Does the cognitive impairment from benzos ever go away? I have taken like, 90 pills of Xanax in a span of 2 months...

Does the cognitive impairment from benzos ever go away? I have taken like, 90 pills of Xanax in a span of 2 months, plus some Klonopin, and I don't want to become a brainlet. I feel much dumber, does this ever go away? I have had no withdrawal symptoms besides insomnia, I think.

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google search says its often permanent. I feel for you man I know someone in the same shoes

>google search says its often permanent.
Come on dude. This can't be true. I gotta get my memory back. I mean, 2 months isn't that long right? Can it even be considered long-term? For fuck's sake, it can't fucking be possible that I will have memory problems for the rest of my life because of 2 months taking a anxolytic, right?

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former addict here. i used meth. i have no experience with benzos, so there may be differences. the brain fog lifted for me after being clean for 3 to 4 months.

good luck, and thanks for posting a very cute girl as the OP pic.

Two months isn't too copious, you should be fine within a few weeks. I've been binging the bars hard this summer as well, they're fun but not worth it in the long run.

To you brother I'm about to squirt 2 xans into my mouth.
Anyway how often you'd take them?

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Give it some time. You'll probably be ok if you've been using benzos for only ~2 months, but it'll take a looong fucking time for your cognition to normalize. The same thing happened to me when I used klonopin from March through May of 2016. For much of the rest of that year, I was trapped in this haze of brain fog, always forgetting shit, feeling anxious and confused all the time, never able to get any decent deep sleep. Eventually it passed though, albeit agonizingly slowly. That might be the case for you too.

my jack ass psychiatrist put me on this shit and it fucked me up pretty bad in only like 3 months. Of course he wanted me to take 4mg 3 times a day every single day. I stopped taking them but he keeps pushing me to take them. I am trying to switch psychiatrists but the clinic wont fucking let me and wants me to see that guy again even though I don't fucking trust him and he refuses to listen to me.

I tried to find a psychiatrist out side of the mental health clinic and the closest one was 150 miles away. Just fuck my life this has likely completely sunk my disability claim as well.

>Anyway how often you'd take them?
It was basically the worst 2 months of my life. Basically I took them when I had stayed too long awake from stimulant use. But then some real awful shit started happening and I got extreme stress, anxiety, panic and a mixture of other psychiatric drugs I shouldn't have taken made me start getting kinda psychotic (not the stimulants though) and I couldn't sleep for shit. I took them like 1mg everyday otherwise I felt like I'd go insane. After the Xanax ran out (I had three full boxes of it) I took Klonopin instead (around 0.8mg for sleep every night). I think that once I stopped taking them I got some insomnia, and honestly I don't feel like I am half the human being I used to be, although I don't know how much this can be attributed to Benzo use.

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>Of course he wanted me to take 4mg 3 times a day every single day.
Damn, that's a lot of Xanax.

Are you in the US?

yeah as far as I know that is the maximum they can prescribe. He is a terrible psychiatrist and is clearly just throwing pills at people and not giving a fuck.

Shit I knew benzos were fucked up but now I'm sure I'll avoid them altogether.

they basically numb you and turn your into a fucking zombie. When they say it "cures" you it really means it can numb you enough to work some dead end job the rest of your life. You likely won't get a good job because you will lack ambition. Essentially its the lobotomy of the 21st century and it exists to turn you into a good little wagie who toils at Mc Donalds for the rest of their lives.

People like this is desirable to society because they work dead end jobs for really long periods of time and it really helps to have someone who has a ton of experience.

Fuck man now you starting to worry me. I used to take xans once a week to go to an event and not have anxiety. It was only until I started experimenting with stims a few weeks ago that I started using benzos 1-3 times a week. I have now stopped but my sleep is fucked.
Are you hypochondriac? What stims did you use and how often? What other meds are you on?

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>Essentially its the lobotomy of the 21st century and it exists to turn you into a good little wagie who toils at Mc Donalds for the rest of their lives.
No, this would be anti-psychotics.

>Are you hypochondriac?

What stims did you use and how often?
Just Ritalin, 40mg Ritalin LA everyday. Best time of my life. I felt like a god and a functional human being for the first time in my life.
What other meds are you on?
Right now, nothing besides 10mg Instant Release Ritalin

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Since when have you been taking Xanax? What stims do you use?

Things eventually improve. I was into some really bad shit for years and was snorting xannys on the regular becuase I was dumb and snorted everything. When I didn't have xanax it was valium instead since it was at least something and then there was the opiates as well which were really my main thing.
The worst of it improves after a few months. It's been about 2 and a half years since I've gotten clean now and I'm still not quite the same but in the past 4 months things have defenitly gotten a lot better. I'm not even sure if the ways in which I feel strange are actually from the drug use or of it's just the fact I spent my later teen years and the majority of my 20s almost constantly high om something or another and consequently have no frame of reference for what is normal for an adult nor even remember much of my life before that well enough to serve as an accurate baseline to compare agianst. I know that's probably not all that reassuring so I'll restate that in the past few months things have gotten a lot better and I was at it for like 5 years compared to your 2 months.

Or what I meant was what anti-psychoticness did you take?
For me it's a 50/50 with stims. Can only speak for meth and adderall. One time it makes nervous and speedy but others it makes just like you described. You get all this stuff prescribed or do you just buy it?

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>Or what I meant was what anti-psychoticness did you take?
Olanzapine. Fucking poison. Became a thoughtless zombie.

>You get all this stuff prescribed or do you just buy it?

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Are benzos better?

>Are benzos better?
No. They are less worse. Benzos make you fucking faint, in a way, but anti-psychotics in the long run will literally shrink your prefrontal cortex. Stay away from that shit. Actually, stay away from every fucking psychiatric drugs except for stimulants.

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Seriously inspiring me to stop fucking with everything including weed dabs and only use every once in a while or when necessary
.I have been using xanax once a week for about 3 months. Only recently did start using like I previously described but sort of scared it might have made me more anxious when sober and even
more immsomaniac. Not entirely sure if it's xanax since it's not from a pharmacy. It's really bitter though and it sort of does what I 've had from legit pharma klonapin but more potent. Refer to for the stims I have used. I have tried coke recently too but wouldn't really count it.

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In my country they won't prescribe stimulants. I wanna cry

>In my country they won't prescribe stimulants.
Where the fuck are you from?

Russia originale

>4mg 3 x a day
thats enough to knock a horse down lad

Americans are so lucky they can get drugs prescribed. Weed, stimulants, xanax. Can't get any of that in Australia legally unless it's an emergency.

>Can't get any of that in Australia legally unless it's an emergency.
Maybe it's for your own good, user.

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