Be me

>be me
>out of shape
>decide I am tired of being not Jow Forums
>acquire job
>wake up early, run around the park 1-2km
>do some push-ups until too tired (12~15) twice
>squat occasionally
>3x abs excercised (hanging legs raise)
>3x chin ups until can't do anymore (6~8)
>3x pull ups, same as above
>jog home, go to work
>do this 4/5 days per week

Will I ever get shredded?
I feel like I am stagnating. Can't manage push past my limits either.

Attached: image.jpg (1080x1086, 172K)

>tfw I can hit 50 pushups in a set but can only go 2km straight with a light jog

Anyway, you're not gonna push past your limits with such an unstructured and inconsistent routine. At the very least, throw $100 on a pair of adjustable dumbbells, cop a cheap bench, and find an actual routine that you can use the DBs to progress linearly with.

do passive and active hangs, negatives, band supported pullups right after you knock out your regular ones

It really depends of your genetics... I got a friend who only did abs, push up and pull ups and he was super fit (and white)

Pretty much this, if you cut pretty hard you'd get shredded but look dyel mode and w/out any progressive overload it'd be hard to say.

Even when using progressive overload with bw exercises (pullups, archer pullups, l-sit pullups, muscle ups, etc.) weights are still superior to calisthenics for muscle building/aesthetics.

>unstructured and inconsistent routine

Teach me, oh wise Jow Forumsizen, for I try hard to be consistent in my routine. How do I become consistent? How do I acquire a structured WO?

It depends a lot on your genetics and your diet

Dunno man about genetics. Isn't that just a meme? Can't I get shredded? How about at least look good and athletic?

Read the sticky retard

Stay away from chin ups on a straight bar...horrible for your joints.