
Jusky thread

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Jusky Jusky

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About to rape this dead African

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Why the fuck does he look so ugly and evil?


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he literally looks like a fucking psycho holy shit

Don't forget to visit godemperorjusky.tumblr.com/post/177163925609 For more Jusky pics and stories!

> I cum
> I cum so hard

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Does anyone have the Jusky cum tapes?

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Why does Jusky unironically look so evil? Weird as fuck eyes.

Fuck of this is lame ass self promoting bullshit.

> Woah look at the size of that thing Carlos pull up the other pic. Yeah that one oh my gosh those guys know how to pump an ass"

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THIS and hes in complete fucking denial about is as well

>Jusky James is bringing some soul to the thread

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god jusky gives me hardon

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I cant believe one of my favorite movies of the year is about two poor sluts slutting it up around Texas

jusky is such a dirty slut

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>at hol up ain't havin a thread with Blacksky

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he looks like a fucking faggot manlet

i hope jusky never commits sudoku

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>Yeah yeah Jusky keep going yeah yeah Jusky go go go go

>I love it when Jusky is pumpy in my rumpy

Yeah yeah yeah

>Jusky jusky cum

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Secret Jusky society unite

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I see jusky dancing in the club all night always ask me "please don't say mmmmmm cum" to him any more but I can't stop thinking about him I want to fuck I think i will ask about him

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why do you all worship this fucking faggot you're all insufferable jesus fuck


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Welcome to Juskyass.com

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did this guy really get people to cut themselves or something or is that just bs like with reiko?

he made a few girls cut themselves for him, including a 13 year old girl

Yes, it was really bad he made a cult and everything

I will cut myself for cum tapes

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hahahaha he looks fucking deranged

"a rare photo of jusky being bored" - circa 1997

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You better go!

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Jusky just misses the ranchin life

Jusky is what bonds us all

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This spy infiltrated my ass and disabled my missiles!

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Jusky tells people to make threads about him cause he's narcissistic, unironically

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are you retarded? he hates this shit because it exposes him

Lol unironically this
Jusky hates being exposed/called out for anything, he's in constant hardcore denial about anything negative said about him

Jusky forced me to make this thread

Then explain this, in an original way of course

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oh fuck I made that one
man that was fun

the fuck is this fags deal anyway? can someone give me a quick rundown

He kills animals, and has a cult full of traps and underaged people who he some how gets to cut his name into their arms as a form of loyalty to his cause

r9k semi famous discord fag who made a few girls cut themselves and now thinks he's hot shit, killed animals as a kid, looks generally ugly and mentally ill and occasionally says weird shit like how we're all a disease then passes it off as a "joke"

he's also literally raped a girl

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