>We live in a society where baby boys get part of their penises cut off
Really makes you think.
>We live in a society where baby boys get part of their penises cut off
Really makes you think.
Other urls found in this thread:
There's your problem. We live in a society.
>circumcision bad
>chopping penis off and turning it inside out to make faux vagina good
Kill all liberals.
i think uncircumcised dicks look weird, to be quite honest
my quack dick a good job with my penis, so it doesn't look bad
Whatever lets you cope.
So sad when mutilated people try to cope with their mutilation.
We also live in a society where portions of the population think vaccines cause autism, or that the Earth is flat.
Go figure.
I can see that being a good comeback against some parents
>Son why do you want this surgery, its so inhuman!
>Why not, you already had a surgeon cut my dick apart against my will when I was born. Might as well finish the job
i have masturbated over 10,000 times
i masturbate on average a minimum of 4 times a day
without that extra skin, my dick would be ripped open
i literally prefer it this way
you can your weird worm penises can go elsewhere
>i have masturbated over 10,000 times
what a sad little creature you are.
ain't nothing small about me
i'm 6'3" with an 8' cock
life is pretty okay
ya'll can bash for whatever ya'd like, but i probably still literally get more out of my dick than any of you
if you circumcise your child, and he later wants to transition to a girl, did you just preform female genital mutilation?
I've been masturbating between 2 and 7 times a day, on average 5 times a day for the past 5 years or so with no foreskin at all. I feel great.
Your parents had you mutilated and now you're desperately trying to cope with it, by defending yourself on Jow Forums.
It's by and large not liberals taking issue with (((circumcision))).
god literally demanded it
>by defending yourself on Jow Forums.
at last i truly see, kek
you can go take your weird worm dick and hide it away because that shit looks strange
>having part of your body permanently removed without your consent when you're completely helpless and being forced to live with the consequences from the week you were born for the rest of your life
>willingly having part of your body modified knowing full well the risks and consequences because that's how you want to live your life as an adult
Kill yourself you fucking retard
Just look at how you type. It's clear you have some deep rooted mental issues probably stemming from the fact that you were mutilated as a baby.
i'm lazy, and listening to ASMR falling asleep literally as type this
you're not worth a whole hell of a lot more effort than that, to be quite honest
What a sad Iife you lead.
Gas the politicians
i''m actually pretty comfy, to be quite honest my dude-family
Yeah, but your dick has been mutilated.
>300 FEET of blood vessels
why you so opposed with dicks, dude
you gay or something
anyways, it's all a matter of perspective
i think it's an improvement, sorta like a body modification or piercing
It's obvious that you are trying to cope with having your dick mutilated while you were too young to have a say of any kind.
>fap 10,000 times
>only manage to cum 300 times
lmao the absolute state of cutfags
okay, dude
hope you come to terms with your weird worm dick
anyways, goodnight
That you have such an image saved on your computer and that you thought it would be appropriate for the situation, speaks for itself.
>I have an 8-foot long cock
Sure thing, buddy
Really rocking that anime fan pretending to not care look.
Holy shit you sound insufferable. Dude might got a mutilated dick, but you? I guess there's a reason for everyone being on r9k.
>Worm dick
I don't even have a penis and I know that normal dicks don't look like worms.The foreskin exists for a reason, to protect and lubricate the glans. I'm sorry that your penis was altered without your consent user but the practice needs to end. It should be a boy's choice when he grows up. Not something forced upon him from birth.
Every square inch of skin has about 20 feet of blood vessels. The foreskin in the adult is about 15 square inches in area. 15 x 20 = 300.
In reality it's probably more than that though. The foreskin isn't just regular skin but a particularly vascular structure. 300 feet would be a conservative estimate.
LOL rly using dat big boy word. fckn fag lmao.
Beyond that, the foreskin itself is the most specialized sensory tissue of the penis. It does protect the glans, but the foreskin provides a lot of sensation in its own right too. Many men find the foreskin the most erogenous part of their penis and can get sexual pleasure and orgasm from foreskin stimulation alone. Here's some videos if you're interested in seeing this firsthand.
I can see it really got to you. Have a good one.
>Every square inch of skin has about 20 feet of blood vessels
I got lucky my parents didn't chop my weiner up, a good thing of being non religious. I feel sorry for the abrahamic religion followers.
Why don't you have this knuckle sandwich in your face, bitch?
There's a big difference between mutilating a child's genitals without their consent and performing a procedure on a consenting adult who wants to modify their body as they see fit.
One is equivalent to a child being molested and the other is equivalent to an adult having consensual sex.
People who undergo circumcision are always going to defend it because admitting it was perhaps wrong is to accept that they had invasive and unnecessary surgery performed on them without their consent at a vulnerable age. Notice how that is never actually addressed by anyone defending circumcision. Instead they try to minimise the stakes in the issue and make it something as superficial as getting a haircut.
Prove it you fucking piece of shit, this is my cock, I'm uncircumcised and guess what, I can still expose my glans. The fact that you can't masturbate without lube, are exposed to keratinisation and desensitisation is just sad. This is why the barbaric practice of circumcision needs to END
fembot here, why are uncircumcised people so hung up on circumcision, whereas i never see circumised people care? is it because their uncircumcised dicks look like elephant trunks so have circumcision envy? i mean, 90% of women prefer the look of circumcised dicks, it just looks way cleaner
>90% of women prefer the look of circumcised dicks
No they fucking don't. Outside burgerland no one is even circumcised unless they're a Jew. Personally I think cut dicks look strange.
t. femanon
>The human body is pretty amazing, isn't it? Nearly 28 feet of intestines pack neatly inside our bellies, our kidneys filter an average of 2.2 pints of blood per minute, and each human being has fingerprints that are completely different from anyone else's. Every square inch of your skin contains 20 feet of blood vessels, 4 yards of nerve fibers, 1,300 nerve cells, 100 sweat glands, and 3 million cells. The human eye can distinguish up to a million different colors and take in more information than the largest telescope known to man.
>Fascinated yet? For a fun way to learn more, head to The Museum of Science & Industry. Not only is MSI home to the permanent exhibit, YOU! The Experience, BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life is making its U.S. debut there.
>BODY WORLDS & The Cycle of Life is an exhibit from Dr. Gunther van Hagens, who invented a special process called plastenation. Through plastenation, (a process that takes 1,500 hours from start to finish!) Dr. van Hagens makes it possible for us to observe the muscles and organs of the human body in a remarkable way. At the exhibit, you can view healthy muscles and organs, as well as diseased ones. One body shows prosthetics, and there's even an ostrich on display! If you're under 13 years old, you must have an adult with you in order to view the exhibit.
I guess you should have surgery forced on you to remove your roast beef flaps, huh?
Most Americans can't tell the difference between cut and intact when the penis is erect. They think the intact dicks they see in porn that are erect are circumcised.
It doesn't look cleaner you falseflagging piece of shit. The biggest intactivists are circumcised. There have been plenty of cut people voicing their disgust for the sexual violence performed on them as infants. If you support this barbaric practice you're nothing short of a pedophile.
Liar. You're obviously a bitter cutfag male.
>whereas i never see circumised people care?
>parents were nonreligious European immigrants
>STILL had me circumcised when I was born in the US
there was literally no reason to justify it, I cannot fathom why they did that to me. It's a huge source of my anger and depression, so I try not to think about it or even look at my dick anymore. I have $12,000 set aside for when Foregen offers the restoration surgery to the public
I'm an actual fembot and I think that circumcision is sick and evil and anyone who thinks it's acceptable to mutilate newborn children should be killed for betterment of the human race
I'm so sorry for your pain user. I hope they can bring justice to the victims of these doctors and end the mutilation of baby boys everywhere.
I have the meatal stenosis too. I'm lucky it isn't bad enough to need surgical correction.
I honestly think almost every cut guy has some degree of it. It's just that they think it's normal. It's more often in the really bad cases, like with Jimmy Kimmel, that they realize it's not. Kimmel had to actually have his meatus sliced open to widen the hole because it stenosed so bad.
Tried tuggin or wearing the fake sheath?
>tfw no self-hating cut bf to help restore
I've seen people defend circumcision with arguments like, "Are you going to tell me I can't choose what clothing my kid wears? That's communism!"
Some argued that they should even be allowed to dress their kids in clothing that was so ill-fitting it would actually injure the child to wear it, because "they're my kids".
Because being circumcised is an illness. It's really hard to cum, which means it's really hard to get a girl pregnant. I feel like i'm a biological dead end. I'm a loser or, if you will, a prat. Basically, I'm a dumb fuck. Sometimes I get really sore trying to make myself ejaculate as well. I get really frustrated and cause so much friction that I almost set my alight. It makes me so mad that I think i'm gonna fucking explode but, of course, I never do. Picture me down on my knees, furiously masturbating and cursing the Overseer for letting this happen to me. Why couldn't I have been one of the happy kids, one of the social kids like the rest of Jow Forums, instead of this weird freak? Why?!
I hope to be a part of that
It's true, every circumcised male has meatal stenosis, keratinization of the glans, hair growth on the shaft due to skin being pulled forward, etc. Circumcision literally fucks up your dick irreparably.
I'm considering getting a sheath, no tugging since I'm waiting for the surgery
Someone should do an with that photo, showing it to women on American college campuses who were asked to view a picture of a penis and say whether they though it was circumcised (yes, no, unsure)
I bet you a ton of them would say yes or unsure.
>one of the social kids like the rest of Jow Forums
On a certain other web site a while ago a male-to-female trans said that they consider themselves an FGM survivor for exactly that reason.
this, i bet 90% of the people in this thread are bitter because they have ugly smegma ridden uncircumcised elephant trunk dicks.
Literally breakdown to me as to why i should give even a single shit as to what you literal meme peasants outside of America think. We're the center of everything, good or ill. We're on the stage, you sit the fuck down.
No. We're just understandably outraged by SEXUAL VIOLENCE AGAINST BABIES BEING ACCEPTABLE! Fuck off. Do you think we should slice off the clitoral hoods of baby girls too user?
Hell, they'd probably stop acting so much like whores, so, sure.
I hope some jew bites your dick off you fucking monster.
Sad that this still happens.
This WILL trigger worm-dicks
>Inaction equals compliancy
If that's the grave you want to die in.
>without that extra skin, my dick would be ripped open
...what "extra skin" are you with? You're implying that circumcision gives you more skin than you had to start with.
>thinks it's perfectly normal to take photos of his penis and post it online
Larval stage dicks are degenerate
>americucks are defending their mutilated dicks again