Mfw remember my Jow Forums phase

>mfw remember my Jow Forums phase
God, I was so fucking cringy

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I was into it for two minutes till one of there main points was disproved by a simple Wikipedia page they also believe Jesus and shit. That ended it.

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Your choice of gif is interesting. We post on Jow Forums because we dont want to end up like this guy, and that's the future you're forcing on us: turning us into a third world country

>literally missed the point of the entire movie
lol, wouldn't expect anything less from a Jow Forums brainlet

So much of the Jow Forums meme was true. I was a "bitter basement dweller incel" and all that but I ended up going to school and meeting people and getting a shitty job and going on a few dates and finally losing my virginity and I realized what a stupid joke all that shit is. Pic related is pretty much me.

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How is your Jow Forums phase any less gringy?
You do realize the 2 boards are eco-chambers just the same simply about different subject?
Dont tell me you didnt realize?

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I used to post on Jow Forums but then I grew up. I realized that most of their information is from similar biased sources they cry about, and the over all IQ of the board is the same as /b/. I remember when that board was created, because stormfags kept spamming /b/, so they got their own containment area. Now both boards are pretty gay.

Are you looking forward to being the only white person in your town? Are you looking forward to sending your kids in ghetto schools? I know even the most liberal white kids tend to avoid nonwhite areas like the plague. There's a reason white liberals moved to whiter countries like Canada after Trump won and not nonwhite paradises like Mexico

>Are you looking forward to being the only white person in your town?
Of course yes nigger, white man are loved by every race, it will make me desirable.

I live in a 95% white ethnostate.
I couldn't give a fuck about amerimutt politics
You were always a melting pot of mutts.

same here, i used to post a lot there back in 2013-2015

what got me out of it was the rise of social justice and seeing how they were acting just like me, just using different groups as scapegoats and different statistics to validate their bigotry. it made me realize people are individuals and judging individuals based on statistics is beyond retarded

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>not being Jow Forums since you were born

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Just watch the movie dude, if you can't get the point I understand. You do post on Jow Forums, and you're proud of that after all. Actually, I bet you have a hard time understanding most things.

>You were always a melting pot of mutts.
Who told you this? From 1900-1960 we were 90 percent white

>Asian girls and Latinas are every race

Yeah, tell me this shit next time individual nigger robs you.

Confirmed Texan.

I may be a loser stuck in a rut and who's parents are disappointed in him but thank god I'm not retarded enough to believe this shit. Plus I've got a 121 IQ.

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see, this is the kind of retardation that got me out of it. next time a nigger robs you, next time a man rapes you, next time cop shoots a black person. its all the same collectivist shit

It's still more women then I get now.

They're taking over end of thread lads it's gonna be nigger this nigger that nigger in fancy hat

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>9 posters and 15 replies

All these "pol phase" threads always have a few posters and tons of generic "lol I outgrew those retards" posts

What does it even mean to be Jow Forums? I'm called Jow Forums all of the time despite only being mildly racist and not right-wing
I just hate faggots and distrust niggers

In my lifetime I was robbed 4 times. Do you wanna know by what race were all 4?

Here we go again guys the thread is down for the count

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>During your Jow Forums phase you voted for Trump
I feel so ashamed now.

Jow Forums are losers but we admit it and are living to be content with it
Jow Forums on the other hand are larping virgins who think they're going to be the saviors of the white race when irl, they probably crap their pants when a black guy asks them for a cigarette

Most crimes occur within others of the same race group.

Cops don't disproportionately kill blacks.

This harvard nig tried to prove it but even he couldn't find that cops would kill blacks more often

Blacks disproportionately rape and murder. FBI statistics.

you aren't even able to form coherent points, friend

---> Yeah, you sound like an upper middle class teen who have never lived a day in a ghetto.

>I'm going to make a thread to call out a group and then get angry when people from that group inevitably show up

Nope, blacks kills whites at the same rate whites kill whites. Of course, white on black killings are the lowest

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Your more likely to die because of a white person you idiots and there's still some retarded fag saying your going to get killed by a nigger soon.

The statistics cited in the huffpost article don't distinguish between "white hispanic" and white. Even the white and hispanic populations in the US combined only committed 50 more murders than blacks. You keep losing. You know blacks commit tons of crime but you won't admit it

I don't need Jow Forums for hating niggers.

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There are a lot of retards like , they'll "grow" out of it because of social pressure and pretend to be docile fedora cocksuckers. There is a lot to learn on that board, if you keep focussing mind and effort on the negative ends, you'll get bad results.

You people DO realize that using statistics to show blacks as a whole are more violent is irrelevant when dealing with individual black people, right? There are millions of blacks who are way better off in life than you losers are. It's a problem of culture, not a problem of race.

Ironically it was the opposite for me.
I was a dirty lefty as a neet but as i went out in life amd met more people and experienced more in life, i realized that Jow Forums was right again.

Jow Forums is right about one thing though, immigration like it exists in Sweden simply can't be allowed to exist if you want societal stability

Black people have smaller brains. It's a fact.

>Hispanic white
You mean white people with a bit of Hispanic admixture? Look man just get over this shit and end this retarded thread.
Fuck off faggot with that retarded bullshit just because I don't follow your stupid racial theories.

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Then how does it make you feel that smaller brain individuals are doing way better in life than your retarded ass?

Hispanic was not a category, and most hispanics check white when it's not. Whites and hispanics combined are nearly 90 percent of America and they commit as many murders as blacks

Jow Forums is just as bad as the worst sjws. They are falling for the same shit like they are only on the other side of the spectrum. It's funny to bait them though.

Well you didn't see spiderman butting in this thread did ya'

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I post on Jow Forums and I don't hate black people at all. I just hate the Jews.

>implying I would care about race
Jow Forums is one person everyone. people who are getting "coerced" into believing in the stupidest Jow Forums shit and then capitulate to their degenerate surroundings should just get genocided. Forget about jews or niggers, faggots need to burn.

Historically, white hands have quite a lot blood on them

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White families have 10 times the median wealth than black families. Even white trash are more successful than niggers


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I had a Jow Forums phase for like a year of my life when I was a teenager.
God I hate myself for it

Laida Taiga on that flya baby

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I feel pretty good about having a large brain. Small brained people belong to an inferior caste, and simply recognize that.

Why is it so hard for the collectivists retards to understand that the average doesn't matter when dealing with individuals?

Which is why most white male skulls have the expression of a smart predator.

>they'll "grow" out of it because of social pressure and pretend to be docile fedora cocksuckers
Cope. He never said anything about societal pressure. He stated that he took matters into his own hand and realized their talking points were bunk after effortless research.

>There is a lot to learn on that board, if you keep focussing mind and effort on the negative ends, you'll get bad results.
"All of those alarm bells going off in your cerebral cortex shouldn't be concerning! Just drink the kool aid!"

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And historically whites have done lots of good like helping bring medicine and modern society to nonwhites, but taking credit for the successes of your ancestors is stupid right? But we have to take the blame for their atrocities?

Nigger faggot detected

>effortless research
>believing wikipedia
I wouldn't trust his research skills for once.
>there's nothing to learn on Jow Forums

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When the average is ten times higher than it means very few blacks are more successful. Even the ones with high paying jobs don't have the self control to save up for a better future

>only is a reliable source!

>Despite gains in income and wealth, the economic chasm between black and Hispanic families and their white counterparts widened between 2013 and 2016 - even when it comes to Americans with comparable levels of education,_according to_data_released Wednesday by the Federal Reserve.

The median net worth of whites remains nearly 10 times the size of blacks'._Nearly_1 in 5 black families have zero or negative net worth - twice the rate of white families.

[Minorities and Americans without college degrees showed greatest gains in wealth, Federal Reserve report shows]

While white families largely recovered from the Great Recession by 2013, black and Hispanic families did not begin to see economic gains until now. And still, the median income for black and Hispanic households has not yet reached 2007 levels.

So what explains the simultaneous truths of black and Hispanic families accumulating wealth at a higher rate than white families AND the increasing racial economic disparities? Simple math, economists say.

Black and Hispanic families have far less money than whites to begin with, so any bump as a result of the nation's economic recovery would appear to be disproportionately large.

"White households had a head start in rebuilding wealth relative to black and Hispanic households," said Valerie Wilson, director of the Economic Policy Institute's program on race, ethnicity, and the economy.
White households had a head start in rebuilding wealth relative to black and Hispanic households," said Valerie Wilson, director of the Economic Policy Institute's program on race, ethnicity, and the economy. "Black and Hispanic households see larger percentage gains simply because they were starting from a lower level."
You read your source right?

What talking points specifically are bunk?

The USA is a white nation, fuck off shitskin

Nope it belonged to the native Americans faggot so fuck off pigskin

nice strawman, keep being original

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So the point was they had more money to begin with? Fucking retard.

Do you understand statistics? It's easy for a black family with 10k (black average) to go up 20 percent than a white family with 200k. I'm not sure what's wrong about my source, the point still stands.

Those dumbshits sold it to us for $24 worth of thrift shop tier shit. Kys

Yeah, now you've grown out of that phase, finally finished puberty at 17 and stayed for the incel forum

Not user but if you think Wikipedia isn't a reliable source and there are more important things to learn from Jow Forums then you're an idiot.

>And historically whites have done lots of good like helping bring medicine and modern society to nonwhites, but taking credit for successes of your ancestors is stupid right?
Yeah, it is pretty stupid to take credit for something you had no part in aside from being the same complexion as them. That's actually the dumbest thing you could do. Nobody has an issue with national pride, what people have an issue with is lumping a bunch of "do good white people" together as being your "ancestors" when you're more than likely not even near their genetic lineage.

>But we have to take the blame for their atrocities?
No, but it doesn't help your case when the majority of people espousing their beliefs encompassing your prior statement fail to remain consistent by attempting to brush off the atrocities. You cannot have one without the other. If anyone is going to take credit for all things white, you don't get to brush off the atrocities. Either take credit for the good and the bad, or nothing at all.

>he doesn't read the sources that are cited
Brainlet cope.

All of them.

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In the eighties, the wealth gap was smaller

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Having an ethnostate is good
Having Jews in your country leads to worse politics


>Either take credit for the good and the bad, or nothing at all.
That applies to you too, dumbass. You have to admit that white people have done lots of good for you if you want to rag on about the belgian congo

>In the eighties, the wealth gap was smaller
Yeah I sure wonder why user, why would Latinos and blacks see little gain if they were poorer from the start it's like we don't know anything about poverty.

Glow harder shitskin shill

Jews are better than white people and are pretty succesful why shouldn't you let them handle politics they are better than white folks.

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Wikipedia never was a "reliable" source in anyone's book. It's helpful for medical stuff and biographies, but even then are the articles contradictory.
If you didn't learn about the jewish blood libel, the importance of social virtues and monogamy on Jow Forums, then how are you going to say you've ever taken it seriously in the first place?

There are quite a lot of jews in the media and in left wing politics.

Blacks and Hispanics disproportionately commit crime, use welfare, and the countries they come from are usually far worse than white countries (inb4 moldova)

>credible sources
pick one

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Latinos had their wealth double too

nice ad hominem faggot
pic related - it's you

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They're good for themselves but will influence other peoples in bad ways.
The immigration here in Sweden which costs so many billions, destroyed working class unity and causess lot of crime would never have happened without their presence.

>jews are better than white people
never disappoint me, shill

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>Wikipedia never was a "reliable" source in anyone's book.
Wikipedia begs to differ and agree
>It's helpful for medical stuff and biographies, but even then are the articles contradictory.
If you didn't learn about the jewish blood libel
>the importance of social virtues and monogamy on Jow Forums, then how are you going to say you've ever taken it seriously in the first place?
All I've gotten from you is don't trust Wikipedia because Jews and Jow Forums is trust worthy?

imagine browsing Jow Forums now lmao town is I think 30% minorities and it's one of the best school districts in the country. A 4 bed house costs about $600-700k. All-white areas are only desirable in racist areas like the south; everywhere else they're considered to be hickville.

not it's actually a pic from yourself, shot two months ago

Did I hurt the pathetic Jow Forums faggots feelings?

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>That applies to you too, dumbass.
In what way?

>You have to admit that white people have done lots of good for you if you want to rag on about the belgian congo
Except it wasn't me that had this line of reasoning in the first place. Unlike you, I don't lump every white person together as some uniform unit. I don't see things black and white like that. I try to consider most things on a case-by-case basis. It applies to every ethnicity.

>There are quite a lot of jews in the media and in left wing politics.
There are a lot of white people in the media and in right wing politics. Argument is bunk.

>being so much of a brainlet you don't realize the super-scripted bibliographical references immediately after a statement that needs verifiable information to back up a claim

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is not an argument
>All I've gotten from you is don't trust Wikipedia because Jews and Jow Forums is trust worthy?
You're clearly a nigger from an IQ perspective

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Have you ever tried to edit a wikipedia article? It requires pretty thorough sourcing and even then a mod will probably still delete your contribution.

>Commit much less crime including financial crime which white people dominate
>are overrepresented in high paying positions
They're actually better than white people

How are Jews better then white people?

They caused 9/11, tricked the US into destabilzing the middle east, they got JFK assassinated, virtually caused every war in the last 70 years. The terrorize evey system they try to latch onto.

Our 20 trillion dollar debt is solely because of the evil people known as jews defrauding the system.

Pic related, einstein is admitting the holocaust was a hoax. If you cant understand what the letter says you are a retard.

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Photo looked pretty unique to me.
There are a lot of sources cited, but not for every important claim.

>>are overrepresented in high paying positions
that's because grabblers only hire other grabblers.

>There are a lot of white people in the media and in right wing politics. Argument is bunk
YOU'RE bunk you fucking nigger.

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