I was born in 00s but the mods can't ban me because I'm 18, TAKE THAT IDIOTS

I was born in 00s but the mods can't ban me because I'm 18, TAKE THAT IDIOTS

Attached: zöömer.png (259x195, 7K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wait is it illegal to be born after 2000 on here

No but being underage is bannable and people here really seem to hate gen-Zs

Depends on the month currently, 18+

It's illegal to be born on or after the 20th of August 2000

>Tfw born in 2000
>Tfw can post on Jow Forums and steal dank maymays

Attached: 3FB2C427-0597-4547-AD89-8BBB5A02AA41.gif (478x350, 84K)

>tfw 17
>post anyway

Attached: crabswithguns.jpg (700x573, 183K)

Fucking based OP, mods are faggots

Congrats on your amazing achievement

Attached: 1532700759840.png (1000x1000, 143K)

its my greatest

Where do you rank being part of the horde of retards that gives shitty bait and bait threads hundreds of replies because you're easily triggered and must always have the last word when someone replies to you on that list of achievements?

As you is king of all internets congrats.

ouch, that cringe

>mfw this thread is about to get hit with the wrath of over 9000 banhammers

Attached: 7f4.png (300x300, 320K)

they'll be doing a favour

yo wtf nigga what u sayin white boiiii U GOTTA B KIDDIN ME HOMIE!! WTF

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it should be illegal for anyone born after 94 to post

in between getting my ham license and testing out of highschool

You aren't much better than he is with that comment
It is possible OP is 18
So about 80% of posters? Have you tried 4+Jow Forums dude?

Attached: 1530367574573.png (466x510, 346K)

t. born 93


>it should be illegal for anyone born after 94 to post
i wonder who would hold such an opinion

Attached: boomer.jpg (250x229, 8K)

Correction. It should be illegal for anyone who came after 2007 to post.


Attached: Dhlihd3WsAAne77.jpg (827x883, 138K)

Someone old enough to remember when this site was actually good.
I miss 2007-2011. Cancer gen in retrospect was really not so bad was it. 2012+ is just death. Abandon hope all ye who enter here


2007 was when this site had a big drop in quality, 2012 it died for good, and it's entirely the moderation team's fault including Moot.

I am sorry you are too dumb to see I was on your side

you got a manly voice, user

You sound early 20s. Do you do this because you are sad you missed out?