any white passing mulatto bots here?
albinism is so embarrassing i get stared at in public all the time. Im only half black but it is quite a shame still to be with my mother.
Any white passing mulatto bots here?
they think she is a nanny or something. also me and my brother both came out as white there is a 1 in a million chance of this. wheres my trophy?
>any white passing mulatto bots here?
>albinism is so embarrassing i get stared at in public all the time
2408uf 334dewwoudnouwie4445
opfer how does this even bother you? makes no sense
oh shit how'd you recognise me
because people think my mom is my tard wrangler. i went to the movies with my mom and sister and i got soooo many stares it was annoying
i do this stuff to pay "rent"
maybe because you just told this fucking story life
it kinda makes sense tho
wh0mstdbe art thou?
beg for dick on the server and i will tell you
which server
nice try to get a screenshot i feel no shame
the originaal fag one
bumping this thread
i will make america whiter than a snowcap
Do it you original puss
are you kommunista azazel?
origirilano no
Quadroon bot here. Basically male venti minus the far apart eyes. Funny thing is my sister looks a lot like venti but without boobs kek.
are you in washington?
send face pics to O p f e r n a c h t#0720
its so fucking weird i look 100% white minus my hair but my birthmother is black and dad is white
is this like a 1/1000000 happening?
half asian on my dads side not the retarded way of mixing here, most people think im russian
hows the manifesto going?
It's not that bad fren, I managed to inherit some nice colored eyes From my dads side of the the family who is also mixed race.
I dunno if I'm white passing or not.
It's so frustrating.
I probably shouldn't exist and I'm stuck in a cycle of self-hatred, how many of my problems are cause I'm a fucking mongrel and how many are just cause I'm just shit?
I want to have kids but I also wants whites to continue existing as a race but I don't want to mutt my kids up further with other races.
My dad is great, doubly so when you consider he's a boomer but I wish he'd just kept it in his pants sometimes, find some white girl instead of making a fucking half shitskin baby with a psychopath.
wow finally someone who can relate to me i thought it would be rarer than that.
yeah i agree i would just stick to bleaching black women and not fucking white girls because i dont want to pollute them genetically. i am happy with my black gf.
whyder than you MUHAMMED kek. europoors trolled epic style!1!!!!!!1!1!
shit i forgot to bump the thread in my last post
mw84w9wj84 w j84wf9 jw fjw wj9 4wjwnw
this is cipher btw
good luck ;)