Why don't you incels just get rich? Bitches love that shit
Pic related, my watch, I get money, I get women, simple concept brahs
Why don't you incels just get rich? Bitches love that shit
Pic related, my watch, I get money, I get women, simple concept brahs
because moderate mental illness prevents them from ever trying to hold down a job, let alone become good at one
I hope you have enough money for when you need to buy a prosthetic hand
>Pic related, my watch
Reverse google search automatically filled in "Watch on fat wrist", kek.
How? Can you tell me then? It wont happen following the 9-5 daily grind.
Do you have a business? Did you invest? Gig economy? Do tell us your monetary secrets.
Nice photoshop, reported for hacking/photoshopping my new private unique photo that I just took to post this thread
Your arm does not look healthy
>that 50 year old boomer who still wears jewelry
>browsing with your google account most of the time
>uses chrome
install gentoo
>t. salty poorfag
I bet you use your phone as a watch
Hit her with that r o s s
j33sus fucking christ Jow Forums needs to be renamed /fat/
they say "money is the root of all evil" "money will never make you happy" but thats bullshit made to keep you down
Literally this.
>not knowing where Ketron Island is
So many newfags.
>Seiko 5
You don't have a lot of money user
Fuck your watch, you pathetic piece of shit. Shiny shit is for niggers and insecure little faggots who think wearing expensive objects makes them more respectable.
This bait is going to be perfect.
Never mind the hand bait, that's a fucking Seiko.
eat shit you ponifag
Was looking shit up about Sky King, it was talking about the crash. Didn't know people lived on the island.
Bug collections?
How am I doing then?
Doing it right, we showing these incels how its done ay
Very nice, but I prefer the old school watches. Not into digital
Mirin bro, how do you deal with all the pussy you get?
Very impressive, gentlemen. I myself prefer something a bit more tactical.