Has weight lifting made you narcissistic?
Has weight lifting made you narcissistic?
i mean i post a shirtless selfie on my snapchat story once a month
sometimes i make zyzz jokes ironically but normies think im being narcissistic
No, I already was.
this. it's the reason why I lift in the first place.
I became less narcissistic and more alpha (true alpha, not /fit9k/ "alpha")
I think I was always narcissistic, lifting just gave me the confidence to be outwardly narcissistic.
You lift because you love yourself enough to want yourself to improve, anybody that doesn't exercise regularly doesn't love themselves.
It's healthy to be a bit narcissistic.
Nope, the opposite
As a side note, it's actually very selfless to try to become as strong and beautiful as you can; everyone loves being around the beautiful, their mere existence fills people with the hope and determination needed to push themselves to become strong and beautiful.
On the other hand it's selfish to be fat, to be such a glutton that upon sight and smell you curse others with the feeling of disgust shows how much you must hate the people you share your life with.
I never gave a shit about anyone but me, now I give even less.
This. But I also hate myself at the same time.
no, Jow Forums did that, but unironically
A bit more vain, but not any more narcissistic.
This. Jow Forums transforms you into an sociopath.
No, but it made me realize my true worth
t. no friends "autistic" nerd in high school
yes and no, yes it transformed me, no, im an istp personality type aka suicide tier borderline sociopath
>pic very related
Go out with an "blast" user.
i-is there something bad about istp, be honest, whats the outlook doc, am i fucked??
Nope, I just can't stand looking at people who are unsuccessful and out of shape. The first one is hard to fix. Some people just suck at modern living and can't help it but the second is very easy and mitigates the first.
i only got anxiety and depression after getting Jow Forums. its the thought that knowing that i've gotten Jow Forums and that i still have no gf and not even seen as normal by society that destroys me. now im lost a to what to do since theres no other solution since im a manlet and no one will ever treat me normally. i had more confidence when i was fat ffs
Yes but I still hate myself so it evens out.
I lifted out of fear of being ugly and because I was tired of being weak and scrawny. Almost two years later and my life is completely different. I can't say im too much of a narcissist because I'm empathetic to a fault and dont act like I'm better than anyone. Most people have no humility and anyone being good at something is an attack against them. I will proudly take advice from someone better than me as long as I know they earned it through hard work.
I’ve been narcissistic my entire life
please respond, i need answers, ive only looked at istp as being able to think mechanically
what are the negatives?
how long should i expect to live?
pls help
can relate
that fucking picture.
>tfw im nerd tier and my gf is normie tier
I been my whole life
Its just now lifting is helping me take pride in myself even more
Made me more empathetic-I try to encourage people starting working out, talk to kids more about how to get ahead, see old people and people with health problems trying to get fit.
What's the fucking point of lifting if you don't admire your own progress?
>tfw you realize all people you know are lazy fat pieces of shit
of course it does if it becomes part of your life
fucking THIS.
I'm still fat and I've been struggling to lose weight because I really have a hard time controlling my binges.
But I have never given up, and slowly but surely I am losing weight. And while I'm not a narcissist, my perception has been totally skewed by you fuckers.
I simply can't date most women anymore. They are either fat as fuck and want to change nothing, or they are skinny but undriven, which is something I don't want either. I mean seriously, they all sit around and just complain about life and it's hardships without having the drive to fix their stupid fucking problems. They complain about putting on a bit of weight, but never go out and try and lose it. They don't push themsleves, instead choosing to glorify their inadequacy, celebrating it like it makes them special. It's heretical.
All of this is to say that I'm still lonely, losing eight hasn't made me hapoy, and I'll never find love because I over analysize everyone now. Thanks Jow Forums
>I really have a hard time controlling my binges.
>I over analysize everyone now. Thanks Jow Forums
Why don't over analyze yourself?
seconded, the fat lazy pieces of shit hating me for not being one of them pushed that judgement as well
More like egotistical, but in general - yes.
I have, just haven't really figured out a way to deal with it.
Whole family is fat, including brothers and sisters. Still live with them because rent it too high to move elsewhere, plus college. Sister constantly tempts me to overeat/party and I really have trouble saying no to her because she's my little sister.
Ontop of that I'm just lonely. I don't really have friends, and when I get real low binging makes everything better. Plus if I binge with my sister, like say we watch an anime togeather or a movie, it's socializing and that makes me feel a million times better, and she only really does that stuff if food is involved. Watching a series and not stuffing yourself is heretical.
So I know what my problems are, I just have no idea how to fix them. Family is the only socializing I have left, so if I reject them I'm truely alone. But in order to gain friends, I need to be happy and at a lower weight to have confidence. But I can't have that if I'm with family.
All people are narcissistic scum, but now as I lift I started to realize how much I have ahead to mire myself objectively.
I'm literally better than others. I was already tall, handsome, intelligent and athletic. Now that I'm muscular too I'm literally peak human.
A thread died for this
If I ever meet you in real life, I'll smile as I cut your throat open
I already was but now I'm objectively better than some people
> mentally
yes, the bar is higher concerning women beauty
seriously considering break up with gf bc she let herself go chubbier and I'm not sexually attracted anymore
it's a shame bc other than that she's pretty nice (modest, conservative, reasonably bright)
> socially
no, still as shy as before
though I somewhat despise addicted people nowadays (carbs, alcohol etc)
This. It has been a catalyst though, I have to watch out what I say sometimes when normans compliment me
>Masturbet watching myself on the mirror
>The hotel where I had my first time has a mirror
>End up looking myself alot
I don't feel pride about it but neither feel shame
>gif related
is he the ultimate Jow Forumsizen?
yes actually
It's so fucking accurate. Misses the point tho where you get so fucking depressed being redpilled all the time your turn to alcohol and weed just to forget, then stop for the lifts and become this non-empathetic zombie that sees everyone around him as npc's and calms his mind with the fact that in 200 years maybe, the white man will be gone, and the rest of the world will continue to live in chaos and misery.
It always amazes me how parents or families can really hold alot of people back, especcially here on Jow Forums, just about everyone who hasn't 'made it' has never had any good role models. Not to say that's an excuse. But it surely contributes and helps maintains this form of failure trough generations to come.
Fucking parents. Why can't people think before they get kids.
I ditched pol for that exact reason and have a much better life now