Hey bra, on my 2nd kid...what about you?

>hey bra, on my 2nd kid...what about you?

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amateur hour faggot either chad up to the Dugger reality or gtfo

WAIT WHAT? HOW THE FUCK? WHAT????????????????????????????????????????????????

Some babies will fuss, cry or pull off the breast during breastfeeding. There are a number of reasons why this might be happening. It's pretty common to see this type of behavior at around 6-8 weeks, though it can occur at any time. If your baby is generally fussy (not just when nursing) see My baby is fussy!

no one spells it bra in that context

dumb fuck

Although this throaty noise isn't as common as some other baby sounds, within the first six months many babies do growl and it doesn't mean they're unleashing their inner animal. At first, it's just a reflex, like crying or gurgling.

he lays on his back probably

Didn't she divorce him and take all of his money?

>first kid has arms and legs

clearly a cuck

I get the humor, but seriously how? What the fuck does he have going for him to get a girl like that? I don't want to hear that money bullshit, he's a doorstop, they literally can't do anything as a family. He's a fucking freak of nature. Why? how?????

Just learned my ex is a massive slut. Eventually someone will marry her and they will have kids. If there are as many such girls out there as I imagine now, pictures such as op will never make me feel depressed anymore.

Hah, I had a dream of 4 kids.
Except no one wants to be with me so I'll end up with zero and alone.
28 is boardering on too old to have kids and literally have zero confidence or prospects for the future now.
Funny how life turns out the opposite of what you want.

Unless you're a girl, 28 is unironically a great age to have kids.

Im not a girl but I have literally nothing in my life and were recently diagnosed with anxiety and deep depression to the point where I got sick leave from work to wallow in my thoughts of being alone.
Needless to say, it's not gonna pass anytime soon, been living with it since I were about 8-9 so to process all that and move on will leave me about 34-35.

35 isn't bad either! What do people even think.

Tfw one kid born from a woman who was a virgin before I took her.

every time he hops around he is landing on his balls and cock
why even live

He's an author and motivational speaker. He overcame his disability and became a beacon of light for other people with similar disabilities. Yes, he needs a lot more help with daily activities than a normal person. He's probably also exponentially more kind, good-hearted, hard-working, and gentle.

Hurts to realize that you don't actually have to be Chad to succeed with women, doesn't it? Probably really feels bad to come to terms with the fact that these "factors beyond your control" like height, balding, facial features, etc are not the thing preventing you from being happy, but that it's actually you, and the way you CHOOSE to act and CHOOSE to respond to people and the way you CHOOSE to live your life.

No one enjoys the sudden realization that the only thing standing between you and success is you.

He got lucky and she's probably a virtue signalling cunt who enjoys his higher social status and money, ok.

how fat are you fatman?

>He got lucky
He was born without any fucking limbs. He was the exact antithesis of "lucky," you super faggot. You must be pretty fit with the amount of mental gymnastics you do on a daily basis so you don't have to take responsibility for your own shortcomings.

My grandma bought me his book for Christmas some 5+ years ago, and I read about half just to please her. This potato man should inspire you to action, not inspire you to make rude quips about people you've never met online. You're nothing but a bucket crab.

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>what about you?
I didn't give some chink a green card and spawn a mongrel so they can buy up local industry with my money when I die from monster ultra overdose

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You've never met him either lmao stop your mental gymnastics
He got lucky for getting a woman despite his disability but the reason she decided to commit was his wealth and social status.

>the reason she decided to commit was his wealth and social status.
>this is what incels believe

>his social status
He is a potato man with no arms or legs who gives motivational speeches for a living. What social status or wealth could he possibly have? You would believe literally anything, no matter how nonsensical, to keep yourself safe from the idea that a guy could get a wife just by being a good person.

The fact that this creature is allowed to breed has convinced me that capitalism must end

...Lets be serious here, this is not the only reason but the main one.

The fact you can't has convinced me it works.

Guy in OPs pic
>born without arms & legs. Has a career, Asian wife, multiple kids
>I am scared of girls and do not like washing my hair. I will die a virgin
The absolute state of arcanine

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Oh i knew that, we all do, but even so there's no helping no hope, SHowing kids in africa to a starving Venezuelan doesn't help him fill his stomach, shamming him for not "making do with what he has when people in worse situation succeed" for being in a better situation doesn't help psyche

He's famous for his speeches as you said thus he has social status.
Believe it or not but literal dictators and criminals have/had girlfriends and wives.

Plus he appeared on TV quite often and his speeches are attended by many people who pay money for tickets.
He also got money for his book(s)

>getting royalties from a not-popular book
>appearing on not-popular TV talk shows or religious shit
I don't even remember the dude's name and I read the fucking book. He's not famous, he's not rich, he's just a guy who goes around talking to people. Do you know anyone by name who makes a living writing motivational books and making similar speeches? No? Me neither, because they're not rich or famous.

Of course a dumb NEET would think 30k annually is big money, but real adults know that's some petty shit.

Hey bra just walking around with my legs and and swinging my arms

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he's not a pathetic manchild like most of this board lol that's how

Do you remember that stiffler actor's name from that one normie movie?
I don't but I would recognize him if I saw him on the street.
Pretty sure this guy makes more than 30k

>Hus average speaking fee per engagement = $50k USD
>He averages 10 speaking engagements a year
>earns an average of $160k/year in book royalties
2/3rd of a million a year, pal

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yeah it's sean william scott

I sincerely hope you are aware that "being a good person" does not entitle someone to getting pussy.

240 lbs of fat human garbage

Meant to reply to you. Just scroll up

My dads cousin got married at 40 and had a kid at 41 with his 38 yo wife, there's hope for you

Holy shit good for him