Who here misses 2008 Jow Forums?

Who here misses 2008 Jow Forums?

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2008 Jow Forums was so cancerous that it led to this board's creation.
Let that sink in.

dude who rembers the OLD days of 4chang bro like haha the OLD days of Jow Forums were so much more epic than 2018 bro like who here OLDfag bro i miss OLD Jow Forums dude haha bro amirite nostalgia bro

Ya know, it dawned on me that I've blown over a decade here.

It's fucking stupid if you stop and think about it

In 2008 I was browsing this board all day
in 2018 i'm browsing this board all day

I'm doing the exact same thing so why do I feel nostalgic?

this site, i mean
sorry, drunk

Because it used to be good

At least we did not have over 9000 sub-boards that just inbreeds further cancer, or a new Moot who does not give a fuck. Or nu4chan cancer, which is ten times worse than any old "cancer"

Omg like ugggh like memes and internet culture like uugghh

>Let that sink in.

reeeee reddit catchphrases OUT

>inbreeds further cancer
And yet it's somehow better than
You get out, reddit-spacer. Also assfuck yourself with a studded dildo.

Oh, What does he want now, user!!

EDIT: thanks for the gold stranger :-)

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I've been here since 2005 and for me I enjoyed all of the years up to mid-2013, I didn't just stick to one board though, I'm not sure what changed, if it was me or the site.

If it helps you, I believe it was the site senpai.

I don't know I started browsing like in 2011 or something. How was old Jow Forums like, grandpa?

2008 was the last year it was genuinely funny often for me, by 2010 I knew it was only going to get worse. After being back for a month r9 is terrible to the point I'm scared to even check the other boards

How old are you? Cos for me it's both.

wow such a big smile she must be really happy

>tfw hung out on Encyclopedia Dramatica all the time reading about the antics going on here instead of just coming here and hanging out
>finally get around to visiting the site
>it is just Facebook with tranny porn
I am truly the bystander of my own life.

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it was all downhill after 2007

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It was still shit, but better in every way than this.
I remember cam whores trying to get orbiters and mods perma banning them for not posting tits. The raids were also good. No BBC threads and no gaybot posters.

The only way to improve Jow Forums is to reinstate noko
simple as that
dont explain how to noko just let them lose the thread
legit as simple as that

>Be newfag that started going on Jow Forums around 2011
>tfw I honestly miss early 2010's Jow Forums

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An unpopular opinion but 2008-2012 were pretty decent years. The SEEDS of destruction were sown in those years by the lowering of tech barriers but the years themselves were pretty entertaining.

>cam whores
We don't have them anymore. All the orbiter threads these days seem to be thrice removed from whoever they're orbiting.

Gotta a lotta fucking dudes in dresses camwhoring.

Yea, all Jow Forums gets these days are a bunch of autists that think b needs more cocks and and titties. MAKE Jow Forums BETTER AGAIN!!!

>An unpopular opinion but 2008-2012 were pretty decent years. The SEEDS of destruction were sown in those years by the lowering of tech barriers but the years themselves were pretty entertaining.

I'm , and I feel the same way about the early times when I was on here. The early 2010's were the beginning of the end, but they were still quite fun while they lasted. I feel like 2014 was when Jow Forums started getting bad for me.

>assfuck yourself with a studded dildo
no u

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anyone else notice that there aren't nearly as many "nostalgia/omg Jow Forums sucks now" threads as there were around 2012-13? wonder why that could be

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who was that toxic trip friend on r9k around 2008-2009? his/her name was like Deborah started with a d. really shit on this community

Because the boomer and zoomer memes are actually funny.

theres not one other single original arcanine left, not one.

Forcing a joke over and over until the listener gets Stockhome Syndrome doesn't mean the joke is funny.

Lots of those posters left for other chans.

because it's been shit for so long the newbies have no baseline of quality to compare it to

Maybe to dumb underaged cunts such as yourself

I witnessed baconmat

who? i dont remember baconmat. did u just make that up

Fucking retard.
I never was there back then, but it is easily conceivable that this whole place was better before faggots like you fagged in here.

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Kek, I remember this greentext.

Ah yes.
I just stay elsewhere at this point.

There seems to be a huge amount of newer posters who haven't been around for more than 2-3 years, probably as a result of the 2016 election which, in my opinion, pretty much ruined this site or it happened at the same time as something that ruined this site.

These new users don't really have anything to compare the site to since for all they know it's always been like this. I mean fuck, I've only been on here since late 2009/early 2010-ish and that was after the golden age of pre-2007 but I really do miss the way the site was before gamergate and especially before the 2016 election.

>I feel like 2014 was when Jow Forums started getting bad for me.

Posted this a million times but I'll post it again:
>I guess this is aimed at older anons late 20s or older, but I've been wondering for the longest time why each batch of newfags since 2012 have become more hostile, more bitter, more repetitive, more delusional (somehow they have both grandiose and negative views of themselves), more humourless with each passing year. And I've come to the conclusion that classic underdog outcast nerd is dead. With geek (among most other subcultures) merging with the mainstream and this being the safe space no-bully generation, almost everyone is catered for, so to be an outcast Gen Z teenager *now* you'd have to be a completely unlikeable, humourless arsehole.

>tfw hung out on Encyclopedia Dramatica all the time reading about the antics going on here instead of just coming here and hanging out

Did you at least lurk on Jow Forums's comtemporaries like SA, Fark, YTMND etc?

it's not even that, so much as the amount of old users leaving during the same time period being so high (and the ones that stuck around giving up on nostalgia completely)

I knew of the existence of those sites from reading ED articles, but I never visited them. I was having too much fun reading articles to actually visit the places they talked about. Then when I finally came to Jow Forums I was expecting 2006 Jow Forums and then was met with this shithole of gey porn spam and literal reddit memes.

>gey porn spam
That was kind of inevitable.

Yeah, but instead of doing it to be funny these niggers do it just to be obnoxious degenerates.


You know, there was a point when Jow Forums wasn't virulently racist despite having racist memes and jokes.

>saying nigger makes you racist
>making a nigger joke doesn't make you racist
I am not a polfaggot, I just say slurs like any other word in my vocabulary.

>doing it to be funny
No, I was more think of population pressures. As Jow Forums became more hostile to female posters (and internet detective-ing became an increasingly simply process), a sort of jailhouse gay situation was bound to happen. I mean, what was the last popular cam whore on Jow Forums?

Sorry, it's hard to tell these days.

>No, I was more think of population pressures. As Jow Forums became more hostile to female posters (and internet detective-ing became an increasingly simply process), a sort of jailhouse gay situation was bound to happen. I mean, what was the last popular cam whore on Jow Forums?
Fair enough.

>These new users don't really have anything to compare the site to since for all they know it's always been like this.
I don't know if you've been on a Jow Forums discord but it's kinda hilarious/disturbing to hear literal teens, like 16-18 yo, talk about the "good old days" and "chan culture", and yet when you ask them a simple question relating Jow Forums's past, they have no idea what you're talking about.

Jow Forums is partially responsible for it's own destruction with it's transient history.

You know, every time I read "chan culture", I remind myself of the fact that I joined Jow Forums because I like hentai.
People say the internet is for porn, but it was hard to find hentai and doujinshi manga 10 years ago. Private communication was necessary, today you can just go to nhentai.

>Being nostalgic over a time when Jow Forums already went to shit
Fucking newfags man. Now 2004, that was a good year.

I've known Jow Forums since 2003

probably started posting regularly around 2005-2006

yes the quality of this place has gone to shit. the hivemind used to be strong since Jow Forums was mostly populated by enthusiastic nerds and outcasts just lulzing around on the new thing called the interwebs. now its full of tryhard newfags who don't get it at all.

maybe I've just outgrown this site but I've been here so long and I wouldn't know where else to go

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Yeah well, most people stayed cos the smaller blue boards were pretty decent places to be.

Those boards kinda suck now especially with Jow Forumsspam.

>pre-pepe Jow Forums
What a great time.

Rare pepes meme was literally art. Some sort of meta commentary on value and infinitely reproducible commodities.

It should've died at that point.

Ive been here since 06. The last time this site had me rolling was tendies posting and normalfags were confused if this place was genuinely autistic.