Tfw jarl found my seed mead

>tfw jarl found my seed mead

Attached: avcxvshbxjdfbxbjsgj.jpg (466x411, 27K)

>tfw N'wah found my cum forager

Attached: modgkghgsh.png (1280x731, 272K)

>seed mead
(formerly chuck's)

this wasnt orginal jesus h christ almighty

>pope found the anal sheath

Attached: 1498919665828.jpg (288x252, 24K)

>sister sold my Big Book of Science

Attached: 1534369893702.jpg (1600x1600, 96K)

>dad found the hist sap

Attached: _20180820_120901.jpg (687x464, 70K)

>MFW Pannonkoek2012 found the Shit and Piss Dimension while traveling through Watch for Rolling Rocks in only .5 A-presses

Attached: 1454288103811.png (985x985, 112K)

>sl*thun found the human oralligator

Attached: 2DDE5009-D9E0-4871-9046-F9C6DAF77C44.jpg (720x960, 70K)

New Arrival finds Engraved Ring of Healing.

Attached: download.jpg (180x180, 8K)

>tfw you always have to sit at the back of the boat
>by the time you get to the front, the Saxon dogs are already slain and the chaddest warriors have been picked up by qt valkyries and are riding to Valhalla

>tfw skyrim with guns

Attached: 1531576335723.jpg (640x640, 42K)

>mom found my floor tacos
She didn't even flinch while picking them up

Brother found the living cum

Every Fallout ever

"After consulting with the peers of the realm, King Harlaus have decided to award Jelbegi Castle to:


Attached: angery.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Has Fallout 4 been fixed by mods/patches yet or is it still garbage?

Still garbage. Played 40 hours, got bored. Played New Vegas for 279 hours, still wanna play after. Started playing fallout 1, 10 hours in and still better than fallout 4.

a little
>you hab been muded :D Ebin xDDDDD

Fellow stalker found the prolapse anomaly

Attached: 14790031806710.jpg (680x932, 103K)

Hey, This is uhhh....Brodd Boward. In the rare case you didn't like Fallout 4, you might wanna try the new Skyrim: Special edition: Remastered: Directors cut on the switch.

Attached: todd howard.jpg (518x506, 44K)

Based but bluepilled

>tfw cant sell the weapons I looted because they are all broken and just dead weight

Attached: D2EDEB88-572A-4D1A-BB37-C298BEF0B379.png (1192x830, 196K)

kaiser found the kream kollector

Adoring Fan finds the Grand Champion

>nerevarine found the racist plumes

Attached: rare cliff racer.jpg (934x900, 337K)

It's Bethesda we're talking about. Unofficial Skyrim Patch is still going after 7 years with over 25k bugs fixed atm

>geralt found the memory hole
it's over.

Attached: d3enPgX.jpg (1072x705, 118K)

->mom found the poop stick

Attached: 1534768299786.jpg (720x960, 41K)