Almost 21 years old

>Almost 21 years old
>Only person you know your age that hasn't even had their first kiss yet.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I had mine at 18, nothing too special tbqh famalam, I'm still a virgin though.

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Got a hug.
Got a kiss.
Got hit on multiple times recently.

Still 20y virgin. Haven't talked to a girl in 2 years but got hit on in a nightclub.

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posting about being a virgin in r9k about KHV's is not the same as having opportunities and blowing it you failed norman. Fuck off.

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It's hard being a failed normal fag. All men look at me like I'm gay or a total fucking weirdo.

When I tell them I'm a virgin they tell me well that explains everything.

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this tbqhwyf

Ive had women think I'm gay and had gay men hit on me reeeeeeeee

I only go Nightclubs because I get invited.

I get panic attacks in a nightclub. I feel so scared and when a girl approaches me its already too late. My mind tells me to run it's not safe here. Run run run run.

After 5 shots I'm unable to talk.

about 20-12% of the male population your age are vigins, calm down.

>26 y old male virgin
>Never hugged a girl
>never had a girlfriend
>Never kissed a girl
>Casual talking with girls is the maximum i got.

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How many of those 12-20% have had their dicks blown but didn't fuck? How many of them got to hold a girl even though they didn't fuck? How many got to kiss a girl even though they didn't fuck?

Come back when you are 25 and still KHV, like me, then we can talk.

it was worded as sexual contact

Damn that must really suck for you guys.

kissed a girl for the first time at 18

I'm a KHV, but i toom acting classes in a town an hour away a long while ago. Fun hobby more than anything else, and i had been going for a few years when this fun qt showed up. I wasn't even really trying to pick her up, i just showed her the ropes and tried to help out. We ended up getting along really well and at the end of that year she made it pretty fucking clear she was excited to see me again, she gave me one of those fake plastic roses before she left. In my shocked stupor we never shared contact info or anything, partly because i didn't even own a phone at the time.

Cut forward 2 weeks before classes start, car troubles, have to take it in. They have to wait for this part to ship, going to take ages. Have to cancel class.

She was excited to see me and i didn't fucking show up. I couldn't even let her know what was wrong. Last time i ever saw her.

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Do you even try to socialize? It's really not hard to fugg insecure thots.
> nightclub
Greentext this

This can't be unironically real. I refuse to believe.

Dosn't really matter to be honest. Does having your first kiss make you hotter? does losing your V-card make you hotter? No it does not. And let me tell you, kissing/making-out is nothing special, I wanted to vomit the last time I had a make-out session.

Really? 12-20% being KHHV would be surprising, but sex is very difficult to get for average/below average guys these days. You just have to be slightly introverted or mentally ill, along with being ugly and you're fucked for life if you're a guy.

not khhv, but without sexual contact

If it makes you feel any better, I'm 28 and I have never kissed.

The CDC also reports that virgins make up 12.3 percent of females and 14.3 percent of males aged 20 to 24. it depends on the source of course but 12-20% is a pretty reliable range

this origninally applies to you too

For me it was the other way around, I only knew 1 guy that kissed a girl, all my friends kissed a girl for the first time around the age of 22/23.
I'm a 38Kv and a know a 43y old KV

What's CDC? Are those numbers self reported?
read it for yourself, they are probably anonymously self-reported

I'm curious about what those numbers would look like in an updated report in 2018.

It only gets worse, OP. I'm 25 and the only sexual contact I've ever had was with hookers.

26 KHV, dont even bother it. I got bigger obstacles to overcome.

Don't worry
23 here, never held hands yet. Everything has its time

>getting invited to nightclubs.
>getting panic attacks in nightclubs.
normie who doesn't like loud noises.

Does it become easier or harder? I'm 10 years younger than you and for the last 2-3 years it has slowly became unbearable to see couples being touchy or stuff like this in public or on TV. I dream (daydreaming and at night) what it would be to hug someone or cuddle with someone almost daily. I feel like the thoughts slowly consume me and get more and more unbearable. I even feel like this starts to affect my job performance and other aspects of my life. I don't really know any way out. It is not a disease, so there is no medication. Dunno if drugs would help. I'm not even drinking, so I'd rather not go down that route.

why do you guy act like you cant do anything about this? you control how hopeless you really are.

What exactly is there to do about it?

I focus on my career and lifting. both of which can be rewarding and done alone. However, at the end of each day, there is this overwhelming sadness creeping up to me when I lay down in my bed, alone, wondering what it would be to share my life with someone.

How can someone lift and still be single.

Normies don't eat lunch alone during Uni break time.

You know how awkward it feels to eat food alone surrounded by people ill never know.

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why don't you talk to some people in your classes? or is your course just lectures.

I feel afraid.
Took me 3 months to talk to someone from my class. Took another 2 months to feel comfortable around them.

>eating alone surrounded by people you'll never know.
I know that feel, brother. I was just fucking with you about the normie shit.

>still be single
Head on over to > and you will see right away that lifting does not cure facial abnormalities or autism

well try to conquer you fear then, new year is coming up so you've got another oppertunity

What's the entire point of lifting then? One can lose weight by diet and build just enough muscles by simply being active.

>never even got a girl's number

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For me it's just one way of being active. I was underweight when I started and it helped me to gain weight and muscles. Running or swimming is nice as well, I just feel like for skinny guys, lifting is better. I initially started to fix my posture because combining work and my private life, I sit in front of a computer 14 hours a day and that started to fuck with my back in my later 20s.

How old are you? Is it that hard to meet a girl at that age?

I'm 28

I left school at 16, worked for a view years in a STEM field and then went to university to major in that particular field. You can imagine that I never had a lot of women around me to begin with. But as long as you are in school/uni, you meet new people, some of which are women or have female friends at least. Afterwards, if it is just work, you don't meet any in your daily life and it is kinda over. My department and the people I work with as a programmer on a daily basis are around 40 people, 3 women, all married and in their 30s. I don't like clubs, especially when I go alone, which I'd have to because my friends are in stable relationships and are not going to clubs like 18 yo's anymore.
I also have mixed feelings about traveling. I've been to some countries, but always traveled alone.

Regarding women, my life went like this:
> meet girl
> get to know her
> fall for her because she is actually a respectable human being
> try my best
> get rejected/realize she is not into me
> spent at least a year thinking about her daily and being depressed
> some more years later: meet someone new I like and the cycle repeats

One iteration of this takes up to a few years so the cycled repeated itself only 4 times so far in my life.

> Someone will now tell me that this is not how it is supposed to work and that I am a stupid fuck, but if we are real, falling in love four times is already unrealistic. If the word is supposed to hold any meaning, it ends after one person.

meant as a response to

im 22 kissles ,virgin you all are so based

Girls have crushed over me since Elementary school, usually two at a time. They soon discover there is little substance to my character and abandon all interest in me.
18 and a Kissless (not hugless) virgin btw.

>substance of character
I think you mean charisma and personality. I've had dozens of girls be physically attracted to me, but the instant they realize I'm just a nerd who can't hold a conversation to save my life they drop me right quick.

I'm almost 24 and i'm a KHV.

I've never even made the slightest attempt to change that tough.

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well anons, at least you don't have hiv

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r9gay would beg to differ.

user everyone looks down on you because they're jealous that their first kiss was with some whore that cheated on them. take your time, maybe you won't meet someone until your 30s, but don't stop trying, and that first kiss might actually mean something

I have my first kiss when I was _9 and lost my virginity when I was 13

And we have a woman in the thread. Quick boys put on your cool faces.

im 30yo perma-virgin that lives with his mommy and daddy, i dont like people though and i think most women are pieces of shit so i dont really want to have a gf either, i just come here to read funny threads.