What did my fellow robots think about this movie?

What did my fellow robots think about this movie?

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it was fine, i enjoyed it i guess

Landslide Fartside

It wasn't terrible. I would watch it again, but not anytime soon most likely

Watching the girl get bullied was fucking rough to watch. I liked this movie a lot but it's definitely heavy.

Cute waifu and movie was enjoyable

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Friendly reminder ueno best girl and did nothing wrong

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How is bullying someone who did nothing to you to the point she wants to kill herself not wrong?

>had a deaf friend in this ghetto apartment complex grew up in
>everyone always shunned him and bullied him
>he used to come play to my house to play games
>never learned signed language just spoke to him and he tries to read my lips
>he would often ask me to help him buy stuff
>we go to toys r us
>he wanted a pair of roller blades because all the cool kids was into x-games shit
>tell him toys r us brands are not the kind you grind on the cement with
>he says iths okawy i justh wanth to skathe with eweybothy
>we buy the skates
>thankth you user wanth to buyth a game?
>tell him you dont need to
>iths okay i wanth to thankth you for helping me and being my friend
>bought me Tecmo Super Bowl
>he moves a few months later but is like a few miles away
>he visits once every other month and hang out
>all my cousins joined an asian gang and i was jumped in cuz peer pressure and wanted to fit in
>deaf bro see me in my edgy phase, pants sagging, flag hanging, fitted hats and throwing up gangs signs one day
>starts hanging out with the gang, same dudes that bullied him
>tell them he's cool
>they apologized for bullying him
>they offered to jump him in
>he accepted

>girl falls for a guy who physically and mentally abused her

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It made me want a qt deaf gf even more than before


It's literally there, retard.

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A Silent Voice is the name of the movie

Honestly, mc becomes a beta after the bullying anyway

Oh, thanks, I only have one eye and don't see very well

Because she just wanted attention user did you even read the manga

I find the movie quite strange. Can somebody explain why everybody want to fucking kill themselves?

How is bullying someone who did nothing to you to the point she wants to kill herself because you wanted attention not wrong?

user, are you perhaps a normalfag? I think it should be pretty obvious for a robot why they want to do it

I want to hug Yuzuru! Yuzuru best boy (girl)!

Because she just wanted KAZUYAs attention
What part of this are you missing
Deaf chan then stole her chances of winning the kazuya bowl and because deaf chan was a weak helpless nerd it was based ueno who had to show her nonconformists must go
Also she is a qt

Thinking what she did is ok because "the roastie was too hungry for dick, she couldn't help it" is just retarded

>wah he doesn't think the same as I do
>what a fag lmao shit taste m8
People like you are why we can't have nice things

I watched like 20 minutes of it.
Manga was better.

>likes Ueno because she does what she wants and doesn't care about making someone suffer
>calling someone retarded on the Internet is a big deal, why can't we have nice things!

What is your point anonymous? Are you just gonna come up with some bullshit logic to really rub it in that I'm wrong because I don't have the same worldview as you? Or are we going to be gentlemen and respect each others tastes?

I don't respect normans who think bullying is ok But I agree about her design being insanely hot

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>he doesn't self insert as the one being bullied to get off from the childhood trauma
Spoken as a true pleb but at least you have some modicum of taste you boring vanillafag

>self insert as the one being bullied to get off from the childhood trauma
user, you lewd fucker

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I read the manga, it was a wild ride of feels. When i finished it, i felt empty for having wasted my teens and doing 0 progress with my life. I wanted to read more, the ending is too open

I absolutely loved it. I was a massive cunt in school and ended up isolating myself as a response too, so it hit me hard

Kinda liked it in some ways i can relate to the bullying

Also wish for a qt deaf mute for a gf/wife

>I was a massive cunt in school and ended up isolating myself
How, Chads always end up winning

absolute garbage, fucking awful ending and the fact the mc literally bullied the girl throughout school and then later she falls in love with him is completely ridiculous and unbelievable and it makes ME MAD BECAUSE I WANT A QT DEAF GF

>completely ridiculous and unbelievable
user, women LOVE to be treated like shit. This was written and directed by a woman, they love confidence and assertiveness. The only ridiculous thing is that she fell in love with him post time skip, when he was sensitive and shy.

wait fucking kek this was actually directed by a wamon?

Yeah, original author was a girl too

no wonder the story was complete dogshit then

You are trying too hard.


too hard to do what fren? its a terribly written story, calling me edgy in a pathetic attempt to counter argue that is pretty sad desu

She cute tho

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Ok, so you are going to pretend like you don't know what I was responding to. Backpedaling already.

yep, I went through the same situation in grade school. Bullied and then got ostracized. Changed my entire life around out of redemption

You're a piece of shit and you probably scarred your victim for life, hope you die

Over-the-top for the sake of drama. Then I suppose I had the reverse situation. Never like talking about it though given that it comes off as virtue signalling though was friends with a disabled kid who used to be bullied a lot, think he turned into a furry. I do think it does well in teaching people that forgiving people to make them feel worse is much better than telling them straight that they were and still are twonks thereby giving them the opportunity to victim blame.

What do you think is over the top about it?

Its the Kyoani style of "ooh tense quick close up on mouth put lots of emphasis on animation and over-the-top lense flare on everything" coupled with how overboard mean they go (especially Ueno), most characters rather than even trying to connect would conveniently have relatives to visit or be working each day or they'd think about it for a decade. People like what's convenient and avoiding inconvenient circumstances. It is more true-to-life than most anime though, that I can't deny. Koiwai or whatever the "cute" character was called I can easily see being a real person except by this stage she'd have had twelve boyfriends, had a 30-person get together at her dad's mansion and try to get over sudden feelings of grief with a thought-provoking break to fuertaventura.

It was fine. I cried a lot, idk why.