Will you stop polluding her Jow Forums?

Will you stop polluding her Jow Forums?

Attached: 1534645239646.jpg (700x1028, 214K)

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Damn, this Shadman comic really does say a lot about our society

Just nope

Attached: nope.gif (356x260, 1.98M)

Ebola-chan will help Earth-chan to get a new life which is happy and free from abuse.

Attached: Ebola-Chan.jpg (1920x1080, 244K)

if she loves us so much then explain natural disasters

Just childish temper tantrums

personally I never threw a tantrum that killed several million people

why is she barefoot in the bottom right one?

somebody answer my question
I really wanna know



How does that make me a newfag?

Because the 6pack rings wouldn't fit on her otherwise. Also, because feet.

she's been polLEWDed

stupid sexy earth chan takes off her feet when walking through trash


it's more like a fever
carbon emissions => warmer earth-chan => more oceanic evaporation => bigger hurricanes
just hold your dick during an earthquake and it's like the earth is jacking you off with her quivering faultline

>not flat


Attached: man of shad.jpg (474x522, 59K)

shad, pls no

i do my best, but the big corporations don't.

>posting shadman in the year after 2017

Attached: 1c271b99b7d11a6825fde0c3e646aa077ae99778965cae22614c18a8de899b46.jpg (680x672, 78K)

Shadmans gotten so lazy lately, he doesn't even try to improve his skills

If i make earf a cleaner place can I cum inside earfchan?

What is exactly wrong with shadman as a human being? Was he raped as a kid?

Putting out cigarettes on Earth-chan!
Polluting her and turning her oceans black with sludge!
Disrespecting her and beating her when she gets out of line!

Sounds hot n kinky

He just enjoys being edgy for the sake of edginess

I miss Ebola-chan so much, when is she coming back anons? I hope she visits me.

>pawtucket patriot

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Ebola-Chan will never truly leave us. She love and cares too much. She's just on a little vacation so she can come back with more strength next time.

>6pack lewd bondage
That's why.

God fucking damn it
Is that the beer from family guy in the lower right corner?
I just noticed that after seeing this image dozens of times

found the normie who thinks shadbase is top tier edgy hentai

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daily reminder that 3 angled blue(a 4channer for you newfags) created the rage comics, reddit just adopted them.


I have to go user

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goodbye user

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Shadman has gotten even worse. How is that possible?

Well, you're not a planet, retard.

not today

Attached: schadman.gif (478x490, 1.95M)

>gotten even worse
this kid thinks new shad is 'worse'
start from the beginning redditor.