If all incels were killed would the world be a better place? Incels are pathetic toxic men who are a danger to themselves and others. Their lives are miserable and they see no joy in it. They also have a high likelihood of being a neet and draining resources.
If all incels were killed would the world be a better place...
if all incels were killed the remaining men would reorganize in such a way that the top 20% becomes even more extreme and a new class of incel is formed. As long as women are free to select, incels will always exist. Even if all men were 7-9/10 chadlites/chads (according to our current standards), if women were free to chose from that pool the 7/10 men would become incels
The delusion is strong in this one. If the 0.01% of men who are incels killed themselves nobody would evem notice because they are all basement-dwelling neets.
the genders are already split 49-51 in favour of women. now i dont know just how many incels there are in the world but if you shave just a couple percentages off men then there is going to be some serious competition for women to get a man. remember that most incels do in the end find a partner. the exact opposite of what you suggest would happen.
That's a good point. you're saying a 7/10 man will suddenly become the lowest 10% and be ugly relative to mega chads.
However, if there was a shortage of men though, there will be a lot of women going alone. They would rather be with the 7/10 than being alone. This is also assuming people 5/10 won't exist, keep in mind I said incel not ugly men. Fat guys with fat wives will still be alive.
wrong. They would rather share the 9/10 chad with other women than settle for the 7/10 incel
Now load up that shotgun, OP!
You're assuming all women think like staceys and have no deviation from each other. Most still want monogamy. There's also jealous women which is quite common.
>most incels do in the end find a partner
what's your basis for this?
For you, my friend. I'll personally shoot you if you give me the address.
at around age bracket 35 there are very few single men who want a family. thats also the age bracket when women (those who want a family) start seriously freaking out over their biological clock. so if you want a family there is literally nothing stopping you from finding a woman.
Reminder that an incel is less likely to kill you than a guy who has sex.
>mobile filename
>muh trump
Dude you probably can't even lift a shotgun off the ground, get the fuck outta my face
why are you being a whiney little faggot in my thread lol
get the fuck out of here with your pussy beta shit
>incels are dangerous, we should kill them all
You've just a psychopath looking for an excuse to sate your thirst for blood, and incels are just a convenient.
Do you really think everything will just magically be hunky-dory after you kill all the incels? Of course not. So naturally you'll start looking for another group to scapegoat, so you can continue feeding your insatiable hunger for death and violence. And when that group is gone, you'll do it again. And again. AND AGAIN. Until you're the only one left, surrounded by billions of corpses, and you're still looking for someone to blame, to hurt, to feed the hunger that just won't go away, but by that point, there'll only be one person left for you to sink your blade into. Yourself.
Maybe you should just skip to that part and save us all the trouble.
So this is the face of all the unmotivational posters or r9k, a kike-loving ameritard
*incels are just a convenient target
I have been nothing but a servant to the state apparatus for my entire adult life. I served one and half years in the military, entered university directly from there and joined the civil service as state official at age of 23. If anything, I have been more of a public utility than you will never be and the fact that I`ve remained virgin has only makes stronger case for me since I have no other commitments than the service for the republic.
>just wait until you're 35 so you can have autistic children with some used-up whore and get divorce-raped a few years later
I think most incels would've roped by then
that kind of attitude is why you'll die alone.
You're the one advocating the death of an entire group of people whose only crime is not living up to your standards.
And you think incels are the dangerous ones?
it depends what definition of incel you use. if you take it as anyone who hasn't had sex in 6 months (the original definition) that is a large percentage of single people. if it's people who identify as incel then that's just a few thousand young men
How narcissistic, megalomaniacal and egotistical do you have to be to sincerely believe you have the right to decide who lives and dies?
what attitude is that?
(You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.)
He wants you to be a good, soft minded cuck.
Incels exist BECAUSE of the world.
there always has been and always will be some people who don't get to have sex. that's the reality of the world
that older women are used-up whores who will leave you in a few years.
good luck with your life.
even if that wasn't the case, do you not realise how condescending it is? telling someone to wait until they're middle aged to receive the scraps of what most people started experiencing as teens and act like it's a simple fix?
Yes, and i live in a simulation saturated with an OA -size TD field run by aliens from the future with my thoughts being transmitted through cats and gulls as well as people.They know my plans, and so far they have done everything they can to make what is NOW the outcome.I had originally hypothesized that the TD field had only the radius of 2 m because of two old men approaching me visibly at about 2m each, one passing me first failing to decode my thoughts but then the second comes but i use the same mind clearing trick.This little occurence merely occurred to trick me and make me lower my guard around the sentinel agents (lesser agents part of the simulation itself).....ect, i could go on, also it is indeed ect, not etc. they changed this, i don't know why either way they always get the outcome they want, i , a real person have been perfectly assimilated into their simulation as easily controlled as their sentinels and landscapes. MY POINT IS NIGGA, Newton was an incel and HE@S BETTER THAN YOU.
it's realistically your only choice because you aren't willing to put in the effort to get in shape, dress well and develop a personality. your own choice.
>you aren't willing to put in the effort to get in shape, dress well and develop a personality
lol there it is
what do you mean?
the assumption that failure can only mean a lack of effort
it absolutely is lack of effort. there isn't an incel alive who is well-groomed, funny and in shape. you know why? because they wouldn't be incels then.
>there isn't an incel alive who is well-groomed, funny and in shape
more assumptions
prove me wrong laddington.
prove yourself right first
so you can't, because you know i'm right. if you're not an incel it doesn't matter either way. if you are, put in some goddamn effort.
I'm not the one with the burden of proof here. What do you want me to do, anyway? I've seen several accounts of people talking about how they dress fine, are in good shape, well-groomed, generally easy-going and well liked by people but still experience constant rejection from women. Do you want me to try and dig those up? I mean it's not verifiable anyway so there's no point from a purely factual perspective, but do you really believe nobody like that exists?
Just you specifically.
>Get into highly competitive university.
>Serve in the Army reserves.
>Clean, well dressed, get along with everyone.
>Bench 4 plate.
>Be 5'3" tall
>"You need to work on yourself before you can have a relationship."
> literally a welfare queen
> claims yo be useful
Yes but I'd rather have the entire human population killed out of spite.
The world would not change at all because incels are a minority and normalfags are more likely to kill you anyways.
No there isn't, because most men do not have a gender, from the perspective of women. Women would rather be alone than be with a non-Chad.
jesus christ the things incels believe are just baffling