Why do girls always pick the healer class?

Why do girls always pick the healer class?

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healer is actually a masculine role.

>he thinks they're girls
that's like only 10% at best

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Because healers are usually the classes that take the least ammount of skill

Because it probably seems easy to them.

maybe in WoW. in everquest you needed complete heal rotations on the main tank, and it needed to land every second because the raid boss would kill your main tank in full defensive gear/potions/spells in 3 attacks.

They don't. On the game I play, most of the healers are actually men.

That is not incompatible with what I said.
What class do women play in the game you play?

As a man I always pick a female character and go either melee or healer. Sup.

>Why do girls always pick the healer class?
They don't you fruitcake.

I've always liked playing a ranged class like an archer because I do great damage while not getting in the way.

I see women play ranged like myself or something like a rogue or assassin type. Most of the time, girls who play a healer just do it as a second class if it it's needed, but won st everyone does this and not only women.

Darn this auto correct blows.

In my experience girls split between healer and dd quite equally but I've never seen a female tank.

Maybe cause they wanna heal a big strong tank chad?

This is actually pretty true. I don't think I've ever seen one. I tried to make one, but I think it is one of the most stressful sounding classes because everyone is screwed if you die.

It's gonna be awhile before I can afford a PC. I'm going away from home for work and I have a decent phone. Is there any mobile mmos that allow me to be a heal slut?

After I get home and buy a rig I'll download an mmo to properly be the heal slut I was destined to be but for now I'm just kinda sad I can't be one right meow.

A girly (masculine) role?

It's a shame really
>tfw no tanking wife to support as her healer

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Because they want to ruin the game for everyone they play with.

To be a good healer in WoW is harder than dps by far, at least in vanilla not sure about current

isnt WoW raid healing just spamming heals on the tank? theres no coordination to conserve mana or anything.

i guess nowadays it is. it wasnt always so!

it's usually irritating gay faggots and trannies pretending to be women

>mained lancer tank in Tera as a high elf male
>legitimately enjoyed it
I don't mind playing tank as long as I have a reliable pocket healer

Current WoW is just spamming cause you never go oom but vanilla server i play you really have to focus on being efficient

i thought they always went jinx adc

yeah true, Vanilla WoW was a fun place. healers and dps often went OOM during fights.

except hunters, because you could feign death and eat food to restore mana. i played a huntard and warrior, playing Alterac Valley on orc huntar was good times.

>aimed shot, auto attack, multishot, auto attack, arcane shot

that full combo meant one dead alliance mage usually.

I've never really played an MMO but is the whole setup really as horribly boring as it sounds? One guy clicks on the monsters and takes all the attention, another guy clicks on the the monsters and doesn't really have to worry about anything other than bug numbers and a third person just stands around clicking on team mates?

Maybe because they are portrayed as healers in entertainment, media and culturally both socially and theologically? Maybe because it is more comforting to think of a girl ready to protect you when you get hurt but since she does not play a direct combat role she can remain beautiful looking and give you, the cis white male hero, motivation and validation?

yeah that's the brainlet explanation of it all

I have a platonic female friend that runs tanks in LoL, Overbab and FF Online

Do you want a real answer?

>implying it takes any brain to play MMOs

I don't think they do, Healing is masculine - doctors in real life are 80% men, woman are the passive shitty nurses.

>female support main insists on playing dps
>fill as support because no one else wants to

I'm female and main healers and tanks. I pick healer mainly because no one else ever does, and I don't want my team to lose. Probably has to do with a psychological motivation to serve and improve the community for the result of a guaranteed low-level reward. Maybe men choose non-healers because they are more likely to take risks as individuals because it yields a lower chance of a higher reward.

I'll be your healer if you will be my tank

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No, most people that run dps in spite of team composition are just idiots with a shallow understanding of strategy if any at all. There is nothing wrong with being a fillcuck- the more win screens you see the better no matter what really

Isn't that storm bolt nigger supposed to be choking on cocks? I just remember him talking about cocks and sucking them a few days ago

not playing the most fitting femine class, rogue
>dirty tricks
>running away and cheating

I legit loled, especially
>running away and cheating

I the healer character can be a man i preffer to be healer.

You are welcome, rogue is my fav class always
Also in WoW, combat stealth spell "vanish" made some lols as another woman-rogue joke (name of washing powder company or sth simillar)

>girls play videogames

this, why do people hate on healers?
if we weren't here you'd get fucked

my sides
This is appropriate on so many levels

>tfw enjoy the back row
>sit and bullshit around, people beg me to join if i'm even half competent

Being healer is /comfy/ yo.

Also this. Being thief/rogue class is feminine as fuck.

Ive never disrepsected a healer, and always /bow or give small present like booze or flower when they are solo ressurecting my lazy ass after wipe

You'll go oom in 1 minute if you just spam your heals in modern WoW, there's actually quite some coordination regarding mana management

All the girls I know pick burst damage kamikaze style

Because healers often have the most elegant or fancy looking gear and aesthetics can really make or break on your choice of class. It's the same as men, honestly.

they arent too difficult to gear up, they are easy to play so you dont need to devote too much attention and you are always wanted for parties. the free stuff doesnt hurt either

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I enjoy playing Medic.

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About 95% of the people that i know that main support roles are guys, myself included.

>what is anecdotal evidence
To be fair I don't think anybody has actually crunched numbers on female players who main healers

That's the thing, i think that the % of women that plays support roles is pretty similar to the % of men that play those roles, it's just that since less women play vidya, the numbers may seem to be bigger/smaller.

For example, i know about 20 people irl that play LoL, 3 of those are women and none of them mains support, so for me, 33% of female LoL players are ADC and 66% are mid. And at the same time, 100% of them likes to play support when they're just fucking around.
Same thing goes the other way around, if the majority of girls that you know play support roles, you're most likely going to think that most girls play support.

I had to be the healer all the fuckin time bc everyone is too pussy or cannot bounce around enough to make a difficult target. I had to manage my team in order to group up at the most effective time so i could heal all as a group, healer is a ver demanding role not for the feint of heart and it takes alot of order giving and call outs.

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Honestly? It's the easiest way to contribute without building any real skills. It's WAY easier to be an average healer (every girl) than it is to be an average Tank or DPS. Just press skill button on the low green bar.
>OMG such a good healer.

100% of the girls who play Heroes of the Storm at a "high level" are Support Mains.

OI mate if this is da truce,
>I would play deathnight.
>First make sure healaggro kills all of them
>solo rape 25 raidboss
>Quit dungeon after ninja loot
>Send my dyke in TS with timestamp
>play pvp and do da zame to noobs
But I don't play world of faggots anymore, so I don't give a fuag.