>he calls people "normies" or "normalfags" like it's supposed to be an insult and not a compliment
He calls people "normies" or "normalfags" like it's supposed to be an insult and not a compliment
Stop braking the rules of betacuck fightclub or we have to revoke your membership.
I don't call people things that's rude.
it's not an insult, it's a way of separating us from them.
it's like saying "globalist elite". the globalist elite are in the superior position, but they are the enemy of the in-group of everyone else
just don't call me... LATE FOR DINNER!
It's only insulting if you look into the deeper meaning of what a normie is to someone, I'm sure most people just say it for the memes but perhaps some actually can define what a normie is and it's not gonna be pretty. I guess calling people normies or normiefags just sums all the nastyness they have for a certain group of people into one ball of hate to fling towards them.
Separating yourself from "normies" just makes you outcast yourself even further. Realize there's nothing to gain from this and integrate yourself into society instead of shutting yourself out.
Especially don't be like this loser.
Being a normalfag is an insult because a normalfag is not a normal person. A normalfag is a self righteous idiot that thinks any deviation from what he views as a norm is a sin and he flaunts his offensive ignorance at every turn, being a nuisance for everyone involved generally. "Normies" is a shit tier expression and needs to get the fuck off my 4chinz, same as pepe and wojak.
>Realize there's nothing to gain from this and integrate yourself into society instead of shutting yourself out.
how about no, you fucking normie
On most boards that are centered around an interest it is used to mock their taste in that interest. Here on the other hand is something we despise because we will never be like them no matter how badly we want to.
>reinvents the definition of a word just to feel validated
sounds like something a normalfaggot would do
I'm not a normie, I used to lurk here every day when I was in highschool. I'm very experienced in being an outcast and a shut-in, believe me. I just stopped being on Jow Forums 24/7/365 and grew up.
>grew up
you always were a normalfag
Fucking normalfags I swear originaleo
Thank you uwu originally
when normies come here and learn theyre surrounded by non-normies and get called a normie, they actually get insecure and try to blend in.
its pretty interesting.
haha where is he even going lol
not supposed to be an insult. only means u must go back to lebbit
I used to, but not anymore. I'm not superior to the normies, they are (most of the time) superior to me.
people who reject individualism cannot claim to have value attributed to their lives.
Those who listen to the same music as everyone else, eat the same food, dress the same way, think the same way, say the same things, have the same values and opinion as every million other normies of their culture could just die and be replaced at any time, by another one of those normies. Normality makes you disposable and that's a fact. A normie's life has no value
truly based user*10
Chad/Stacy is a compliment.
Normie/Normalfag isn't.
Normals are irl NPCs. Average, dull people.
The only "fact" worth noting is that the average normie experiences more happiness in their lives than the average lonely shut in
>Normals are irl NPCs. Average, dull people.
Yes because you are such a interesting and complex person yourself.
Normalfaggot in suicide watch
of course normies would sacrifice individuality for happiness, they don't have anything in their personalities they consider valuable.
but being an not nomrie gives me Jow Forums points
I miss normalfag when it used to imply someone having a distaste for what they see as abnormal, as opposed to "you're more well adapted than me/have less knowledge about this niche"
t. Not Chad
No one cares what you think