Know I'm ugly as fuck

>know I'm ugly as fuck
>still want to be with beautiful women
How fucked am I?

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You need a pristine attractive sex doll

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>at least average
>want to die horribly
I guess my dreams are achievable after all

post a picture of yourself, you're probably not as ugly as you think

also develop a personality. women care less about looks and more about personality. dont fall for the status-meme, women who get together with you just because youre rich and well off dont actually love you for who you are

>How fucked am I?
If you have good social skills then it's not that hard but if you're autist/sperg then it's a uphill battle.

Can't post pics here, mods don't like it

My personality is absolute shit as well. Highly introverted and autistic. I'm basically ugly inside and out

it's ok to want to be with beautiful women. that's normal for a straight man (and lesbian I guess). it is a shame but not everyone is able to. there's nothing we can do so there's no use complaining

>I'm basically ugly inside and out

Fuck I know this feel

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I've seen QTs end up with absolute ugly ass guys
So now you're basically relying on luck or women being braindead user, either way there's still a chance

develop a personality you cunts. its something you can always improve on. this self-defeating attitude is why you will never find a girlfriend

Those ugly-ass guys are fun to be around. Because they aren't self-loathing losers. Looks are almost completely irrelevant.

>How fucked am I?
If youre really ugly, you need to make in the 6 figures a year to get the kind of women you want.
Considering youre wasting your time on Jow Forums, that seems like a really tall order for you.
On a scale from 1-100 of how fuck you are you stand at 98.

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no it's ok. I've accepted my place in this world

Lower your standards be realistic, you'll be happier. You don't want some prom queen popular girl you have to constantly worry about and fight off guys oogling her.

im one of those ugly ass guys with a qt gf. wanna know my secret? its not because i got lucky or shes braindead, it's because i'm not an insufferable cunt

Spoken like uglies; but at least robots have become less pitiful than they previously were I guess, good for you

>develop a personality
All you fucking normie cunts always give that fucking blanket advise.
But you never fucking say how to do it.
Its just some pre-made awnser with 0 though or effort put into it.
Fuck off

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literally internet search "how to develop a personality" and it will get you started. fucking retard. you aren't willing to put in any effort, that's why you are alone.

Hey, guess what you guys?
Another 80 IQ pre-made advise.
The classic: Just google it.
You must have really strained your brain for that one.

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whatever dude, at least i have a girlfriend and i'm not going to die alone.

I would get off that high horse, with you being a neckbeard virgin and all

>lose the argument
>b-b-but muh dick in a vagina, take that loser!
You do realize this does not prove your competence or your worth in any way?
Animals do it all the time.
All youre proving is that youre capable of doing what animals can do.
If thats your best achievement in life, i dont envy you, i pity you.

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You mean to say you can't even do a basic task animals can? Wew

you realize you're implying you're below animals, right? lmao.

Develop self-discipline, be ambitious, learn to dance, make some money, dress well, be well-groomed, and you can get a hit girl

>same fagging this hard
Youre the only on implying anything here.
In all of your post, you strongly imply that im a virgin. But how would you know?
Seems like youre grasping at thin air.

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That angry robot attitude is unmistakable trust me
It'll go away after you settle your issues with women user dw

Lmao. You seem to think you have angered me for some reason below my understanding.
But i suppose it would look that way to a subhuman.

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Yup, sure convincing me with that pepe folder and smug attitude

But dear sir i have all the reasons in the world to be smug, you cannot debate me for shit.
You are indeed making a fool of yourself in front of everyone.
Thank you for providing the only thing a 80IQ thug can do right.
Which is entertaining us.

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My bf always says he is ugly. He's definitely not ugly but he has traits that supposedly make you an incel, ie thinning/receding hair at a very young age, hairy asf, stretch marks, slightly below avg size dick, and kind of fat. Maybe this is the extreme scenario but I have a fat fetish so some of those things really turn me on and the rest of them are fine.

I wouldn't call myself hot though. 6/10 at the very very best since I'm a jew-nosed skelly. And with regards to his personality, he's a really nice person and he makes me laugh so there's that. If you're a shitty human being then you should probably get real comfortable with your hand. Assuming you aren't already. Or settle for a small titty gf.

user this isn't a debate, you're on an anime website, debates are things you do irl where it matters

Jesus Christ you're pathethic.
Suicide when?

>being this brainlet
Every discussions where opinion differ is by default a debate, read a fucking book for once.

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Seriously, last time I saw people behave this way was in 7th grade

Because all the smart people left for private school while you where left in the cesspool of public.
Thats why.

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>slightly below avg size dick

5 is average you goof. At least I thought it was

You could always just fuck hookers. A few hundred dollars for an hour with a 7/10+ girl.

Do I have any chance with white women? Indian women only date white guys.

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Is that your photo?

LinkedIn profile

What's the point of faking who you are in order to get liked? If you fake it then you actually aren't liked, because they don't like who you actually are.

Sometimes you have too man. I'm a complete introvert. Had evaluation with boss I don't interact enough with the other employees and it's part of the company corporate culture so won't be getting promotion. Learning that hard way.