>make female tinder
>look at what guys you have to compete with
>post, laugh and feel good for a few moments
Make female tinder
>looks like a faggot
>types like a faggot
and yet I still bet he gets more matches than me
what the fuck is wrong with white men? why is the balding epidemic hapenning to us?
even the ugliest motherfucker working at mcdonalds can get a girl. all you need is to be funny and not socially awkward
Onions, not even once
That guy is ok looking. I don't see the problem. In the end you're both single. So why bring him down? It's hard for lots of males putting themselves on the hook.
jokes on you I matched with him
who's the faggot now faggot
those pink cheeks mang
>23 years old
>been years since the last date
>been looking to get back on the saddle again haha
Yo, you were never on the saddle, man.
Whatever awkward interactions Brin had with the opposite sex it certainly doesn't qualify as 'dating'
I guess vampires are out of fashion now
I guess I am. Never mind
Pls more. Ori
Didn't know basic bitches came in men's.
way more than half of guys will experience hair loss at some point in their lives
>I've two cats
All humans experience balding, it just depends on what age it starts. For women most die before it sets in.
We will loose all body hair in future because we have clothes and live in warm houses evolution is slow but catching up
yeah, but why? is it all the chemicals they put in food? is it the onions? is it fluoride? what is causing this disease and do (((they))) want it to happen?
Seems like a nice guy but he should shave his head.
Femanon here, I would give Brin a chance although I frown upon his use of "^.^"
I appreciate his honesty and forthcomingness and his pleasant smile. I don't care about looks very much but he is just average. Almost all men are just average and my last boyfriend was ugly and shorter than me. There are women who don't really care about looks out there.
What really matters with a lot of women is being a big-hearted guy and showing off subtle good traits about yourself. If I saw this guy being generous, or kind, or if he's just funny, or anything like that, I would be attracted to him.
Ahh give him a break, not every man is born a 10/10 Chad.
Tell him he ruined Star Wars
please dont spread this poison, some poor anons might end up believeing this fucking lie
>I would give him a chan-
Nooooope, all women want Chad.
I would laugh but he could beat me up
>Almost all men are just average
But I bet all women are 10/10 drop dead gorgeous...
You say that but you wouldn't. Not when he's in there with guys who work out, have jobs, have hair, are over 5'8 etc.
The worst part is that "free sample" of a beard coupled with the baby face.
And being baby faced and bald doesn't do wonders either.
But there's nothing he can do about that.
I see a lot of these with really pretty women. And they are not even socially that good
>laughing at people who have the balls to put themselves out there
you guys are truly losers.
you dont say. but at least we don't have this vomit inducing normalfag morality
Chinks suffer from it too. High estrogen + average test levels cause you to crank out DHT, which causes baldness. Drinking green tea and blocking estrogen helps.
high test causes baldness too
>laughing at people
normalfags laugh at people
T. Literal woman
We proved the meme right guys!! XDDD
>board supposed to be for unattractive men
>post pictures of unattractive men and laugh at them
why does this happen? here, braincels, lookism. they're all just as bad if not worse than normies
>But there's nothing he can do about that.
Yes there is. Girls get cosmetic surgeries all the time guys should too. It's his fault he's balding.
>yeah, but why? is it all the chemicals they put in food? is it the onions? is it fluoride? what is causing this disease and do (((they))) want it to happen?
shit genes
comen mus be original
Why are robots such assholes? You give girls shit saying they're too picky, but he sounds perfectly fine besides the stupid 14 year old girl face he put in there.
>robots on Jow Forums
You're at least 4 years late gramps.
he seems nice though! maybe thats what we are missing
Truly fascinating eloel
dear fucking god. Seeing eggy like this is unsettling.
Why put any effort into life when you can shitpost and make fun of people who actually try?
no way all those bald powerlifters just shave their heads cause it uh, gets in the way
I love cigarette juice
>not even a tranny
>just eggy with hair swooped over
>37 matches and 100+ likes
This is the darkest of blackpills
Why are men so fucking thirsty
Why would you do that, just go and larp as a woman on the internet.
80/20 mein Freund
Chad gets a lot so average normie are racing to the bottom
All men care about is getting their dick wet. You really didn't know this?
speak for yourself m8 I wouldn't shag eggy even if he had a vagina
Fine, most. Robots usually have high standards, so they're less likely to toss the egg salad.
>robots have high standards
>20 tranny threads daily
>20 gay threads daily
Wrong. Robots are increasingly desperate for any human contact, female or male
My social awkwardness makes me funny
Males are genetically programmed to hunt for females to impregnate and will want to obtain females no matter the method.
This hasn't changed nor will it ever change. Not being into females as shitty as they can be is abnormal if you're a man
I bet you're swiping past loads of Chads and cherrypicking your fellow robots to post on Jow Forums and mock.
>guys throwing away all dignity by swiping right on an obvious (and ugly) man-girl just for some boipussy (I know it's eggman as well)
The absolute fucking state of men in 2018. Man, no wonder girls act the way we all complain about with all this pampering from these PATHETIC dudes.
It's honestly the beta male who started it all.
That's a fucking fat balding dude, prove me wrong
They do have high standards and it's just there are a lot of gays and tranny rejects infesting the site like crazy.
Wow, it's almost like guys don't take dating seriously at all, and will say anything to any woman and lie to her face repeatedly just to get his dick wet so he can move on to the next one..?
Yet somehow women "have it easier" because men are lining up to dole out fake attention, despite that not being what anyone wants. Men are duplicitous and a scourge. No woman is out lying to people to get them to open up to her sexually and emotionally just so she can disappear when she has what she wants. Men do it every single day.
They do not. I hear this all the time on this board. Any real robot who is not suffering from meme depression and anxiety would jump at the chance for any female companionship.
Its the underages that shit up this board whining about not having a GF that makes you think robots have standards
please tell me there are conversations between eggy catfish and one of these poor saps
what the fuck
i thought Eggman got married or some shit, not trannysitioned
>No woman is out lying to people to get them to open up to her sexually and emotionally just so she can disappear when she has what she wants
KEK you have obviously never met my ex girlfriends
I dunno what kind of mental illness you have but that thing looks like it came out of a trash can.
She looks like a dude, appears to be balding is fat to boot.
People can stick at least some effort into looking good.
I don't care much about appearance, but this is just far below human standard.
Go to a gym and clean your fucking hair more than once every week.
The pic screams: deplorable human being.
Kinda gives an insight to her life.
If that's acceptable, what is her fucking personality and life like.
You have no idea about how evolution works, do you?
It's not a woman, you deplorable newfaggot. Imagine being so new you can't even stop yourself from broadcasting to the board how fucking new you are?
The pic is a well-known, extremely popular Jow Forums poster from ages past. No shit, it's not a woman, it's not attractive, and that's the entire point of the person who made a catfish profile with the man's pictures. It's to demonstrate how few standards men have and how disgustingly desperate they can act. Do you think a single one of those men who replied would actually date a "woman" who looked like that? Fuck no, they were hoping to get an easy fuck out of an ugly lonely girl and then to pretend it never happened.
You need to be 18+ to post on this board, sweetie.
I'd say differently from my experiences where men on here took a photo of mine and used it to make fun of me because of a skin condition I can't do anything about. I've even tried talking to older men in here and they were absolute dickwads.
>not what anyone wants
>still give him vagina anyway
>still dress like a slut to attract these men
>still crave their attention
>from ages past.
Oh no, i'm not on this site for 5+ years.
Whatever will i do user.
>KEK you have obviously never met my ex girlfriends
>t. dicklet cope
The only reason women pull that shit is if you have weak dick game. If you were hitting the right spots, your tone would be different about them.
>t. anecdotal evidence
There are many similar screencaps of anons on here flocking to a date a legit 1/10 Russian girl. I dont have the pics but I am sure another user will back me up
>t. Dicklet calling me a dicklet
Cute. Im not gigantic but Im a good 7 x 5. Ive made all the girls Ive dated come from pentetration.
There are many other reasons as to why relationships fall apart, but it always boils down to the fact that men are the ones that want romance and females are only concerned with qualities tangential to romance (money, status, face and frame)
Hush bb. This may be the reality we live in, but there's no way to combat it. You'll always be seen as either a side hoe or a practice gf, so why not embrace it? Men will always resent us, lie about their intentions, and look for an upgrade when we they "settle" for us. Being a housewife is a pipe dream for 99% percent of us anyway
>No woman is out lying to people to get them to open up to her sexually and emotionally just so she can disappear when she has what she wants.
Because women don't have to.
Men are idiots who hand women everything because they want to stop feeling sad all the time. That's why women have become psychotic princesses demanding aristocratic deference 24 fucking 7 in every aspect of society, because they know they'll have an army of betas debasing themselves like peasants trying to get on their side no matter how awful they are.
>cumming from penetration
sh-should we tell him?
blacks have no body hair because of the african climate. We'll be fine
You also have no idea how evolution works. Dude go read for like 10 minutes how it works.
prove that evolution exists, athiest fag
When she squirts all over your benis, you know what just happened
You know what you're talking about and it's actually a tranny. I'm not on my computer with the before picture. I guess a skin condition is too much, but a transsexual is fine. Or they're lying through their teeth that they'd date her.
It has been proven for a long time. Documented in real time on short living animals that evolution has a bigger effect on. Go read about it.
*I know.
I can't even fix the typo because of the mutes.
Eggman was still a daily poster and site nuisance until as recently as late 2015/early 2016.
I have a long-term loving relationship with a man I met on Jow Forums four years ago. We've been living together nearly two years now. I figured my shit out, but many women will never be able to because it's popular and socially acceptable for men to be shallow and dishonest.
>it's another "le men are just sad and honest creatures downtrodden in society while women represent everything evil and have ruined my life" episode
You dumb faggot, men created everything there is. Men created culture and society and relationships and everything that there is. If society right now treats men like shit, that is the fault of men, NOT of women.
>women have become psychotic princesses demanding aristocratic deference 24/7
Maybe some loud cunts on Twitter are like that, but as a person who lives, works, eats, interacts etc with the real world, I can tell you that most people, male and female, are just bumbling around sad and misunderstood. I know literally one entitled bitch woman in real life and she comes from a crazy abusive home where she lived on the streets at age 12 and grew up in juvenile detention.
Most people don't turn out like that, but it's much easier to focus in your worldview to one tiny little piece of it, right? So much easier to construct a simple, fake version of reality than to cope with, you know, the REAL reality.
Also, I'm not really an atheist. I know the purpose of religion, read a lot about how it came into being and realize that losing it may mean the downfall of humanity. But cmon bruh, arguing that evolution is not real at this point in time is like arguing that the earth is flat. If you truly want to be living the right way you should tell the truth about the things that are true not lie about them just because they don't fit into the ideology you set out to have till the end of time. Humans biggest strength is the ability to adapt.
this guy seems like he'd be really nice and chill to hang out with
as long as he kept his expectations realistic i dont see why he wouldn't have trouble finding a gf
Does tinder still show the "last active" date? I'm on iOS____ and it doesn't show it for me. Hasn't for like a year
I refuse to believe this shit is real.
Lol I made a 5/10 girl tinder and already got 13+ matches last i checked
>a somewhat schizophrenic taste in music,
Why do I get 0 matches lads?
>tfw tried tinder
>wanted to be unique
>my picture was me with a Nintendo Switch in one hand, a bottle of water in the other, and an apple in my mouth
>bio was 'Call me HAN. Hydration. Apple. Nintendo'
>tfw got people messaging me just to laugh at me
>someone at work found out, now everyone calls me 'Han'
fuck tinder
Can't say I blame them, you're an idiot.
stop doing that grin on every photo. give more info about yourself and delete the super liked part, you can explain that later on the convo with her/him
Same dead face in every picture
LA cretura with masturbation eyes and nerdneck
>try tinder because everyone tells me to
>its just all whores who want to pump and dump
We built civilization on the idea that one man gets one women to help them be healthy, happy, and productive. Whores have completely destroyed that. I'm unironically considering converting to Islam.
>I will make Amerija's future is brown and beautiful. Viva la raza.
I improved your bio