Hey user, how was your workout? Does having a non fit gf bring you down...

Hey user, how was your workout? Does having a non fit gf bring you down? My girl is a fat loser who talks shit to me for going to the gym. Anyone else have this problem? I still go regardless but fuck why tell me something for trying to better myself.

>you need to eat user
>you need rest days user
>you dont even know what kind of diet your on
>your going to be just skin and bones

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You do need a rest day friend
But ditch the girl otherwise, she’s a gains goblin

Bad sex isn't worth sticking with a fat loser, ya dummy.

Right there with you my dude, my girl does the same thing, had two kids recently and sometimes I wonder if It’s worth just staying for the kids sake. She Constantly makes excuses for herself but Shits on all my hard work (16kgs down since March)

If you've put in your effort and told her to fuck off with that and she hasn't then why are you sticking around?

It kills me that my girl is too mentally weak to want to work out. And that's the beta threshold for me. If she took it further and got fat, talked down to me for lifting, and then tried to advise me on health, I'd be right the fuck out of there. What are you doing with her, user?

>My girl is a fat loser who talks shit to me for going to the gym
Too relatable, it won't get any better my dude just go your way and do your thing while she rots wasting her years as a fatass

Drop her, pussy. If you got 1 gf, you will get another

I'm slowly converting mine to lift, but she has a really bad hand injury right now, so all I can do for now is mindgames.

Listen to this user, if you respect youself a little going for bad sex wtih an uggo or a fattie is a terrible idea.

I had a great workout thanks OP, but it was immediately ruined along with the rest of my day when I came home and saw this greasy pig's mouldy vagina right at the top the catalog again.

Thats great timing for that much weight. We jave 2 kids & she wants another so i understand. She also uses them as an excuse.

> i watch the kids so you go to the gym

But literally women take their kids to our gym all the time.
Kek, im looking into my options of returning her somehow i feel like spiritually i will not be able to connect with someone else the way i have her. I dont know but im going to continue lifting, continue running and keep up my good diet. The only thing that keeps me going is getting stoned at night and lifting.

Nah man you love the idea of her, you don’t love her. You’ll find someone else once you’ve had a bit of time to yourself and no doubt figure out who you are actually interested in as a partner

Dubs confirms its time for s skinny gf i can toss around and OHP.

OP, there is nothing special about your current GF, anything you find in her you can find in someone else.

Ultimately, can you see yourself spending your life with someone who attempts to sabotage your self-improvement efforts?

There are many other options out there and more will become available as you get fit.

>not eating the crust
dump her right NOW

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Demands my time and attention. Begrudges me time I spend alone or at the gym.

Wow she's fat has bad personality and is a bucketcrab. Real catch there op.

>wanting your girl to lift
think you might be a faggot user

I was actually the non-fit partner when I started dating my gf, she is still fit police of my life to some degree.
>no user, don't you dare to eat Burger king again, I dont care if its your cheat meal

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>being unable to keep a strong bitch in check
think you might just be bitchmade user

my gf had an eating disorder, so she assumes whenever i work out that I have a problem. so i do it without her knowing.

Get the fuck out asap. Stop wasting your life with someone who doesn't want what's best for you.

Got out of 5 year relationship 2 months ago, she had a Gianna Michaels body when we started dating but gained weight and started to get saggy. She would complain about her body constantly but refuse to do anything about it and was super sensitive if I tried to get her to eat healthy with me.

Within 2 weeks of the breakup I was on tinder having my fill and now I'm dating a little cutie literally 60 lbs lighter than my ex who actually takes care of herself, appreciates my body and is super supportive of my fitness and career goals. We're all gunna make it brahs, just stop letting yourselves be held back.

She talks shit because she knows she has lower smv compared to yours

OP stop being a bitch and whine on other people.

take it like a man who the fuck cares

Are you me, bro?
Why can't I just have one gf for fucking and one that doesn't like it so much? I'd love them both it's not fucking fair! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

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This is seriously a good tip for you OP
Imagine your girlfriend as a dude that you sort of know but don't see more than twice a week and forget everything girly about her. Don't think about how nice she is or how cute she can be, just the facts.

What is that guy doing with his life?
Where is that guy in 5 years?
Do you think that guy would be a good rolemodel for children?
Would you want your sister to date a guy like that?
Would you want to be roommates with that guy for 10 years?
You can add to the list but try imagining her as a him and you'll see your future together more clearly

Can you fuck that guy in the ass then go for the mouth? Maybe move in with a guy then

My girlfriend doesn't work out but supports me and mires my strength

My gf is a chubby loser but I still tolerate it because her excuses are legit(straight from work to uni from 6am to 23pm), and she doesn't sabotages my own health. I convinced her to eat better at least.

dude you lift, you run and you get stoned every night
you're happy with her when you're not with her, you realize that, right?

on the positive you can squeeze her chubby tummy

however OP
my gf at first was kinda mad at me for joining the gym
but then she had some injuries due to inactivity (knee problems) and she started going to the gym
now she keeps showing me her barely visible abs, I'm supportive and I compliment her new posture
she was never out of shape but she has visibly improved
we like to eat clean and to workout
maybe you could try to bring your gf to the gym (just make her do a legs ass abs workout), she'll actually feel better and if you compliment her on things like her posture she'll feel motivated
but actually you don't really seem to like her, so make a decision

Joke's on you, I don't have a GF.

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Is this a joke?
Are you being genuine?
I'm concerned user

no. my gf was hospitalized as a kid. she is over her eating disorder, but assumes everyone that ever works out has one.

Actually I have belly gf but she is really into me being Jow Forums so I get
>wow you look really good!
>do you want me to cook for you?
And she is actually interested in me and what I do but she will never be Jow Forums