For all the lonely ppl, make friends here

write a bit about you, or something

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Fuck you skank whore. Eat a dick!

m/20 likes to drink. smoke pot. friendless loser


i hate myself and want to die

I'm a southernfag weeb who sits inside all day.

28 years old male,
i hate women, talking to people, politics, modern "culture"
i like movies, reading, tea drinking, listening to classical music

n e v e r

be my friend. imma straight edge tho

same. will u actually do it tho


whats ur favorite tea flavor
classical can be nice

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my hobbies are

weightlifting for legs
white nationalism
video games
organic chemistry

American in NZ who doesn't get out enough.

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But are you white? lol

please befriend me as well

can i really make friends in this thread

thread ruined. thanks

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25/M/USA, my birthday is 1 week from now

I live at home and work a normie office job, it's chill and I can save money and support my vidya addiction. I have zero social life and friends. I go to the gym to lessen my depression so I'm kinda fit but you wouldn't know it by looking at me because I look like a skinnyfat fuck. I'm also a 5'8" manlet and hate it but can't help it. Just wish anyone would care about me at all. Thanks for reading my blog.

Sad retard with no friends who care about him and a family that is disappointed in him.

wid3r than yuo abdullah!
r9k is really just nu-tumblr wow

op has abandoned us god dammit

19M, wageslave, south burgerstan. I'm writing a book. I also hate myself and want to die, and most of the other things you'd expect from a robot.

>20 years old
>Pentecostal Christian
>Possibly a Schizoid (I hate the idea of actually having to form a relationship with any of you people)
>was going to become an engineer but am now going to become an accountant because engineering is too damn hard

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20/m/ca usa
I have no friends or anyone to talk to really, the only person I talk to is a Ukrainian who wants me to become normal. I'm interested in vidya and anime I guess. I go outside occasionally

Robots are incapable of making friends, even with other robots. It's simply not possible to maintain human contact for a prolonged period. If you can manage I'd wager you're not a robot.

You can totally be an engineer with mental problems user. Isaac made a good living.

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Israeli anons im looking for friends please send help
Discord: gaylord6969#0713

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Wanna fuckin die rn
I have the template if anyone wants it

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m/21, addicted to stimulants because sleeps all day long (semi-narcolepsy, I guess?), friendless loser who doesn't understand drugs but does them anyway until he got fucked up, hypochondriac mentally ill

We're gonna make it, aren't we robots?

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of all the dumb anime waifus you could've picked
i agree with your game and movie tastes though, good shit

Sure if you're a female, males are gross and stinky

It's one thing to like tinkering with stuff, it's another thing entirely to take 5 levels of Calculus classes when mere Calculus 2 is already kicking my ass and I'm not exactly excelling in Physics or Chemistry either. I can do Algebra just fine but it's the abstract shit that breaks me.

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I love her
I know ZnT isn't the best anime, but I adore Louise. It's a shame about Saito.

What is your book about user? How far along are you?

Alien mercenary fights extra-galactic invaders and falls in love with human journalist. First draft had fifteen chapters before I realized how shit it was. Current draft is basically a fat composition book containing my canon, details, plot lines, and character profiles. It's hard to push myself to write, honestly. Can't silence the inner critic enough.

What is your general location? If you're willing to answer.

i liked ZnT as a kid but im almost certain if i rewatched it today i wouldnt like it
at least saito has a cool name
also give me the template so i can work on it for 5 minutes and then give up

Do you like putting pillows under your arms and pretending you're a bird?

i last rewatched it a few months ago. I can admit that season 2 aside it's not a good anime.

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origami has always looked kinda cool. can you send a pic of your best one? or at least describe what is is

get back in america pls

we are now friends hello

probably not

5'8 isn't THAT bad. what's your favorite game atm tho? ill care if youll allow me to lol

anything particular reason that they're disappointed?


what's the book about? is it solely for fun/expression purposes or are you planning to profit from it

well shit. least u have some sort of plan i guess

pretty much described me. norcal or socal tho

hey, as long as it keeps you occupied idk. i find it hard to even do that

oh. well yeah i am but are you

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Just fun really. Would be nice to make money off of it, but I mainly want people to enjoy something I made.

template would be sweet

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Near San Francisco/San Jose so norcal I guess.

see, but, like, originally

>he thinks 5'8" is bad
im fucking 5'4" and im white as fuck
please dont forget that 5'9" is average
>op saying 5'8" isnt "THAT" bad
fuck you op i thought you were cool

I'm a completely autistic(meme) piece of shit who just moved to Portland (city in Oregon). I'm a Christian nationalist Trump voter who literally sucks Alex Jones' dick all day, but for some reason I think it's important to live in Portland. Probably because I hate myself or something.

I build houses and shit usually, for money desu. I like anime and politics.
>tfw no Jow Forums gf

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Nah I'm a man, sorry. Will tell you about myself of you still want me to as long as you arent a gross male

I just moved out of Portland. Fuck that city and almost every motherfucker that lives there.

I don't disagree with that sentiment. Portland is a full-blown smuggy meme.
I'm a huge rebel, so living in a left-leaning is making me love Drumpf more and more every day. It's important, because living in Texas made me super anti republican and shit, even though on an academic level I couldn't stand Obongo.

this template thing is actually kind of fun, maybe i will finish it

Go for it user! Just cause I got ignored doesnt mean you will be

Idol weeb here. Hit me up if you play MHW on PC.

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>tfw theres no point because I can't maintain the friendship anyway
Kill me.

i mean i assume most people dont want to look over the entire thing, so i wouldnt take the ignoring to heart if i were you

Really? It's pretty short, but I guess if you say so...

yeah but they'd have to expand the image, and then scroll, when everyone else just puts some simple text in their post or something
its more interesting to use a template though

OP is nice
I want more OP's like OP

I dunno, I like it, it lets me be more detailed about myself, and the visual representation is cute

I wanted to write something, but I can't think of a single interesting thing about me.

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literally anything
do you drink? whats your favorite alcohol
you could try out that template posted earlier

fuck he left now ill never know what kind of alcohol he drinks

N-Not him but I-I drink screwdrivers

alright i did it who wants to be friends with an idiot like me
or is the thread too dead

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what you think im going to judge you or something? im not an alcohol elitist i was just curious

No, but you didn't ask me, you asked him

any cute argentinian fembots?

m/18 vidya addicted wagie

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oh, well im fine with anyone answering really

>18 yr old male
>love watching anime and sometimes western cartoons
>read manga and comic books, with the occasional light novel.
>Mainly listen to J-Pop, with other non japanese groups mixed in (Gorillaz is my favorite band period.)
>been pretty introverted all my life, but that feeling intensified in the last year. I could go for weeks on end without speaking to anyone in my last year of high school.
>Never had too many friends, so I turned to the internet and cartoons ever since elementary.
>going into an associates degree in web design starting next month

if you're a FILTHY DEGEN WHO DRINKS TOO EARLY whats your favorite alcohol?

19 yr male
i spent the day daydreaming about having a better life while listening to music
if i'm not doing that then i'll be watching anime or jerking off

im really bad at this whole making friends thing

i dont mean to judge please respond

nah, you're doing good user!
You're the only one in the thread trying

thanks i appreciate the acknowledgement
there has to be at least someone in this thread that's interested in being friends with me

M 22
South US
Drugs, lit, and pure psychology specially Jung.
Druggie brainlets need not reply please.

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Boy next door

I am very lonely and drinking/smoking alone looking for friends. I have work in 4 hours.

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henlo potential friend i will befriend you if given the opportunity
tell me your favorite alcohol

Fireball, but I' drinking Crown Royal. Taste like poo poo.

do you drink to get absolutely fucking WRECKED or just a little buzzed?

Sometimes I get drunk, usually I'll just have a few.

I know that feel. Every few months isolation makes me search new friends and everything is good for a few weeks but talking to people is too much work for a lazy hikki so I always end up dropping everyone.

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are you that same guy in the qa neet thread?

when i drink if im not slurring my words and stumbling over myself then im not satisfied
helps me deal with the overwhelming self-negativity in a way
you guys already posted in here, no BACKING DOWN time to MAKE FRIENDS

preferably before i give up and pass out, it almost 5 in the am

Hmm... It seems I have found my friend. What's going on?

Nope why does he also like idols?

20 year old virgin who thinks about suicide a lot. Don't have any friends and never had a relationship. I have a lot of acquaintances though. I keep myself busy and have some "accomplishments", my parents and family members tell me their proud but life feels empty.

I went to a mall the other day to pick up something and for the first time I thought about shooting everyone. I've never thought about that before, nor I have I ever thought I would think about that. I hope I don't actually do it

>male 21
>no friends
any other mexifags on here ?

Cool man. Lets not do it together.

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>I could go for weeks on end without speaking to anyone in my last year of high school.
this was me sophomore year up until the last couple months of school. But now one of my two new friends is moving away for college so it's gonna be lonelier.
I hope it gets better for you. Let me know if you wanna chat.

i am chugging water and listening to a streamer
how about you?

just curious. I think he was posting idols too? I don't remember for sure, but you can check.

I smoke the reefer ganjah doobie brothers, 0_0 Teehhe >.< anyways i wuuuuuuv u! :3

is that the same thing as smonking vveed
i know nothing about drugs please no bully

link me familia onegaishimasu

That's the problem, I have nothing worthy to say about myself. I am as boring as one can get.

just say ANYTHING about yourself, something you like.
ive resorted to asking everyone what kind of alcohol they like if any

I poured milk on a melon yesterday on a beach and burried it, it was one of the worst days of my life. I had that melon for only 3 days but the flies were eating him and it was so sad I couldn't stand him getting eaten by anyone but me, those flies couldnt enjoy him like me.


Well, I'm a 23 year old NEET leeching off my parents who spends his day locked in his room, and from time to time I get up and go walking around the house out of boredom.
I don't drink, do drugs, or smoke. I am a social mess. I've never been our with friends, ever.

oh no youre really out of it will you be okay
tell us about some of your interests
and dont sweat it, i make be a dumb wagie but i dont have friends who hang out with me or anything

maybe if people here use discord we could have some dumb "for all the lonely ppl, make friends here" server
i dont know just a suggestion because i am getting sleepy but i dont want to like
miss out on meeting potential friendos

I'm not really out of it I just was playing around...

>tell us about some of your interests
There ain't much really, just gaming and listening to music. I'm not interested in a lot of stuff or if I develop an interest, it goes away rather quickly.
>maybe if people here use discord we could have some dumb "for all the lonely ppl, make friends here" server
I'd join desu. I recently lost some internet "friends" due to some circumstances.

again im fairly uninformed with drug, even with alcohol i only know the basics
please forgive my dumb brain
well maybe this hypothetical server could be a fresh start, just need someone to make it

I'm a normalfag, and have very limited free time but sometimes I want to talk to people online.
I'm 24, and I dont have much time or energy left for hobbies lately but I like cooking, studying and taking pictures amongst other things.

lmao good luck nigger

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