Why was that black guy so jealous?

why was that black guy so jealous?

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I don't know. Probably some retarded cockblock white knight defending his kween

that hot black thot looks a couple months preggo.

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That was a hearty laugh. Thanks OP.

>hanging around near a black party
>start chatting with some pretty girl
>some insecure nig literally drags her away
They always do this.

They're very insecure about non-black guys with black girls

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His sister watch the full clip

>t.gay porn spammer on r9k where people literally rage and argue for hours if someone posts a white girl with bbc

So? It's a pretty normal instinct for men to be territorial over women

>muh instincts

are you a mindless ape, faggot?

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I didn't say white boys aren't insecure either, though?
Black guys are just the most insecure

>being this butthurt over white men dating black women
go outside incel

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imagine being this guy
he probably gets approached by 10 different women during his ordinary visit to the grocery store

only 10? he has his own stalker group that follows his every move.

>the way she looks up as she tells him "fuck me"

Why does porn have to hit me in the feels now?

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absolute state

> t. Tyrone9in/iamlegend1221/butthurtblackboi

I don't think so, buddy.

link? origini

Probably a case of
>never ever

> doesn't realize the proper word is hypocrite
It's funny when black bois try to be edumacated.

>doesn't realize he is referring to the Greek physician from antiquity.
There's a reason he capitalized it, you fucking brainlet fuck.

Black men hate when black women race mix because they're terrified of being replaced by hot mixed race guys the way black men replaced black women with mixed girls


as a mixed guy with a white father, I find it hilarious

oh i was just adding to the hype :>

>hanging around near a black party
damn dude you got more balls than me
make sure you don't relax

Hahaha crackers you can't argue against my statistics it is actually thou black wimeen who are insecure of WMBF relationships. Just joking but majority of black guys are neutral when it comes to race and women whereas black women tend to be into the whole I need a black man thing which can be seen in the tinder statistics table. So hazza crackers you shall not try and use your Jewish psyops against me.

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black bois btfo

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Probably with a white baby.

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Jasmine Webb and Danny D by the way

Do Chads actually get approached?

yeah, the very tip top of the bell curve are so alpha and handsome and confident that they cause normal behaviours and social cues to implode and they just draw in everything around them

as someone with chad friend - yes. Though they get more eye fucked

The context is that he is mispelling hypocrite. He said black girls snipe at black men for going after blonde women, but then proceed to do white guys. He knew what it meant but not how to spell it.

Blacks capitalize things randomly.

> black women are more likely to marry a black man to be her provider
> black men are more likely to knock up a black woman as warmup for banging white and asian thots.

Great pie graph there. It says nothing about how many actually marry

HIs comment said nothing about greeks or medicine.

Smoothbrained idiots
Come back when you've got some folds

No, he is saying that Black girls are a bunch of Hippocrates, meaning they are alike him in character, and he was known to be capricious and hard to understand. Please educate yourself.

Nice headcanon user
>are you a mindless ape, faggot
Jow Forums is pretty territorial over women too so I would say no

t. Tyronecel

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>have a black fiance
>show her black girl threads on r9k
>she just laughs and then gets turned on and we go screw each other

What in the name of fuck is even going on in that video?

>have a black fiance

>have a black fiance
you poor bastard

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I know, it sucks to have someone who you love and who loves you and both of you want to spend the rest of your lives together just how god wants us to.

>just how god wants us to

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it's gonna have to be a YIKES from me again.

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Don't listen to this virgin incels. Tap that exotic pussy.

my goodness the I can almost taste the salt

Cucked and cringepilled
Black girls are the future

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Why were ugly people allowed to reproduce? We could all be perfect human specimen like this guy but no, eugenics is bad for you, my holy book and muh morals say so.

those sad emojis are probably from his parents

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I feel kinda bad for you to be honest.

I heard it's his sister. Wouldn't you be protective of her if she was whoring herself out?

PS: LOL @cacs in this thread with their "we beez takin ur wimminz" posts. Black women don't fuck with you. That's according to the same OKCupid data you whitebois spam to "prove" you're the most desirable race. Take it or leave it, Tyler.

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come to think of it, how do you describe salt's taste? salty? lol

Just because it's white+black doesn't mean it will automatically be ugly

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Hi Stacy
I see you're trying to keep the white boys for yourself again

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I like how when these statistics are posted to prove that white women dont like black men you niggers go "MUH DATING APPS DO NOT REPRESENT REALITY" but when its in your favor its suddenly the most reliable source

>dad is kekistani numale
>mum is a hidious ogress
the deck was stacked against that little retarded looking baby from the start

Would you let this black man BLACK your sister and give her black babies?

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Don't have kids tho less niggers the better

>every woman prefers men of her own race
based and redpilled graph
This makes the racebaiters SEETHE

i was talking about white dude's parents

Not an argument user

this comment is cringe t b h

All it shows is all women are repelled by black men but on average attracted to white men. Yeah, as a white guy with jungle fever it is hard, but well worth it. They prefer tall or ripped white guys though. That works for me.

Beautiful couples.

White men are the partners black women deserve.

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>This is coming from the race which produced the cracker who stabbed a black homeless man to death in New York City and then stated his motivation was to stop "rich, attractive black men from sleeping with white women"

PS: I'm mixed race, but my father's black.:)

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you probably have an iq of 90 or so.

I don't think you want to start comparing murders.

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she looks like she wishes she wasn't black.

Mixed couples are a good thing desu.
Eradicates the white race faster. Keep having those based "white" babies with black women anons. You have my support.

That's exactly what I'm saying and the sheer amount of butthurt (You)s my post got in barely a minute proves how "hippocrital" whites on Jow Forums are.

it was autocorrect faggot

Those kinds of black girls are usually the proudest of being black, even if they date white guys

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you should autocorrect your life retard.

These women are already 1/2-3/4 white.
Admit it: You don't like black women, you just like white women with exotic slightly melanic skin.

Most black women are disgusting so you wh*toids can go ahead and take them. I'll be piping down thick asian women.

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Fucking based black people killing white roasties.

then they wouldn't try their hardest not to look Black.

>"Muh IQ"
C O P E N H A G E N.

I don't see why I would have to cope with you being a 90 IQ mulatto.

ls this black enough for you?

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Try again sweetie
Black is beautiful

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kek at the autist trying to fit in

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Blacks don't kill outta race-based jealousy though. You wanna talk bout cases where The KKK lynched black men (and a few white women) for being *suspected* of dating interracially?

I can go dark as coal or an off-white mutt. I just like African features on a woman. Mixed women are as close as I can get to stomaching white bitches anymore. At least their skin isn't pig pink.

I'm "white" (100% European) but at least I tan after some exposure. Some whites are whiter than others I guess. I like thicc and black women are a treasure trove.

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A person with a 90 IQ wouldn't be able to figure out how to use Jow Forums.

>tfw no black gf who's so dark that it looks like my dick disappears when we fuck in the dark

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>last name Bigot
>with Black woman

What did he mean by this?

You're doing fine so far though.

Some white men will just gaze and some will take action.

Why so hostile? You wouldn't mind having mulatto kids right? You are in a bleached thread.

Latina is my backup plan. Plus Spic families seem cooler than nigga families.

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I would kill those kids in their sleep.

Do the math, Black-Americans clock in at 87 and have like 20% white DNA which according to white supremacists counts for 17 of their points in total, I'm 50% white. By your logic mine should be pretty much 100 on the count of having a white mum.

Guess maths or consistency in pursuit of the scientific truth ain't high on the lift of Jow Forumsack priorities though, right?

Dated a Hispanic girl a while back in highschool. Loved visiting her family to be honest. Was a bit of an autist before her so going to Mexican parties was a trial by fire. Get ready for a lot of dancing.

We should honestly just clone a billion specimen of this dude then commit suicide as a species. Sadly the direction our planet is headed into right now, we'll probably have 4 billion chinks poos and dindus each by 2100

This white guy was targeted and killed by a group of black men for being with a black woman.

Blacks kill and victimize whites out of racial hatred and jealousy constantly. I know people who have been victims of it.

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Black genes drag you down to 90.

He wanted to have the shit and poop on his face instead