Check out my 1st Youtube video robots

Check out my 1st Youtube video robots

Attached: 1531034721844.png (800x894, 41K)

Try to fix your double audio problem and buy a better microphone, good luck OP

Thanks OP i will.

best of luck OP. oreganioli

Attached: Nv82gmEf_400x400.jpg (400x400, 35K)

Thanks robot let's get to the Top together

Attached: jynx_from_pokemon_by_sntp-d4nn0x1.jpg (900x675, 139K)

You should look to the camera when you talk

Thanks user i will keep that in mind for tomorrow

From which part of Southern Europe are you?

I'm from Slovenia which is Central Europe. Why do you ask user?

>looks like a german
>obvious southern slav accent
Knew it

That's a good eye user

You're too attractive to be on this board OP

I am alpha after all user

what even is the point of your videos? You didnt give any idea to people watching as to why they should subscribe.

well, you're clearly autistic to post that here

You look like clint stevens but a eurofag

Nah you're actually pretty autistic now that I've seen the video. You are truly one of us

True but i did give a few spoilers in the comments so just check them out user

I was way more autistic than i am rn that's for sure.

What the fuck is your youtube channel even going to be about?

Tomorrow i start with gaming user later we will see where it goes