I'm a virgin but for some reasons I have large labias

I'm a virgin but for some reasons I have large labias.
I got a boyfriend but we didn't have sex yet.
Everytime we sext each others he tells me he's gonna eat me out and all but like
he prefers "soft animu pussy uwu"
He already asked for a pic but I refused
I can't afford labiaplasty so I wanted to do it by myself but now I'm a bit scared
I'm scared he'll refuse to have sex with me because of that.

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Don't lie you fucking roast

Tell that to a gynecologist or to fuckin quora or Yahoo answers. But, of course you are just a larper that wants attention.

show vagina, let r9k be the judge.

There is no relation between sexual history and labia size. It is dumb meme, one that your boyfriend might believe unfortunately

Even a meme loser like OP's bf can get a gf. You have no excuse.

Some girls really are insecure about their vagina what the fuck

You still have a hole.
Don't worryyyy

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Why the fuck is sex so overblown in our culture, this board especially?

Or am I just the weird one for not caring

>I'm a virgin but for some reasons I have large labias
no such thing, you fucked chad and became a roastie. we know it and your future sex partners will know it

Just shove that shit back in yo pussy nigga lmao look at dis bitch

>letting virgins cause you to develop phobias when they've never even seen a vagina in person besides mommies

Stop edating nerds from the net and you won't have these complexes

maybe tape it to the side or something before you have sex with your bf? so he wont be grossed out

Nah. I didn't.

I'm not e-dating him. Actually, we met IRL.

I tried, but it keeps coming out.

You sound rather underage or stupid.

>I can't afford labiaplasty so I wanted to do it by myself
What the fuck??

>I'm scared he'll refuse to have sex with me because of that.
If he's this shallow and dumb, why do you still find him worth your time? What does that say about you? You'd let some clueless loser take your virginity and you'd even get surgery for him? Pathetic

>If he's this shallow and dumb, why do you still find him worth your time?
straight out of reddit relationships lmao, check out this faggot. why cant we be honest? big labias are disgusting, you dont want to see some fucking meat curtains there, i mean come on

Yeah I definitely broke up with my exes cause of the way their pussy looked. Admit you've never seen a vagina and move on

Then your flappy vagina isn't the first he's seen and he's not going to turn it down

Cuccucucukcuk alert

A whore roastie gf. Thats not what I want

>virgin xdDDDDDD
keep sucking on those big roast beefs, but deep down we both know that a small pink innie is faaaar superior. even femanon knows this

I'm pretty sure you have bigger things to worry about than the visual appeal of some random girl's pussy.

i just want to help a random femanon by telling her the truth. i mean you people just tiptoe around it, you dont want to hurt her feelings... its more cruel at the end

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>do it myself

That's how you get permenantly scarred and potentially die of sepsis.

If he dumps you at least you got relationship practice out of him. If he thinks floppy labia is from lots of sex then he's not a keeper anyways.

>relationship practice
one of the worst normie memes of this century. it all started with the "personal growth xdd" meme probably

Mine doesn't look like that.
Less worse.
A LOT Less worse.

Post it and let us judge. You're just overreacting Im sure its nothing too bad

Because the only reason we came to be was through sex and it has traditionally been a very large part of our existence and lives over time.
Sex is a normal, healthy and basic part of life that ensures the continuation of life.

Animals instinct, that's it
I'm not asexual but I really don't care if me a my future gf(long odds) have sex at all if she doesn't want to have sex with me as long as she doesn't with someone else it doesn't matter to me

WTF is wrong with my brain?

Sounds like you watch too much porn dude.Better quit.

You fuckers actually believe the roastie meme? From the start it was just used to make women feel bad about their vagina and fear that sex would enlarge their labia. The only thing that can influence the size of labia is childbirth and long term intentional stretching.

Being born with large labia isn't a bad thing tho, hell, some people actually prefer it. If he has a problem with it, just dump him and look for another dude. Him prefering "soft animu pussy uwu" just shows that he's extremely immature and that he should kill himself.

Don't pay for labiaplasty, be happy with what you have and make the best of it. You'll find the one, I believe in you.

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