>only 22 years until whites are minorities too
Keep breeding their women fellow shitskins. Every last one of you needs to do your part.
>only 22 years until whites are minorities too
Keep breeding their women fellow shitskins. Every last one of you needs to do your part.
Other urls found in this thread:
You do realise that once white people dissappear, white girls will dissappear too
>Blacks will probably be bred out of existence in America
>only 13%
>everyone will be mixed
>Hispanics will take over
>Hispanics and blacks dont get along
>other races will remain
>Balkanized society
So tell me why I should be worried?
im pro white genocide now. getting rid of white roastie cancer is worth any sacrifice
Its already happening. Under age 35 in the state of California, whites make up only 29%.
What's going to happen in 22 years?
and the world will be a better place for it
dont White women have the lowest rates of interracial marriage?
Asian women have the highest with White men. So if White men would just stop marrying Asian women... :>
hell no. a world without White women is a world i dont want to be alive in.
>implying brown wont suffice
The dominant black male genes will outbreed all the other races. Whites first, Asians next, Hispanics and the rest, one drop faggots. Were coming for you all.
Literally nothing. Theres not going to be a race war like the poltards imagine theres going to be.
California is the perfect example of this.
Those under the age of 35 and of European descent make up only 29% of the population there
but lets say White men dont stop marrying Asian women.
..theres billions of Asians guys to nevermind.
theres only a few Asian guys to pick
think of it this way - just avoid all guys on azn identity and asianmasculinity and we're an okay bunch. avoid loser bernd too, actually he probably posts over there.
the rage and entitlement is insane. they basically take everyone thats racism to them personally and blame it on White guys.
Yeah fuckin right. you niggers just keep killing each other.
White people are already the most desired race to date in the usa and theyre the biggest population there. Can you imagine what will happen when they become a minority? The competition to date a pure white will be insane
thats racist*.
no wonder ive caught shit here. while i was chilling on this side of the internet, sum shit was going down on reddt and elsewhere. so naturally white guys, their asian and hapa girlfriends hunt asian guys down, and really fuck post against asian guys because they think theyre talking to the same guys over at those subforums.
i get it.
that would require me to get a gf though and im on r9k for a reason
Latinas and mixed race people are a backup plan.
For every one of our kind we kill we impregnate 3 non-black women. The black male is a hydra. You will never escape our presence.
they wont ever become a minority.
thats no plan at all.
>posts a black woman with straightened hair and blue contacts and light skin in other words, trying to look as white as she can
>white people are the most desired race
Purely subjective. Latinas are far hotter to me. Chick in your pic is average as fuck around here.
t. Floridafag in college town
what is this latina shill
I'm moving to either Korea, Japan or China. I lost all hope in Scandinavia
to be fair though, those guys at azn identity have a point - people are ruthlessly racist to asians. i just learned to handle it differently while those guys try to hate harder.
What backup plan? Latinas still dont even come close to whites in terms of demand and mixed people look more asian/black since white genes are recessive
as predicted. so i suggest
why must you always pretend youre literally a horny monkey fixated on survival
why cant it be "keep having kids with women fellow shitskins"? makes you less of a robot and more of a likeable person who doesn't stay with women just for having kids
for the longest time, for years, i was wondering where the frick all this hate against me for being asian was coming from.
now i know. there was hating over at azn identity. and Jow Forums is Right wing territory. and ive been here since 05 so i was just like huh?
Kill yourself annoying chink
t. who are you? ah right youll just let anonymity cover you.
>when minorities act like whites are a majority when they have been a global minority since the beginning of civilization
doesnt sound like youre talking about people, but math.
Does it matter if youre a global minority? Half the world population is in a war zone/starving to death.
>implying a non-mixed girl would have that bone structure
Shes not trying to look white. She is the future of the white race. You women are destined to be blacked or riced. There is nowhere to hide.
I don't care about white women, Asian women or any other race of women or men...
I just don't like black people and Muslims, and during my one year stay in China I almost saw none of them, so it's not because of women, but because of less shit humans
oh. why not great Russia?
didnt think about that did you? or even Australia.
nope, you bee lined straight for the Asians.... nice attempt though.
Whites are piece if shit who should be used as day labourers. They are weak and should be bred out. Nothing good can come from the white man, and their woman are sows.
reminder - there is no escaping this truth.
t. azn identity
see this is why people legit dont like us. cus you have issues and i didnt know about them until now. so heres me calling you mentally ill.
Whatever weak white boy. So pathetic you lit are, I can hear the strain as you write that lame response. Lmao faggot, go fuck your cousin or sister.
i dunno bro. you should have just posted a white couple or just a White woman solo.
youre really shit at staying loyal to White women desu. all youre good for is barking racism, its cute.
wow. they were right, azn identity is here.
projecting much? felt like you strained reeeel hard to post that one, bud
Factually speaking whites can go far north ir south, they have high tolerance to cold, while blacks have a high tolerance for heat. Looking at the Earth that means that whites gain a geographical advantage by crushing blacks from both sides. And no one cares about hispanics. They really never had any major beef with other countries during most major wars and are likely to faction themselves with whites. The only faction blacks have to ally themselves are muslims. Asians have a weird relationship with each other. Though if history repeats itself another Genghis will unify Asia, and if thei're smart, they'd side with the whites since asians have a similar enough skin tone. Nice knowing ya niggernon. It was fun while it lasted.
I don't speak Russian and Australian people are also shit.
I do however speak Chinese
you learned a hard as shit language... purely on coincidence yep 14/88 loyal to the Cause.
T.dummy, seriously, why are you so mad cultureless white stain? Mad, because the niggers and chinks actually contribute to the world, unlike your lame ass. Mad, because your blacked sub ran out. Mad because Chang got the job instead of you. Lmaoing at your life.
listen. i aint gonna try to stop ya from going to Asia.
those boys over at azn identity however, theyre real mad.
Hol up! Dis not good
you think im White? cool story kid. i sense a lot of frustration in you. and lots of bizarre revenge fantasies on race.
definitely not good. will you join me in preserving the White Aryan Beauty?
I'm not white, but I'm white. Kid, go fist yourself to some trap porn.
>be Hispanic with Hispanic gf
>26th birthday, cant sleep
>make shitpost thread
>theres some black dude with superiority complex
>thread becomes about Asians taking over the world
Wewlad I am laffin. Have a good night fags. Thanks for the entertainment. Have some girls ass as a token of my appreciation.
oh youre one of those lib Whites. nah dude go take a peek over at r/aznidentity
go to sleep little chico
God you are so fucking stupid, I was being entertained, but now I'm not. Go argue with the wall, awon't be replying to your dumbass again. Way to spoil the fun jackass.
you think pol and people like me are the problem, then you havent seen real resentment. yeah your "fun" is actually frustration at not knowing who to fight.
go take a peek at r/aznidentity
do it
Nah, blonde girls will disappear. Redheads will be fine.
Plus if anything Latina redheads are even hotter than regular redheads.
they take comments like this and use it as fuel to hate white guys and asian women and halfu women that date white men.
i have never seen a latina redhead. redheads are White, go away lying beanya.
you want some real fun? go peek at r/aznidentity
Jow Forums wouldn't even exist without "chink" cartoons and "chink" imageboards you dumbass redneck cracker
Every crop of you summerfags gets worse than the next
hey relax. that post was singular and only at me. dont be like aznidentity and blow it out of proportion.
>Latina redhead
Those are quite rare to find naturally
that is fucking hideous. no thank you
Good, genocidal white people should be the minority. Its not that bad, Mexican culture is great. Come down sometime, we'll drink some beers on the beach and take in a donkey show. You'll like it
your offer is declined, mr Mexico
>2/10 would not bang
More Latin pussy for me queer
its all you bang buffet, muchacho. and dont come over here.
The hafu and aznmasculinity guys are pretty much just Jow Forums except that instead of thinking white women are the devil and their Asian waifu will save them they think Asian women are the devil and white women will save them, yeah. When really they should've realized by now that no woman will touch a 4/10 of any ethnicity if they have no qualities that compensate for that.
As an American its my god given right to impregnate whatever women I want wherever I want and no one can or will ever stop me.
nah dude, its aznidentity. hafu is calm discussion, amasc is pretty dead and tame. aznidentity is their political war machine.
i agree with you. but its something else, you cant compare them to r9k, they have real resentment.
listen im not gonna stop ya, i cant. but youre leaving all these nice women back home with me.
aznidentity hates the crazy rich asians movie because they castes a halfu asian man as the lead role. they feel cucked oh they hate it. literally seething.
Only the fat ones. The rest are for me only.
True that. Right now, Asian men are at the bottom of the totem pole.
Though I expect a wave of roastie sexpats to descend upon Korea and Japan in the next decade thinking everyone there looks like something out of their K/J-pop and K/J-dramas. Asian-American guys'll have no such luck due to not being "exotic" enough.
There will ALWAYS be white women. we already mapped the entire human genome. and we will soon be able to grow people in labs
nope. youre going away to sleep around with latinas and who knows what else. you cant claim all these nice women you leave behind.
If Mexico is so great, why does it's populace rush to America?
cool story homebrew
weak ass excuse from a weak ass boi. if you wont stay loyal to White women cus u wanna chase non white poon be my guest.
I'll stay loyal to any women I see fit, I just don't buy into the white genocide garbage.
of course you dont, because it goes directly against your fuck everything goal.
white men are so interested in chasing non white tail and leaving some other dude at home to watch over the women
that you left an Asian guy who grew up here to remember the fourteen words of Hatler.
you sure got me, namefag
They've been doing that for centuries, every time they colonized a place they'd leave a trail of quadroon/mulatto/hafu kids in their wake. Only now is it starting to bite them in the ass.
remember to breed their "males" too
every white guy that marries a non white is a white husband unavailable for White women. but youll just call them coal burners and race traitors while flying off to asia looking for easy sex
god i wish i was a slave owner banging 3-4 pureblood black queens on the side while my angry frustrated white waifu was unable to stop me
i do. you just pray some other white men will pick up your slack.
hafu kids arent the issue here - theyre their own separate issue. im talking about White women at home with no white husband so of course they have no choice but date out of their race.
so yeah, white men dont care about preserving White families. they just want to fuck easy non white women.
White women have the same driver white men do, they're bored with their own kind. It's just that now that they don't absolutely need to marry a white man to survive and don't suffer the same level of social suicide they would have in previous generations they're looking elsewhere.
Even when there are plenty of white men around less and less white women are going for them when there's other options.
Blame white women for being so choosey. They're single handledly destroying our country.
>blames White women
>flies off to Asia
so what, White people dont actually want to preserve themselves as a group? am i the only one here then thats trying to """""save"""" them? im asian
dont forget about us asian lads. we arent all bad. and we have WOOD
Only beta/jealous/cucked white men care about preserving their race, the top dogs just go for the hottest member of any cohort while not giving a shit about anyone but themselves.
But hey, more redheads and white scene chicks for me.