Get bj from girl

>Get bj from girl.
>Sticks finger in my butt.
>Gets poop on it.
>Stops sucking and leaves.
Like what the fuck, am I at fault here or what? It's a fucking ass, what did she expect? Like going to use an enema daily for the off chance that this happens.

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Girls don't poop maybe she didn't know what was up there

Why is there shit just sitting at the top of your asshole? If I stuck a finger in my ass there would be no shit.

Of course there isn't a log of shit in your rectum, but there are bound to be some traces of shit.

It's your own fault. If anyone ever tries to touch your butt you always fart loudly as a defense mechanism. It's the only way to keep your hole pure.

>especially if you are american

No Bidet

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Bidets are for gays.

>hiking alongside a river
>slip in the mud
>legs covered in dirt, dust and grime
>decide the best and most effective way to clean off is by smearing it all around with a towel

In a month you'll be crying for this betrayal of your ass, she could be your girlfriend buddy

Good point, how do I best take revenge on my ass?

Prolapse it.

>has never heard of a shower
bidets are fucking gay

Bidets are like showers for your ass, retard
>he doesn't enjoy the feelinig of a clean ass
>he'd rather walk around with a mushy feeling in his ass and stink like a skunk
You lost a blowjob for this

>didn't shower before hanging out with a girl
jesus christ, you're lucky she even showed up to slobber on your unwashed cock

>Get bj from girl
>She sticks a finger up you butt

Did she think you were bi or something? I thought most of the heteros think of a man's anus as strictly an exit hole. Do straight men actually want girls to do this, and more importantly, do they?

some straight men like being fingered and rimmed by girls I guess

Why install a bidet when you have a shower?

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Do you clean the inside of your ass when you shower?

>not using the shower head for an enema
Never going to make it

Because you can always run off to the bathroom and Clean your ass in less than a minute

nah, if you eat a decent amount of fiber you can go knuckle deep and come out clean
>t.vegan homo

>>t.vegan homo

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