Anyone else wear inserts? I started wearing these to get over 6'1 and people treat me way better...

Anyone else wear inserts? I started wearing these to get over 6'1 and people treat me way better, even women look at me now.

I recommend everyone get one

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5'6-5'10 will get the most benefit from them.

2"-3" inch ones are usually the limit for being comfortable enough and unnoticeable enough. Do remember though no matter the height your foot is not designed to stand that way.
They do work, it might be really the height, it might be the placebo confidence but do remember that one day you will have to take them off.
I had a huge harley davidsonish boot that I wear, and was pretty open about it.

I absolutely despise shoes though.

I'm 6'2 and a half or so (lel) but people say I look like Peter Steele so I wanted to know what being 6'6" was like and got some. Its fun but uncomfortable for long periods

They're probably only looking at you because you're wearing fucking Uggs and you look retarded. Now they're laughing at you more than ever.

I got them because of a medical heel issue

Enjoy deformimg your feet and posture to impress some shallow whores.

6'3 here, kinda wanna try them for the lols too. But I already wear big ass jackboots so I don't really think its necessary.

Nigga what tf you do when you take your shoes off and a bitch noticed you're 3 inches shorter and now you're a laughing stock come on man like wtf everyone gonna be asking why you don't take your shoes off when you get in the house like what if a bitch wants you to take her bowling you can't wear those on the lane nigga everyone gonna find out

Will the eternal manlet ever cease his deceptions?

Absolutely pathetic.

Next we'll have people identifying as trans-tall or trans-short and if you call them out on their bullshit you'll be called heightist.

yeah i wore them in my red wings to music shows and they got uncomfortable after like an hour

Good thinking, least you'd see over the crowd.

yes but going from 5'3 to 5'5 isn't much of an improvement so I stopped wearing them

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its good until you have guys trying to run into you for standing out even more and being taller than usual

i usually just laugh it off with them and have a beer

>people treat me way better, even women look at me now.
>I recommend everyone get one
Nobody cares about height. 10/10 placebo tho for the retards who think people care.

>nobody cares about height
factually untrue but not as large of an obstacle as some think

do you walk around barefoot outside?

>all these mad lanklets in this thread
rage all you want faggots, wearing shoe lifts gives me insane confidence, the only times i've gotten laid after high school was when i used them.

>tfw 6'5"
>tfw even without shoes i'm bigger than all these pretending manlets in this thread
you are pathetic
gotta take off those stilts eventually, smallbois


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it isnt right. My height is my birth right, something that I was given. Youre cheating the mother nature and will be punished

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this, the universe will attempt to correct itself and the consequences will be disastrous

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I see your point but there is so much fake shit already men and women I don't really mind it any more.

>the only times i've gotten laid after high school was when i used them
>I only got laid when women thought I was what I'm not
If I were you, I'd hate this and it would just fuel the insecurity about my height even more

No, I'm 5'6 and I think that's pathetic. Just deal with the height that you are.

It's not my fault an arbitrary biological trait makes it much more difficult to get laid, and it's not my fault that a few inches make it substantially easier.

>wearing high heels as a man

jokes on you because they were originally worn by men

>reading comprehension
Nowhere I said it's your fault.
I only said that instead of getting a confidence boost, if I were you all of this would just fuel my insecurity even more.

to not step into the filth covering the streets.
are you Indian?

not true, it showed that you belong to a higher class or something like that

Anyone that wears these is absolutely pathetic. These won't get you laid, it's already too late for you betas

Yes, that is what having clean shoes showed.

Maybe. Having higher heels meant that you are in a higher class than the ones having shorter heels.

I'm 6'4 and jacked but wear these work boots that make me 6'6-6'7 and people love to talk shit about them but the irony is some girls who were trash talking them and ribbing me want my cock. I've already made out with one of them too lmaoooooo. Cya manlets

Tfw short
Still want to be small as a lego toy and have adventures with custom gadgets

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I'd rather be that size and have sexy fun.

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mfw i'm decent looking and 6'3'' and still kissless virgin

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>Wear retarded high heels to fuck vapid bitches
Robots are really goddamn eager to get the approval of the normalfags they supposedly hate

>6'1 is manlet now
At last I truly see

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The fucking hax.

I wear hightop Vans and there's no way that shit would fit in them.

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How the fuck will this deform your feet, jack ass.

no. im a manlet but i wont be a cheatlet too.

>people say i look like Peter Steele

you mean maybe one person said that once in your life. Pete was the original founding member of the goth boy clique.

but what about when you take them off and they see that you're padding your height which will also tell them that you're so insecure about your height that you wear big boi shoes

>be 5'9"
>get treated like shit
>purchase 3" shoe inserts
>get treated like a human being
Just make sure to wear high ankle footwear.

has anyone tried to wear female wedge sneakers stealthily?

Not only are you a manlet.
You're a loser too.
Fucking needing inserts to feel good about yourself.
Or perceive a better reaction from those around you.

Fucking pathetic, get rid of those stilts and stop hanging around trash humans you degenerate.

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Ya'll just wearing stilettos, jesus.

Kek, all the manlets in this thread are so cringy
>b-but it g-gibs me c-confidence

desu, I'd rather wear actual heels than this clowny shit.
At least people would compliment me for being able to walk in them so well, then.

Works like high heels

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You can always tell when someone is wearing lifts, though. Your head stands taller but you don't have tall-person proportions, it just looks wrong.

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This is why you should just wear actual high heels, because they give you those sweet posture benefits

6'4" reporting in. When will they learn?

not the same user but yeah
if i don't have to go anywhere far i do walk barefoot

I wear arch support inserts
They don't make me any taller

I'd have to wear stilts to get that tall

>people treat me way better, even women look at me now

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Why do his legs look so short lol

yeah i am five foot six, and wearing these helps, but ultimately i am still a babyfaced manlet, and the few women i have dated very clearly have not been made to feel safe by me. they are just totally unattracted. i want to curse this world that has cursed me

I fell for this meme and only push 5'8

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because it's a poorly photoshopped pic, look at the space between his legs, it's all warped

5'10-5'11 and this boosts me to around 6' nothing too extreme, and usually during the winter, fucking golden. Literally have people looking above at me all the time. Makes me like being a literal turbomanlet