The visible embarrassment on his face

Are the lengths beta males go through to get laid by cosplay thots even worth it?

Attached: Dva.jpg (528x960, 47K)

Dude's setting himself up to get cucked tf out by an alpha chad Reinhardt cosplayer.

That guy has a gf and you don't.

She looks like a slut and has probably done stuff with him.

he a long ass wigger

I mean, he's getting laid by a qt cosplay chick and I'm at home by myself in a dark, small apartment that I haven't left for ages, with no gf anywhere in sight.

I'd say it's probably worth it.

damn how tall is that guy. look at those fucking legs. mine are like 4 times the size but it doesn't matter because I'm a manlet

I would gladly put on a dva suit to fuck that girl

Yep, she is training him to be the beta ball washer, dude done fucked up

reinhardt would rather fuck him.

Visible embarrassment? Or did he just knock his forehead on that door because he is one tall ass fucking slenderman?

>beta males
>get laid
That's not how it works. He's clearly a normie.

That is the face of someone who knows he's being cucked and is little more than a live-in orbiter.

That bitch has to be 4'8

Attached: IMG_3503.jpg (854x1080, 60K)

4'11 devito height

That fag needs to gain some weight and muscle.

That bitch got hips

Left: 5'6'', right: 6'2''

What is it with above average height males going for way below average height females?

Certainly has a paedo vibe.

I could approve if some 6'4 rugged guy with beard do Diva cosplay for shit and giggles.

Damn. Ed Miliband has really sunk to new lows after losing the election.

No because it doesn't get them laid at all. It gets them way, way less laid because they're falling into the provider/pet trap where you do what a woman wants you to & her pussy dries right up.

Anyone else here wants to fuck his boipussy and make the girl watch