Doing it tonight edition
Any encouragement would be appreciated as im on the fence about it pic related my cpap mask sorry about not having the actual helium tank its outside and my parents would catch me
Doing it tonight edition
Any encouragement would be appreciated as im on the fence about it pic related my cpap mask sorry about not having the actual helium tank its outside and my parents would catch me
On the off-chance that this is sincere please talk to your parents about your feelings right now.
lol no they are most of the reason im here
you have something to live for. if you really were going to do it you would not of shared it on the internet
remember who you are lad
seriously take shrooms that saved my life i can now think and feel positively no matter what its like im a child again really
>You're on the fence about it
Yeah.... don't do that, you're just gonna go halfway and quit. Maybe you'll be okay; maybe you'll be wishing you went all the way once you fuck up.
havent looked into helium a whole bunch but honestly seems like it's kinda reliable if you do it right. if it's ur choice to go and you would be happier doin an eternal sleep then god speed friend
You're gonna leave a lot of people really sad.
You are a faggot.
Hold up a minute, are you going to attach that tube straight to the helium tank?
>Inhaling helium directly from pressurized tanks can also lead to barotrauma because the high flow rate can result in rupture of the lung tissue
Don't do it yet unless you have a gas regulator valve, so you don't give yourself a much more painful death than you were expecting.
Don't kill yourself retard
so you are going to inhale a tank of helium gas to send yourself retarded, braindead, then dead, etc.? starve yourself of oxygen?
yeah this op. make sure you've seriously fully prepared for it, this kinda method isn't one you can half-ass
just researche the method at least i mean you want a painless death not some prolonged agony
livestream it please
oregano sauce with a little bit of original
If you've set out to do it, then make sure it is a rational decision carried backed by logic. Make sure you are not being controlled by some sort of an illness or emotional distress, otherwise it's not really you that makes such a decision, but things that wrestled control of yourself away from you.
dont do it in your home with family for 2 reasons.
1. you risk getting "saved" and turning retarded
2. your family will be hurt so much more man,
Just rent a motel for teh night or day and KYS there.
Perhaps call the Suicide Hotline before you do the deed, then think about whether you want to do so.
if you really were going to do it you would not of shared it on the internet
>who is shuaby he streamed and hes ded
>remember who you are lad
>a pathetic faggot
>seriously take shrooms that saved my life
>dude shrooms lmao even if i could get shrooms i would almost definitely have a panic attack on them i cant even have fun on weed
They can choose what they feel about it. He had no choice about being brought into this world. I think payback and a reality check both are a necessity.
>your family will be hurt so much more man
he said they are the main reason, so fuck them
sometimes the illness/emotional distress is too much to bear tho, and is controlled by factors that'll keep giving you said distress. the an hero isn't rly cos of the illness it's more to escape the illness surely
>They can choose what they feel about it.
No they can't you retarded child
Idk if its illegal to encourage it but if i were you i would've done it. thats considering im already considering it too.
Did you try therapy user?
trips and you kill your parents before you do it
kek therapy is shite
you gonna livestream it?
This is a fucking retarded idea and you should feel bad. Suicide hotlines do not help.
That doesn't solve the first problem though. You need to be absolutely positive you will not be discovered at home for the length of time it takes for the method to kill you, otherwise you will be left crippled for life if you survive, and you will never get a second chance to try killing yourself to end your suffering.
>people can't control their emotions
And in case of someone that wants to kill themselves, it's entirely possible that they were already being seen as a burden and a waste of space, so their death would instead bring relief and any and all grief displayed would be an act put on to maintain an illusion of decency. And remember "No, you're wrong" is not an argument, user.
I would but i dont wanna become a meme sorry user
Fuck off i hate (((therapists)))
Thats the worst thing i could do right now
Self termination to die a dignified death when affected by a terminal illness is perfectly valid reasoning. I'm talking about more insidious matters like an episode of psychosis or an emotional outburst after someone else abused you.
Especially if you tell a therapist you're suicidal, you're fucking yourself really hard. That's just going to give you another reason to wish you were dead.
Yeah, just go ahead and kill yourself. This world is a shithole anyway. I might end up doing the same one day with the way my life is going (working long hours but not making enough to move out).
Faggots will only tell you not to kys because they want you to live to exploit you. You owe nothing to anyone.
i'm glad you agree on the therapist front
I literally support suicide but the guy can at least do it right
absolutely user, when i got admitted to therapy i made the absolute shit mistake of admitting a bunch of my plans, spent months backtracking and trying to convince them i was just not thinking straight, let them do their course and believe they were helping me and somehow managed to fucking escape it, i think the woman was giving up on me slowly cos she said multiple times she had no idea what to suggest
You're sick
Don't do it op
Nah, he should livestream it. Why not? Why is death and dying such a taboo topic all of a sudden? All creatures are subject to it, why mourn instead of celebrate? He gets what he wants and we get what we want. Everyone wins and the website has another hilarious meltdown.
Post discord?
are you retarded?
the failure rates for the helim/gas mask combo are high af.
therapist are not you friends
we are you friends
we think you should KYS, kek
jkjk, but maybe
i've seen 3 kill themselves live, and it's whatever whatever
life sucks, then you die
If this thread stays alive for the next few hours i could get a pic of the full exit bag setup and it is pure guys dont worry
It's gonna be a party alright. Bottoms up?
are you Australian by any chance? hang in there mate
At least find an interesting way to kill yourself. An exit bag is mechanical and soulless
You were a shit party member, anyways.
You either go all the way or don't even try at all, or you're gonna end up like those crippled men & women who wish they gave their 100% once their existence becomes living hell.
Just blow your fucking brains already you worthless piece shit.
I shouldn't need to tell you this but posting the order number and website of your order together with a statement of intent is a retarded idea
I would do the same as him. My parents cannot help me. They cant get me a gf no matter what. I am too far gone
So what do you think is gonna happen? Someone will bust hist door down and yell "DON'T DO IT MAN, YOU HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR!!!"? Get over yourself, man.
Yes, that person being a police officer
i think they meant more contact the website and see if they can track it / stop the delivery / probs call the cops
both the
>dont do it mate :'((
and the
>lol kys faggot
people are boring as fuck, lets be honest
no, the shop can just cancel the order
the order number is directly attached to his name and address
Im aussie you brainlet amerigoblin
even worse then
this almost exactly happened to me once, and said officer had literally never even heard of Nihilism before
you are literally better off killing yourself OP, because they have literally no idea what they're talking about
we do, and we know better
if you've the steel, KYS
Fugg dont call the cops on me user plz
And i already have the tank im just waiting for my parents to go to sleep
delete the post idiot.
live and succeed to spite your parents
rub your success in their faces
gift them the basedboy suicide tools
What is Nihilism, in your own words?
OP good job man.
I will join you one day.
GG bro, do you have a waifu you wnat to live with in the afterlife?
i have never agreed with someone more in my life. the people running these places are fucking animals. the whole thing is disgustingly inhuman.
no, no
they had literally never even heard of it in the first place
not once
no fucking clue what it was
fuck off
I dont think I would actually have the balls for it but its a very comforting thought to have. Whatever you decide to do user it shouldn't be a hasty decision
No user but thanks hopefully j see you after
This man knows his hit.
Suicide is for the weak, why would i give the normies something to laugh at and be smug about?
>LMAO user was so weak he killed himself
Instead i'll exist and make them unhappy for simply existing.
yeah, they did it to me and i didn't even say i was suicidal
my mental problems was manageable prior, but i can barely go just day-to-day without breaking down in to tears and or having an adrenaline-induced panic attack
they will not treat you as human, they will barely acknowledge you but all while psychoanalyzing everything you do
you are a thing to them, a problem to be solved
and unless you are one of the very rare cases where your problems are low-level and chemical, or you're a raging pussy, they cannot help you
best they can do is give you something that numbs you, and every single one of those has horrific consequences sooner or later
t. have Lithium Shakes
yeah, 'cuz i've through it
the white walls will drive you literally nuts
Suffering just to inconvenience normies
While i admire your determination your rarted
bump, stay strong king
OP, question for you
what would you like to see on the other side?
I'm not talking about what you think is on the other side based on your philosophical ideologies. I'm talking about what you would hope to see there?
op kill yourself. I dont say this out of malice, but suicide truly is the best option and an escape from all of lifes suffering and problems. I hope more than anything else that you succeed. you chose a good method too. godspeed, hopefully ill be joining you soon
I dont know you but I dont want you to die. Youll get past this and experience good times later. Too many people would do anything for just one more day of life. Do not throw this away.
Waking up at 13 years old again with the knowledge i have now
time is a flat circle, you'll live this life again and every time it will end like this
the eternal return, I like that
Good luck in the afterlife if there's one; I hope you will go to Heaven. Farewell user
time is literally running out
it's space-time for a reason
well, see you again op in our next life when you make this thread again. maybe one time we'll remember everything and we can do things differently, break the cycle
Stream it orig
>OP wants to be cucked for eternity
The absolute state of betas.
i'm not OP, it was just a personal comment
OP at least tell me the numbers you'll play if you'd play the lottery
Five numbers between 1 and 50
Two numbers between 1 and 12
Dying people tend to be luckier
OP make sure its at least 100% pure helium, a lot of the time it isnt and people just end up alive but brain dead. That said, dont do it, you have much to live for, etc.
Can I do a speech on your funeral and also what song do you want to play on your funeral?
Better advice then youre runofthemill shit
be my good encouragement gf or i'll kill myself
you have all of eternity to be dead eventually. why dont you enjoy one lap around the track? im sure there is something worth living for. there always is.
Did you know greeks choosed to live?
Killing yourself for greeks was a "self chosen death" and there was nothing wrong with that, you just choose to die.
You are free user, you have a choice, whenever you wanna live in this rotting world, or just close your eyes and hope for the better.
>Femanon that knows the value of anger and spite
Be my reason to stay angry at everyone
Good luck and may you succeed.
Death is salvation.
isn't it like 1am there rn? wonder if he went through it
user, please think about all the cells/organs that are working 24/7 to keep your ass alive right now. Don't let all that work go to waste.
>lol no they are most of the reason im here
Then fucking show them that you aren't a pussy and don't let them win. Staying alive means you're beating them.
whilst i kinda agree with the "live and spite people who don't like you" approach, it only goes so far imo. sure yeah, my parents think i'm a disappointment, they wish i could've been someone else and i sometimes gain shit pleasure from watching them be shocked or horrified i've done something but.... doens't rly last long. temporary rushes from spite don't rly justify continuous suffering
Can you post some music that you like before you die? Also make sure everything is sealed up properly. Another post warned you about brain damage already but I wanted to add that. Sounds like it would be a nightmare.
yeah everything needs to be sealed. if any oxygen gets into the bag it's p. much game over