bucks for each single video you will have to find a private tracker that carries VR porn since publics are few and 90% of the time have no seeds. Virtual porn programs like CM3D2 are very finicky to control with the touch controllers, often either crash or flat out don't work, and it's essentially watching another dude fuck your waifu directly before you, I had a much better time playing it without VR. Games are pretty much just tech demos which you won't spend more than 2 hours in, but there's some exceptions which are very enjoyable for longer like Beat Saber or Star Trek Bridge Crew. That said locomotion is a complete joke in every game.
It's okay all-in-all and I still use my headset once every 2 months whenever I stumble upon something I want to try, but the technology is too gadget-y to use regularly. Buying now is only okay if you're a complete porn addict, otherwise you should wait until VR is advanced enough to be like you'd imagine it to be instead of only a pixellated screen taped to your forehead.
The best thing about VR is taking turns with a cute robot jerking each other off and using the headset. Nothing like a cute 2D girl actually giving you a handjob.
You, I remember you! Got any more green text story to share with us, sweetie?
Thank you for your service. In the hour of need, you delivered for these souls.
Just play beat saber. Shit's great.