Daily reminder that you can't be a robot if you are above 5'11.
>Tfw talking to this girl on Tinder
>Tfw we hit it off pretty well
>Tfw she likes tall guys
>Tfw I'm a 5'9 manlet
You fucking lanklet are living life easy mode
Daily reminder that you can't be a robot if you are above 5'11.
>Tfw talking to this girl on Tinder
>Tfw we hit it off pretty well
>Tfw she likes tall guys
>Tfw I'm a 5'9 manlet
You fucking lanklet are living life easy mode
Other urls found in this thread:
>chest deformity (sticks out)
im never gonna make it, am I?
You're a beta faggot. Tinder is also shit.
Why is the dates on Chinese in your phone?
Ni Shi zhongguoren ma?
>I-it's because you are beta faggot
Explain you dumb fuck, am I supposed to lie? I'll never do that with a girl that I'm willing to meet in person.
You still have more chance than a manlet
Wo bu Shi zhongguoren
Who said anything about lying you faggot? Shorter guys date girls all the time. Also why would you be a girly faggot and ask if she has a boyfreind. She is talking to multiple other guys even if no boyfreind.
Because we reached a point where I was planning to ask for a date. What's the point of asking for a date if she had a bf?
Where are you from the ? Are you just a weeb?
I'm studying Japanese so I set my phone to Japanese language to get used to the kanji
shes asian shes probably like 5 feet my dud e go for it
Doko Kara kimasuka?
I'm 5'8 op , can I be a robot?
Also you should go after the girl your messaging
Fuck off chinaman spy
Don't date asians, you'll regret it mang. My fist walked away with 5k of my money because of a lease fuckup, the second sent me spiralling into depression after she cheated on me, the third was desperate for marriage and a family yet refused to get a job for over a year until i just broke it off. Dating a blue eyed blonde now who actually has a soul and i couldn't be happier. It's a bitter pill to swallow, most girls are vapid shallow whores, but asian girls take it to the extreme.
>m-maybe i can do tinder gf
>immediately autism over bio
>girls dont read bios
>cannot take good pictures
>3 pictures ok
>leave profile on inactive can't bring self to swipe
>noob boost gone
>never even used the app
>maybe bumble so milkies message first
>bumble immediately links to your facebook and shows you women
>uninstall everything and curl up far from dating territory
>months pass
>open old laptop for comfy tech support
>find untitled document recovery
>"oh shit user, left your computer unlocked, guess what you've been hacked! authorities notified! haha just kidding this is your friend norman"
>only other document in documents folder is Tinder bio
>my cringy bios were seen by norman
>norman posts people passed out/sleeping on a private groupchat I used to be on
>I bet I am being shared on his groupchats
>everyone has been passing them around for months
>I don't have that many friends but norman has shown everyone them
>this is why no one respects me
>just now realizing it
>how many times have I clicked discard unsaved document
>how much is really out there
>kind of good looking, people tell me 7/10 or 8/10
>broad shoulders
This is not a meme guys.
I'm almost deaf.
You must be actively rejecting girls then.
Can't believe this since I know a lanklet who looks like fucking Waldo who got himself a decently looking gf
>actively rejecting
No. Never.
You guys like to shit on asian girls at every given moment and pedestal white women as these le innocent queens
Fuck off
Daily reminder that you can only be a robot if you are 6' or over. OP is a lying sack of shit.
Only yesterday I came across a girl who litterally said "I don't like tall guys".
Where is your god now tall people?
>Believing the "I don't like tall guys" meme
They say that just to not appear as shallow, I swear she must be like pic related inside
Stop lying you piece of monkey shit. Don't give people false hope you heartless faggot
I believe this user, I'm not tall but have been told I'm decent looking and have missed out on a few girls because of my lack of social skills
Stop lying you bitter virgin lanklet. Everyone knows that only men taller than 6' can be unattractive permavirgins.
>He fell for the girls like tall guys meme
It's a fetish that a few girls have. More girls have a fetish for fat guys than tall guys.
Feel you. Like I said, I'm almost deaf. Therefore my social awkwardness approaches infinite levels since communicating in any environment where young people usually are is very difficult for me. Clubs, bars, restaurants, cafes, parties, conventions... No fly zone for me. I literally can't understand anything.
I always pray for you small dudes as the king of manlets (I'm 5'11" and 3/4 without shoes)
You forgot to mention that white people literally cannot be robots either.
for a decade i exclusively dated asian girls, I have a folder full of these. This was the conclusion I came to after my personal experiences. White girls tend to be far more degenerate then the average asian girl I'm not denying this, but at least you can have some connection with them beyond sex. At least (the good ones) tend to have their own hobbies and interests beyond getting fucked, getting money and looking good in instagram photos.
Any advice on getting a Asian girl user, would appreciate it
Do you guys have social circles? Where do you just get people saying you look good and girls approach you?
be white and move to aus/canada. That's literally all you need to do.
user, 5'9 is pretty much the aberage height for males in America so you're technically not a manlet, you're average (assuming you're a burger like I am)
Yeah, up until this year I was a relative normie, would have friends and they would get me to talk to girls.
>Well, fellas, worry no more, because a new study has revealed 5ft 8in is the ideal height for a man.
>Ideal height
LOL this must be the biggest lie of the decade
Yeah, it reeks of bullshit to me. I'm 5'8 and I've flat out been told I was short by a few women.
Well guess I'm out of luck, I'm a beaner so maybe I'll just try to find some Asian (male) friends and go from there
>Daily reminder that you can't be a robot if you are above 5'11.
Well fuck user, my national average height alone is above 5 11.
Just stop being a manlet.
Honestly, im gonna have to agree. Im 6'6 and I had girls approach me simply because of my height
Complete bullshit 5'8 is not tall at all ,but if your after latinas, who are short in general, it'll work
It's very easy to be a 6'5" robot if you don't have an attractive face and can't get a social circle
Facts, always the enemy of incels. Only men over 6' are virgins. This is a fact and no incel whining will change it.
They approach you to laugh at you, you're still a kissless virgin
You have an attractive face too
Hey look, it's the trolling lanklet again. Elliot Rodger was under 6'0 retard, so that disproves your "fact."
Elliot was a fucking retard. He could easily have got laid if he tried just once.
Only because he was okay looking and loaded. If he was ugly, poor, and balding then he 100% wouldn't have had a chance. Not that is matters much though since he's dead.
why is this show so popular
Reply with
>"I also like tall girls! :smugface:"
so she'll die a little bit as much as you did.
Have money
Yeah I gotta say, women have come easy to me my whole life. Even when they were taller than me though, so, sounds like its just an excuse. 5'9" isnt that short, you're just inadequate with women. Happy and sad at the same time, there's a word for that
hahaha holy shit i bet this is a white. amongst real white alphas its seen as the absolute lowest of the low to fuck an asian girl, essentially copping out of your white romantic privilege because even with everything in your favor youre still a huge pathetic beta cuck
:') hysterical. ive watched my 6'9" friend walk into a party and three women leave the man they were with to walk up and greet him. absolute monster
horrendously untrue. im a huge chad but like, good god whites and asians know how to robot
well theres your problem, youre barely human man. mexicans are the human equivalent of belly flops from the jelly bean factory. theyre all the mishapen ones and while they all look vaguely misshapen and deformed, each one is uniquely fucked up in its own little way. thats what mexican people are, and its why women dont want to have sex with you, your taquito-esque dick, and beach ball like physique
Daily reminder you're not a man if you're under 5"11
>Thinking this way
Why am I a virgin?
Every incel
Ha! You could say this for a lot of women
Ok but this hasn't stopped me romantically
I have a social circle. More than one. None of them help.
Have fun paying that child support in three years
>5'9 manlet
Try 5'6, faggot. Every other girl is taller than me.
Have you tried going to South America or Thailand
I'm also a neet since I gave up on life, so I don't have the money for that.
They would do the same if he was 3'9". Guaranteed your 6'9" is and will die a kissless virgin.
barley making by on my wageslave income
not white I wasn't gifted by the God's with that privilege, would of loved to be
Very true user well I guess there is no hope for me
>t. triggered white roast or tiny dick asian masculinity
It's a lot easier to go to Mexico than it is to get out of Mexico
How broke is broke? Literally no money for food?
I'm from EU, I can't just walk into Mexico
>coping this hard
manlets in absolute S H A M B L E S
>tfw i'm tall and funny but fat and ugly
6'1" skinny, nerdy and awkward
I get hit on often enough. Japan was crazy. Lots of girls clearly having the hots for me but they wouldn't try to talk to the waito
Find a girl with pectus excavatum and put your chest inside her cavity.
My father works with AI and has made a tinder bot that does something similar. It's a fork of the bot called tinderbox. It can start conversations and stuff. If someone says that they only date people of a certain height the bot will respond that it won't date anyone over 50 kg.
My father is 185.
Just go to Italy or Spain then
>have kissed a handful of girls
>had a blowjob once
>still a virgin at 22 though
>diagnosed aspergers
what am i?
>what am i?
a retarded normalfag
Youre a cyborg. The true oppressed class
I second this Maybe retarded chad if those handful of girls are more than what I'm thinking
According to the beta retards on this website, you are automatically guaranteed women because you're 6 feet or above (lmao sorry this isn't the case lanklets)
if thats a japanese girl, anything above like 5'8" is considered tall.
6'0 180lbs, masculine med features, life is literally easy mode concerning women. I was already 6'0 in high school, and im not proud of this, but i fucked every classmates girlfriend if they were a 7 or above, one guy even married the chick
Do you wear hearing aids user?
Im fellow hard of hearing bot, got implants and they're the best choice I ever made
I like tall funny guys too OP do you know any?
>he doesn't realize that all a woman is saying when she says "tall" is "taller than me"
So what the fuck are you doing here then?
Back to
>this level of manlet cope
when will you learn
Height is only part of the equation. If you're tall but ugly, you might as well be a manlet.
t. tall and ugly
>t. lanklet cope
Height has never deterred me from getting laid.
I blame Disney movies and social media.
Just watch it for like four episodes.
Not even that. By "tall" they mean "don't be Tyrion Lannister".
everyone knows manlets still get laid, its how the species proliferates
but a tall 9/10 is going to get laid way the fuck more and with better looking women than a short 9/10
>tfw Hispanic 6'4'' robot
Eat shit
>this level of lanklet coping
Why would the tall guy get laid more? It makes no sense.
I am 6ft6 and have not ever in my life even touched a girl aside from on accident. I have also never had a friend in real life.
She's not going to give a fuck if you destroy that pussy.
>source: 5'7 manlet
because women prefer taller men
>Be 5'10
>Have small pecker(4.4)
>Only good quality is chad-like voice.
>Not be virgin,had gf
>about to fuck girl on saturday
Dont lose hopes bro. Even a broken clock is right twice a day
If you beat it right, she'll massage your feet and make you dinner every night.
Out of most of the women I've seen, they've fell roughly a little under my height. To them, I would be taller and therefore meet this criterion of preference. Your argument invalidates itself through your assumption that taller means taller than your specified height guidelines instead of theirs.