Child B is cute, CUTE.
Child B is cute, CUTE
I would break up the flute into three pieces and give one piece to each child.
there's a really obvious answer here: I'd keep it for myself
by flute they mean my penis
B made it so it's logical for her to keep it. I whip out my skin flute and give it to A so she can play all she wants. C is out of luck.
Sodomize C with the flute then give it back to B. A can then play with my flute.
Child Jamal: I dindunuffin i wuuz hea an i took tha flute an shiiet but didn mean to rob any1 yaknowamsayiiiing
Answer = child A she's good at it and wants to play it while child B if anything should be the one selling the flute to child A after all if she produced the product she can make money off of it and make more child C is poor and doesn't know how to play it and should be worried about other more important things he needs.
Child C has no claim to the flute other than poverty, with is a weak claim. Child C is out, the real question is between A and B.
B made the flute, so it is reasonable to assume she owns the flute, it's her property. Although A can bring purpose to that property, B clearly doesn't want her to, so it doesn't much matter, B keeps it.
Maybe B should sell it to A like a proper capitalist and make some money off of her work?
Does anyone actually pick anything other than B? What kind of retarded mental gymnastics would that require? You make something then it's obviously yours to do whatever the fuck you want with it, how could anyone justify taking it off her for literally any reason?
How is this some sort of logical or philosophical conundrum? Where is this being taught?
I find it funny when this is shown to poltards and they pick A, and proceed to flip when you call them a commie
B might have been trying to sell it to someone, but A being the redheaded big nig that she is decided she'd just go on an irish chimp-out and take it because "meh skill"
>Pleasuring C and giving B some disease from playing a shit covered flute
Even I don't hate women that much
A is literally the fascist choice though, both liberals and socialists/communists would agree on B (product of their own labor).
>not realizing that you could give it to child A to teach the other kids
Child B should literally get the flute, heh.
Nope. Commies would take from B according to her ability and give to A according to her need.
Once you realise Nazis are just racebait commies, you will find a better political opinion.
It's not the fact that it's a flute you fucking retards, the question is a way to ask someone about property rights and the right to keep a product of your labour.
No, the question is about flutes.
Then you have three flutes
flute wins every time
But B was the worker, so it is her right to keep the product of her labor. Communism says that society should take and give according to need/ability, but not that society should be forced to. Marxism simply puts that forth as an ideal. Also, even then, playing the flute is not a need.
Communism doesn't believe in personal property.
Come on, you should know extremist left views are focused around monolithic collectivism and not individualism.
Child C, because the rest are girls
Tell C to stop being such a lazy sack of shit and make his own goddamn flute.
B and C are entitled s*cialists and I fucking hate s*cialists
In that case, child A is the choice for both fascists and communists, so calling a Jow Forumsfag a commie for picking it is still not very accurate. I mean yes fascism has many similarities with communism, but they're also drastically different
Child B is incredibly obvious answer.
Child A fags don't understand ownership. She could still be given the flute if Child B gives it to her.
Child C fags are the worst kind of moralfags. Giving him a flute would not fix any of his pathetic "problems."
>From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs
child a has the ability to use the flute
however, she needs a flute and lacks the ability to make one
child b has the ability to make the flute
child c has neither the ability to use the flute, nor the use for one
the socialist would give the flute to a, and tell a to play music for b and c
the capitalist would give the flute to b and tell a to either make one or by one from b
a welfare state would give the flute to c and have a teach him to play
>I, Andrew Ryan, say we should all drown in the Atlantic instead
The flute should be sold at Walmart. I couldn't find the capitalist answer.
Child A asks "Why should they get it?" Well they both explain why. Child A shouldn't have talked first.
Anyway, child B should give A the flute on the condition that she play it for her to entertain her. Why would B even make a flute if not for someone to use it.
Child C never explains how having a useless flute would benefit him immensely, unless he plans on selling to child A, which makes child B the poorest, so she shoud get the flute, which makes child C the poorest so he should...
Also the premise is flawed. Child B must have given you the flute for you to give it to someone else. Otherwise you've robbed her and are a despot. GJ Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
No you retard.
The question is about the optimal distribution of resources.
Property is already assumed not to be a automatic determinant of equity since all three children are presented as having "valid" claims to the flute. It's not a test of your understanding of property rights, that's just your lens of justice.
The question hinges whether resources should be distributed to those who increase total utility the most, those who do not create utility but have labored and those who will get the greatest marginal utility from them.
Why this question is being presented in a child like manner is more concerning than the question itself.
3 kids fighting over a flute is not comparable to the lives of millions that may be in danger or harm for whatever reason.
Take the flute for my own.