Reminder that you can't be a real robot if you support capitalism.
It is not about being a "commie" (that's a common strawman used by bootlickers), you just need two brain cells to understand that such system has no benefit for us.
Reminder that you can't be a real robot if you support capitalism
>Gosh, my argument is so perfect and flawless, i'm just going to say you're wrong and not provide any evidence to back up my claims because it's just sooo awesome!
How does it feel knowing that you're the baby they didn't bash hard enough on the rocks?
You need three brain cells to understand that no civilization was ever built to last.
Capitalism. The best system ever.
>Based on (((World Bank 2016)))
Real fucking cute Schlomo.
Honestly the way I'm treated at work sometimes by my superior I've considered being a radical communist many times. Too bad that's not an actual job.
>Radical communist
Why? Do you hate having food to eat?
Capitalism lets me buy anime figures and video games and shit. It's obviously the best system for robots.
I think they do it on purpose.
No. I hate an inhumane system where people are treated like a statistic in an excel document.
meanwhile nazism
>give up your life
>give up your goals
and most importantly
>give up yourself
Capitalism made you a fucking alienated robot in the first place.
>Communists would have shot you in the head though lol.
Capitalism is the worst economic system except for all the other ones
The reason why comunism always fail is because it's not a system meant to succeed do begin with.
The ideology can be summarized to:
>"If i can't be rich and successful, no one will."
t. communism expert, saw an infographic on Jow Forums once
>getting triggered because it's true.
free helicopter rides for commie faggots
If you look at from a different perspective you will realize that it is better for humanity that people live in poverty, because not living in poverty means they cause pollution that will eventually destroy the ecosystems that we depend on for survival.
whatever you say user, you're the expert
Communism has never failed because it has never been implemented. A classless and stateless utopia is simply not possible to implement. Doesn't stop people from trying, though this 'trying' always ends up with an even smaller group of people hoarding all the wealth with an added bonus of stripping the people of civil liberties.
Never trust a statistic or diagram you haven't rigged yourself
>that blatant, lazy edit
>punchline obviously refers to communism
The left really can't meme.
Did you get banned from Jow Forums? Jow Forums is not the place to discuss this.
What fucking goals lmao? To be the biggest consumer piece of shit you can be? To be the most self-flagellating virtue signaling comrade fuck you can be?To make the most money for the corporations or the state/party? And seriously
>give up yourself
What is that horseshit? You're a fucking tree without any meaningful goddamned roots you miserable fuck.
This has to be an edit right?
Or do socialists really have this little self awareness?
cool user, i don't mind that you say that with a grain of salt, as long as you know your place.
>Communism has never failed because it has never been implemented.
Surely it wasn't designed that way intentionally, r-right?
Good goy, defend the World Bank.
>people have no goals other than consuming or money making
>You're a fucking tree without any meaningful goddamned roots
the fuck does this even mean?
There isn't a better system currently, however I do favor a smart AI planned economy in the future, especially when automation has advanced even further.
>itt robots argue with spoiled, capitalism brats.
Both systems are fucked, the truth is you'll either be treated like shit from your manager or a government official. At least your manager can't get the secret police to pay you a visit while you're asleep
that's where you're wrong
>It is not about being a "commie" (that's a common strawman used by bootlickers)
Doesn't the modern left consist mostly of pro-authoritarian bootlickers though?
maybe american """left"""
Socialism is the true robot way. The brainwashed wagies work away and the enlightened NEETs collect the fruits of their labour
It means that (You) only exist in relation to other people, but your existence only has any substantial meaning if it is experienced with people with whom you share common values and ideas and history. Hence, your claim that you have to
>give up yourself
Is tangible fucking bullshit, because national socialism explicitly rejects such a practice, whereas capitalism/communism are literally predicated upon it.
that wouldn't be socialism at all, but if you replace NEETs with property owners then you get capitalism
Hmm back to pol you go.
No "pure" ideology works in the real world.
A purely capitalistic system ultimately leads to the same sort of abuse as a purely communistic system.
yeah capitalism truly is the best dude! all those kid chimney sweepers and mine workers that died before the age of 20 just so that a capitalistpic could get rich off of their deaths is truly the best thing possible!
and poverty didn't lower because we got safer working conditions/stable wages/human rights that started to appear in every single for of economy, from socialism to comunism to capitalism, but because CAPITALISM ROCKS
>common strawman used by bootlickers
>Implying worthless communists aren't bootlickers
Most Jow Forums users are am*ricans. Most leftists in my country are pro-authority (except for antifags, but even they call for banning things)
>you only exist in relation to other people who share your ideals
nice collectivist bullshit faggot
>nazism rejects giving up yourself
how come? all totalitarian ideologies involve giving up your ideals and opinions and adopting those enforced by the ruling party
Red: % living under $2.00/day (PPP)
Blue: % living under $1.25/day (PPP)
this is actually interesting
> leftypol recruiter again
Capitalism still predicts the exact opposite of what you claim it does, faggot.
>13% is the upper limit of differences in poverty levels explained by economic freedom
>capitalism rulez
You know, I remember when Jow Forums put more effort in their shilling
*sips monster*
the only thing i'm getting from that shitty picture you posted is that degree of economic freedom, however it's measured, is a garbage predictor of both % of living in poverty and % of children working
can you even read the statistics you're posting? or do you just see the downward line and go "yeah capitalism gud"
>you: capitalism results in child labor
>me: capitalism, if anything, results in less child labor
>you: capitalism doesn't result in less poverty
>me: capitalism, if anything, decreases poverty
Doesn't matter that it doesn't explain all the variance, it slightly explains the variance. Meanwhile, socialism/communism show the direct opposite. And if you look at the good predictors of capitalism (like gdp per capita), there's no question which the better system is
>No. I hate an inhumane system where people are treated like a statistic in an excel document.
That's literally communism
>it slightly explains the variance
no it doesn't, that's not how statistics work at all - R^2 = 0.13 means that economic freedom is just a bad predictor of poverty and child labour, so it doesn't actually explain anything. you could try to use the average number of pets owned by household as a predictor of poverty and child labour and get a value of R^2 similar or even higher
1. i have munnies
2. i dont starve to death
1. i dont have munnies
2. i starve to death
capitalisim is bad but nobody has thought of anything better so stop ur bitching
Ok, that's true, but it still invalidates your assertion that capitalism results in more child labor and it is more likely that capitalism results in less poverty than more poverty so suck a dick, commie
That wasn't even me who posted that, I was just pointing out how worthless your data was
still useful in disproving there being a correlation in the opposite direction
Wait, so if I want more government, more state power, and more boots to like; I'm NOT a boot licker?
Also it doesn't really validate or invalidate any points, its just two graphs of uncorrelated data without any mention of research methodology or anything
Take the economic freedom index, graph it to povery data and unicef child labor rates data.
Market socialism blows all other ideologies out of the water.
varg go home
you have children to raise don't shitpost go take care of them
>capitalism has raised the quality of life of the proletariat to far above what the original socialists could imagine, developing in the opposite direction of what was expected
>professional victims still complain about capitalism as if we lived in the 19th century without worker's rights and 12 hour work days
Communists aren't people.
>T. fagboi typing shit on his phone/PC that was constructed in a Chinese sweatshop by children who were paid 5 cents a day.
it's not though. the solution to pollution isn't making and keeping people poor so rich people aren't bothered.
>Muh individualism!
Fuck off Peterstein. Contrary to popular opinion, human beings are not social animals, we are tribal animals. Because its impossible to differentiate where the individual ends and the collective begins (eg the problem of the heap) realistically, systems of governance must either work to allow BOTH the individual AND the collective to flourish simultaneously, or fucking neither, which has obviously proven to be the case with both the capitalist and communist halves of the Judeofascist coin.
>ideals and opinions and adopting those enforced by the ruling party
The only reason you're allowed to hold your own "idealz and opinionz" in a capitalist shithole society like the west us because they don't fucking matter bro. It's the same reason you're encouraged to vote: because without collective, tribalist legitimacy, your individual opinion is FUCKING WORTHLESS.
>Capitalism has infected my friend
Earlier today, he said "Businesses aren't supposed to he kind, they're supposed to earn money."
that's true of publicly traded businesses, privately owned businesses are meant to do what their owners want them to do, which is normally own money.
>constructed in a Chinese sweatshop
u mean the commie country. lol
That image is dumb as no current would flow through the person holding the fork
You're probably a kid still and you don't understand the argument at all
I'm older than most on Jow Forums and have done my studies
Arguing about Communism and Capitalism doesn't work because both systems are flawed
I have a system that does work but it means a few things
lol truuuuuu
I wanna die more now
What? If there is more poverty it leads to poaching, deforestation (see slash and burn) as well as greater compliance to landfill rather than greater investment in renewables due to greater market demand for such.
Capitalism and communism are fundamentally indistinguishable from one another.
You are allowed to become a dictator if you take on sufficient personal risk and are intelligent enough/hard working enough by starting your own business. If you voluntarily live under a dictator, that is on you for being too dumb/lazy or risk averse.
>have to advertise communism on the board for literal failures, dropouts and otherwise degenerate losers in every regard
>even then your meme ideology gets shit on
Is that comic seriously trying to spin people who support the Russia investigation as pro-authoritarian?
Yeah, investigating conspiracy to commit election fraud is pro-authoritarian. If it's about "wasting money on nothing" look at all the arrests and plea deals that have already been made and tell me this is a worse way to spend public funds than the Benghazi investigation.
>ou are allowed to become a dictator if you take on sufficient personal risk and are intelligent enough/hard working enough by starting your own business.
imagine actually believing this LMAO
>you can't start a business in a capitalist society
i'm against centralization, so all three are flawed to me
back then hippies weren't the mainstream, they were also "questioned for questioning the authority".
Also, political minorities like conspiracy theorists don't question authorities for the sake of it, not because their questions are smart or actually needed.
>problem of the heap
Do you think a single grain of sand and a heap of sand are indistinguishable?
>w-well your opinions don't matter under capitalism and communism either!
I'm not sure how this makes Nazism any better
Do two people constitute a society? Do three? Do four?
Move to Africa dawg. Things are pretty decentralized there.
>I'm not sure how this makes Nazism any better
>...he wrote while anesthetizing his all-consuming depression, lonelieness, alienation, ennui, and existential terror with drugs, porn, social media, mindless soul crushing entertainment, and other empty bullshit commodities.
Also NEETS benefit under capitalism actually, so long as the social net is still existing.
Under communism NEETS would have nothing like everyone else, under capitalism they don't have much but they have something.
Sage and report this thread.
>Fact: We are not in a true capitalist government right now with our governments giving out bailouts and intervention
>Fact: Without capitalism you wouldn't be on Jow Forums right now
>Fact: Without capitalism you wouldn't be wasting your life like a worthless unloveable piece of shit on Jow Forums right now.
Fixed it for you. ;)
>USSR, Venezuela, Cuba, Zimbabwe and eventually China are all failed states or shitholes
>don't mind working for a living so long as I get cool stuff in return
>free healthcare and education are moot when living under autocracy which will literally kill you for speaking out