Seriously though, why don't robots just date other robots? What are you worried about?
Seriously though, why don't robots just date other robots? What are you worried about?
>wanting anything to do with others
Not a robot desu
It's not that easy to find dates with socially anxious mentally ill people when you're also that kind of person.
because robots have high standards that don't fit other robots
Because we're not gay, dummy
Ritsu you are so sugoi
Stop spamming this retarded shit that has been debunked thousands of times
13/f/cali desu senpai
i resigned from dating because i realized all i wanna really do is play video games and go to school.
i'm in an extended adolescent period at my own fault, i acknowledge it and i'm not crying about it.
i would be open to a relationship, but women demand too much at first.
every attempt i try at taking it slow, the woman always fucks some other guy or is talking to some other guy.
there is no "moving slow" anymore and women's ability to communicate isn't as clear as advertised or as coherent as they'd have you believe.
women will leave you wondering what the fuck they even want too often.
you should be afraid of falling into the hands of a predatory, sadistic robot who just wants to torture you
Prepare to banned
If the solution was that simple I'm sure robots would be dating each other left & right
Every actual female on this site ghosts guys because they have shit personalities, they're ugly, poor and stupid, and boring as well as the fact that someone said they have high standards. It's true for some but no matter what you do you'll look like a retard. if you have low standards you're a desperate pathetic incel. if you have high standards you're still a desperate pathetic incel but you look deluded.
Female "robots" still have standards no matter how unhappy their life is.
I'm not gay. oaild
I mean, you seem to have identified a problem with your "moving slow" approach : they aren't sure about you so they keep other guys on the backburner.
Now that the issue is known, why not just change the method to get rid of it? Like, not going too slow for instance.
I had the same problem and actually moving forward more decisively did wonders to my sentimental life.
I'm not gay
Prison gay for traps at best
It's alright, you'll be dressing up as a girl soon enough.
What do you think we are, gay robots?
It's not gay if he(she) is wearing a skirt.
>13 and female
Hi fbi how are you doing today