I'm a woman and you're a loser

Go ahead, get mad.
Prove to everyone how pathetic and unintelligent you truely are.

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What makes you think im a loser, op?

>on /r9k
>trying to bait
yes op were the losers kek

I'm so fucking depressed and anxious. I wann fucking kill myself so badly but I cant. There are people depending on me and I cant let them down.

i just took a shit and you're a loser

what now?

Ok, can you prove it?

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>loser calling other people losers for being losers

Oh the irony


Learn to spell first, loser.

who cares fag lol

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>uses Jow Forums
Already lost

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lick the tears off my cheeks mommy please

>Thinks she's better than everyone here
This is either really shitty bait from a larping jackass or OP is so fucking stupid that "she" doesn't realize that "she" is proving what the board says about women right.

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I mean, tits and timestamp or gtfo. Those are the rules.

I think I'm better than you. Because you seem to have zero redeeming qualities outside of being a woman. I've got enough friends to the point that I can solidly say I'm an interesting person.

girls (male) don't count

Ain't mad. I do feel like a loser. I just don't see how you being a woman makes it any different.

>He LARPs as a woman on a chinese frogbreeding forum
>I am the unintelligent loser

I think you need to work on your baiting skills user. That wasn't even throwing the pole in, you leaned down and told the fish you were going to catch them.
But, I guess I'm here anyways. What's gone horribly wrong in your life to bring you here OP? Anything?

You're not wrong thot, this place is full of losers.

except youre actually just a guy pretending to be a female

you're a good person for that

keep in mind that if a man want to have sex with it he will and you wouldn't be able to stop him.

Just go for it. What universal law states you owe anything to anyone?

I do not know if you are a woman but I am definitely a loser. I possess the intelligence needed to make money but I am also extremely lazy and am easily distracted. I wish I could focus my time and energy into something like programming but I can not. I might end up killing myself because I am already tired of working shitty jobs at age 20. Better to die free than live in chains.

>I'm a woman
Guaranteed replies.

I can solve rubix cubes bitch.

and on to the next post

A fucking kid does.

Excellent and astute observation, fellow gentleman.

>>frogbreeding forum
Hehe, made me kek. Origianalle

> someone shares my dna so I owe him whatever he wants
> being this much of a cuck
